I think I'd vote to postpone also. We have no idea what the future holds and with no baseball until further notice while the world is collectively losing its mind. Anything could happen.
Not sure, MLB going to be delayed (Spring Training will announce today most likely), which gives us plenty of time to maybe get all involved if someone couldn't make tonight? Not sure what to think, i'm good either way with going tonight or suspending a couple more weeks until we know what is going on.
TBD on
March 12, 2020 2:43 PM
with the delayed opening to the season announced I am still assuming that we should draft tonight as planned.
Hi all we are ready to roll at 7 tonight, please let me know if there are any issues. Im guessing we are looking at 3 hours...maybe less...I feel like more players than usual were kept this year.
I set the date for the 12th at 7 pm. I can help people find proxies if they can’t make it. Sorry we couldn’t get everyone there but 10/12 seemed as good as we could do.
we are up to 10 on thursday march 12. that's what its starting to look like
hi folks, the most overlapping we do is 9 of us on thursday 3/12 and 9 of us on sunday 3/15...please take a look at those 2 dates and see if the 3 absentees can make those work, otherwise feel free to throw out suggestions
So it's two of Nimmo, Slapdick, and Kalle (whichever two aren't "Michael"). Get on the doodle, please, guys:
still missing 2 people in the poll
Hello everyone! Regarding the draft, if we end up needing to do it on a weekday, it would have to be soon for me. My hours at my job are changing and it will make it impossible for me to draft on weeknights but it's not clear yet when this change will happen. Weekends are greatly preferred but any time on either of those days will work for me. I'm excited to start, thanks for having me!
Happy to be here, folks. Experienced fantasy player but first time in a league such as this one. Looking forward to an active league!
Gosh, I guess I'll cut one of my SEVEN 1B...
doodle poll for the draft is incoming, i did weekends and weekdays in most of march. weekends with an early afternoon and evening time, weekdays with evenings. i know we have folks all over the place, so let me know if this poll is a disaster and youd like some times shifted around....if we have to push back to 8 pm or forward to 6 or whatever we will figure it out
Praise be to the commissioners and all who helped! Welcome new owners!
No Rounders! on
February 26, 2020 12:42 PM
Ruth be praised!
ALL TEAMS ARE ACTIVE AGAIN. If you're new, please make your cuts by the end of the month. I can get together a pool to schedule the draft within the next few days.
Looking forward to get going with this, thanks for allowing me to participate. Now the learning curve!
TBD on
February 24, 2020 5:01 PM
Welcome, Whammers!
No Rounders! on
February 24, 2020 4:45 PM
Got a taker for Dem Bums! Welcome Whammers!
posted in facebook again
he didnt want to do it anymore
i sent an email
I’ve got a prospect from the ‘available owners’ section of ottoneu. Their email is kem99@yahoo.com if someone wants to finish the recruitment process.
Any word on new owners? Looks like there might be a couple candidates in the 'available owners' section of ottoneu. Surprised nobody in the EW fantasy Facebook group was up for the challenge. Remains hard to sell newbies on ottoneu, despite the enjoyment once you sign on.
Any bites on the other two teams yet?
Yes available and bums. Xwobacon and slapdick are claimed
I can post in the EW Fantasy Think Tank as well. To confirm, Available Team and Dem Bums are the ones that I should list?
Slapdick is back in I'll add him back asap after work
Best bets to recruit new owners likely Facebook, Ottoneu Slack/Community. The Athletic just debuted a message board for this purpose as well.
I think it is pretty standard that step 1 is to make cuts to get your team into a valid state.
Can they make trades before penalty free cuts if their roster isn't valid?
No Rounders! on
February 11, 2020 11:44 AM
thats how ive done it previously, whoever wants in can pick which available team they want. also as a reminder new owners get to make penalty free cuts
I've got someone that I think is going to want in, but won't know for sure until tonight. Should I just show them all four teams and let them pick? New owners get free cuts, yes?
unfortunately i do not have their emails so there really isnt a way to check
Maybe they just forgot to pay? Are they definitely out?
slapdick and xwobacon also did not renew
If no one has posted on EW Facebook yet, I will rejoin the evil of Facebook just to do that. It's Available Team and Dem Bums that we need owners for?
its 4 not 6 but yeah not great
Those expired teams coming back? Can see filling 2 teams, 6 might be a stretch.
walker issue should be fixed
Was that waiver claim left in the hopper from the last game of the season?
No Rounders! on
February 10, 2020 11:05 AM
I'm not on Facebook anymore. Has anyone posted our available slots to the EW Group?
and now we have 4 expired teams....
I'll fix it first thing in the AM. We really need 2 new teams. I'll keep working on it but others need to as well.
Niv himself confused on slack. Commish can go in and undo the move.
How was there a waiver claim?
How was there a waiver claim?
Hardest decisions of my life. FWIW, I got almost the same eeaction when I dropped Webb and Albers in our first season.
Effectively Cutthroat: the keeper deadline even comes for legends such as Rich Hill and Willians Astudillo
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