T-shirt sale


Randy Lahey 19274.7 127.2 5.48 5.70 7123 1817 386 24 381 794 97 91 30 1512.1 104 49 1728 1204 422 72 173
Yaz Cats 19217.7 38.9 5.53 5.62 7268 1841 370 27 388 795 98 99 30 1516.0 96 76 1746 1192 496 54 181
Wam Bam Goodbye Sam 17943.6 63.3 5.16 5.35 7191 1888 410 31 277 714 94 111 34 1505.2 81 61 1613 1292 442 75 167
Marcus Semien’s Day Off 17154.7 84 5.45 4.57 7281 1952 392 26 323 761 90 74 29 1437.2 43 73 1484 1303 482 42 210
Injured Pitchers Rehab Center 17096.9 -2.4 4.99 4.96 6933 1717 345 30 313 816 97 121 45 1503.1 60 70 1694 1330 538 67 192
Blotto Otto 16795.3 82.6 5.62 4.51 7139 1924 377 29 329 702 105 125 37 1385.2 85 25 1450 1280 494 64 197
Who's Your Papi? 16415.9 65 4.57 5.58 6753 1642 313 21 258 790 103 92 25 1387.0 74 85 1591 1143 432 65 159
Gas House Gorillas 16350.9 26.4 5.43 4.25 7281 1951 384 38 323 702 102 104 22 1364.1 60 37 1367 1215 474 50 224
Bloominati🌹 15595.8 31.6 5.17 4.74 5973 1510 309 27 248 751 73 78 23 1513.2 49 63 1614 1325 552 59 201
I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned 14085.1 41.7 5.35 5.32 5920 1615 313 30 206 565 77 168 41 1093.1 110 24 1122 927 368 46 123
The Infirmary 13594.6 54 5.30 4.83 6085 1566 322 22 266 742 61 70 25 1009.2 19 53 1098 855 379 58 127
Shohei Parlay 10894.1 52.9 4.69 4.56 4766 1229 255 14 194 505 69 48 15 956.2 50 35 955 852 333 47 135

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Shohei Parlay 52.9 404.2 1,898.7
Marcus Semien’s Day Off 84.0 629.6 2,628.3
Injured Pitchers Rehab Center 2.4 209.0 2,085.3
Randy Lahey 127.2 727.2 3,257.5
Who's Your Papi? 65.0 473.6 2,405.6
Wam Bam Goodbye Sam 63.3 557.5 2,800.7
Gas House Gorillas 26.4 663.4 2,669.5
Bloominati🌹 31.6 349.7 2,186.3
The Infirmary 54.0 307.8 2,228.7
Blotto Otto 82.6 590.5 2,706.0
Yaz Cats 38.9 739.3 3,298.3
I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned 41.7 367.3 1,993.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Shohei Parlay 121 100 74 132 120 151 590 104 956.2
Marcus Semien’s Day Off 162 162 162 161 162 162 808 162 1437.2
Injured Pitchers Rehab Center 162 162 162 151 162 162 810 162 1503.1
Randy Lahey 162 162 162 162 162 160 810 162 1512.1
Who's Your Papi? 162 162 156 156 152 151 803 158 1387.0
Wam Bam Goodbye Sam 162 161 157 161 155 159 804 157 1505.2
Gas House Gorillas 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1364.1
Bloominati🌹 130 131 133 144 135 140 689 128 1513.2
The Infirmary 162 132 138 148 148 146 622 148 1009.2
Blotto Otto 162 156 161 157 154 155 773 158 1385.2
Yaz Cats 162 162 161 161 162 162 804 162 1516.0
I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned 75 162 134 159 106 132 627 151 1093.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Shohei Parlay Lineups 122 101 74 133 121 152 594 105 962.1
Marcus Semien’s Day Off Lineups 163 163 163 162 163 163 813 163 1446.1
Injured Pitchers Rehab Center Lineups 163 163 163 152 163 163 815 163 1512.2
Randy Lahey Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 161 815 163 1521.2
Who's Your Papi? Lineups 163 163 157 157 153 152 808 159 1395.1
Wam Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 163 162 158 162 156 160 809 158 1515.0
Gas House Gorillas Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1372.2
Bloominati🌹 Lineups 131 132 134 145 136 141 693 129 1523.0
The Infirmary Lineups 163 133 139 149 149 147 626 149 1015.2
Blotto Otto Lineups 163 157 162 158 155 156 778 159 1394.0
Yaz Cats Lineups 163 163 162 162 163 163 809 163 1525.1
I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned Lineups 75 163 135 160 107 133 631 152 1100.0

  • Shohei Parlay
  • Marcus Semien’s Day Off
  • Injured Pitchers Rehab Center
  • Randy Lahey
  • Who's Your Papi?
  • Wam Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Gas House Gorillas
  • Bloominati🌹
  • The Infirmary
  • Blotto Otto
  • Yaz Cats
  • I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned


  • Shohei Parlay
  • Marcus Semien’s Day Off
  • Injured Pitchers Rehab Center
  • Randy Lahey
  • Who's Your Papi?
  • Wam Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Gas House Gorillas
  • Bloominati🌹
  • The Infirmary
  • Blotto Otto
  • Yaz Cats
  • I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned
