T-shirt sale


Ohtani paid my league dues 6913.2 92 5.56 5.01 2692 729 152 18 107 301 40 56 22 579.2 41 13 640 514 211 26 71
Late To The Party 6764.5 -3.5 5.34 4.97 2552 675 130 10 115 327 29 34 11 587.0 24 15 646 535 206 21 67
High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁 6605.5 18.5 5.15 5.11 2627 653 141 12 120 309 36 59 22 564.2 8 29 626 440 202 22 72
Southern Comfort 6208.7 30.8 4.74 5.14 2519 609 127 10 108 300 43 20 5 549.1 43 12 576 467 183 23 67
Dirty Littell Secret 6144.8 42.3 5.33 4.92 2653 713 146 11 116 237 38 35 9 479.2 29 18 512 407 161 21 67
Sveet 6071.4 20.2 5.02 4.48 2567 640 114 13 116 276 45 40 10 568.2 13 22 556 494 204 23 78
Coming Down 6023.7 -6.4 5.16 4.35 2698 692 143 11 117 268 32 54 16 531.1 15 31 551 507 161 29 84
TTBNL 5911.5 62.1 4.58 5.03 2505 603 114 7 95 309 40 36 9 534.0 20 33 560 431 182 30 70
MakeitRayn 5908.0 79.3 4.71 4.65 2649 667 122 11 111 242 20 31 12 549.0 18 25 587 466 175 19 88
Willy Adames Never Molested Kids 5835.4 52 4.56 4.66 2429 595 104 8 101 285 37 22 10 570.0 3 14 618 500 171 24 80
And Here Come the Pretzels! 5723.8 42.4 4.84 4.19 2466 612 107 9 117 268 42 21 9 562.1 27 12 484 556 176 24 74
Henry Rowengarter est. 2015 4944.0 91.7 5.30 4.68 2181 542 106 6 105 299 35 49 9 361.1 30 18 391 315 152 24 52

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Southern Comfort 30.8 431.8 2,694.4
Sveet 20.2 614.7 3,063.9
Dirty Littell Secret 42.3 667.9 2,718.7
Willy Adames Never Molested Kids 52.0 719.5 2,815.2
Henry Rowengarter est. 2015 91.7 464.0 2,265.2
Coming Down 6.4 289.3 2,527.0
High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁 18.5 555.6 3,247.5
TTBNL 62.1 579.7 2,771.1
And Here Come the Pretzels! 42.4 542.0 2,671.9
MakeitRayn 79.3 595.5 2,989.3
Ohtani paid my league dues 92.0 692.5 3,358.5
Late To The Party 3.5 552.4 3,196.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Southern Comfort 60 60 56 61 60 59 298 60 549.1
Sveet 47 60 59 60 60 57 300 59 568.2
Dirty Littell Secret 60 60 60 60 57 60 292 61 479.2
Willy Adames Never Molested Kids 60 59 58 53 53 60 295 60 570.0
Henry Rowengarter est. 2015 45 60 44 58 42 58 265 42 361.1
Coming Down 60 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 531.1
High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁 60 60 61 61 61 60 300 60 564.2
TTBNL 60 61 54 60 60 59 291 59 534.0
And Here Come the Pretzels! 60 60 60 54 57 54 292 59 562.1
MakeitRayn 60 59 59 57 60 58 300 60 549.0
Ohtani paid my league dues 60 60 60 61 60 60 300 60 579.2
Late To The Party 60 60 60 60 61 60 299 60 587.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Southern Comfort Lineups 165 165 154 168 165 162 820 165 1511.2
Sveet Lineups 129 165 162 165 165 157 826 162 1564.2
Dirty Littell Secret Lineups 165 165 165 165 157 165 804 168 1320.0
Willy Adames Never Molested Kids Lineups 165 162 160 146 146 165 812 165 1568.1
Henry Rowengarter est. 2015 Lineups 124 165 121 160 116 160 729 116 994.1
Coming Down Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 826 165 1462.0
High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁 Lineups 165 165 168 168 168 165 826 165 1553.2
TTBNL Lineups 165 168 149 165 165 162 801 162 1469.1
And Here Come the Pretzels! Lineups 165 165 165 149 157 149 804 162 1547.1
MakeitRayn Lineups 165 162 162 157 165 160 826 165 1510.2
Ohtani paid my league dues Lineups 165 165 165 168 165 165 826 165 1595.0
Late To The Party Lineups 165 165 165 165 168 165 823 165 1615.1

  • Southern Comfort
  • Sveet
  • Dirty Littell Secret
  • Willy Adames Never Molested Kids
  • Henry Rowengarter est. 2015
  • Coming Down
  • High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁
  • And Here Come the Pretzels!
  • MakeitRayn
  • Ohtani paid my league dues
  • Late To The Party


  • Southern Comfort
  • Sveet
  • Dirty Littell Secret
  • Willy Adames Never Molested Kids
  • Henry Rowengarter est. 2015
  • Coming Down
  • High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁
  • And Here Come the Pretzels!
  • MakeitRayn
  • Ohtani paid my league dues
  • Late To The Party
