T-shirt sale


MakeitRayn 18926.7 193.3 5.71 5.24 7315 1978 384 39 351 791 63 80 37 1512.0 116 37 1733 1339 434 57 204
Southern Comfort 18709.8 37.2 5.71 5.25 7053 1929 391 27 332 840 68 89 25 1471.1 66 71 1543 1299 465 56 156
Willy Adames Never Molested Kids 18604.7 158 5.93 4.96 6962 1848 398 37 378 855 76 101 33 1494.0 61 80 1424 1343 466 51 169
Late To The Party 18126.8 19 5.72 5.16 7156 1955 390 43 325 745 78 144 43 1410.2 114 42 1451 1242 497 61 154
Coming Down 17510.4 58.1 5.43 4.75 7407 2010 402 27 303 718 74 128 48 1476.2 111 39 1471 1354 496 59 194
Ohtani paid my league dues 17218.5 25.2 5.43 4.58 7223 1948 382 38 317 704 49 137 47 1493.2 88 63 1474 1382 555 57 197
TTBNL 16189.3 65.5 5.03 4.82 6765 1765 356 34 292 663 61 99 45 1424.1 79 75 1491 1283 485 46 197
Sveet 15567.7 72.8 5.04 4.18 6608 1761 351 20 264 723 92 114 43 1473.1 69 62 1337 1392 479 54 227
And Here Come the Pretzels! 15365.8 92.2 5.44 4.98 6609 1745 349 31 288 718 99 105 42 1159.2 81 60 1222 1046 384 60 150
High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁 15271.8 50.1 4.70 4.68 6620 1682 340 29 246 678 63 144 39 1415.0 28 89 1394 1286 430 42 193
Henry Rowengarter est. 2015 14838.1 8.8 4.84 4.38 5993 1540 272 30 248 686 56 116 44 1503.2 43 64 1507 1477 513 60 200
Dirty Littell Secret 11385.3 14.7 4.79 4.14 5466 1437 277 43 186 487 72 143 41 1007.0 38 60 888 965 381 45 138

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Southern Comfort 37.2 480.9 2,705.6
Sveet 72.8 437.5 2,256.7
Dirty Littell Secret 14.7 388.2 1,729.7
Willy Adames Never Molested Kids 158.0 685.6 3,378.4
Henry Rowengarter est. 2015 8.8 251.7 1,220.9
Coming Down 58.1 476.2 2,261.0
High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁 50.1 448.0 2,719.1
TTBNL 65.5 369.9 2,401.6
And Here Come the Pretzels! 92.2 536.7 2,171.8
MakeitRayn 193.3 870.5 3,236.7
Ohtani paid my league dues 25.2 434.1 2,567.7
Late To The Party 19.0 505.1 2,819.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Southern Comfort 162 162 162 162 162 162 790 162 1471.1
Sveet 162 161 142 159 156 149 781 157 1473.1
Dirty Littell Secret 162 156 123 135 154 24 629 124 1007.0
Willy Adames Never Molested Kids 156 162 153 149 158 151 802 156 1494.0
Henry Rowengarter est. 2015 162 162 125 159 148 154 646 148 1503.2
Coming Down 162 162 161 152 162 162 810 162 1476.2
High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁 144 149 155 162 162 146 777 146 1415.0
TTBNL 147 162 162 155 151 156 764 155 1424.1
And Here Come the Pretzels! 143 139 159 147 141 156 725 154 1159.2
MakeitRayn 162 161 157 159 160 160 810 160 1512.0
Ohtani paid my league dues 162 160 156 150 152 162 808 161 1493.2
Late To The Party 146 160 161 156 157 162 803 152 1410.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Southern Comfort Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 795 163 1480.1
Sveet Lineups 163 162 143 160 157 150 786 158 1482.1
Dirty Littell Secret Lineups 163 157 124 136 155 24 633 125 1013.0
Willy Adames Never Molested Kids Lineups 157 163 154 150 159 152 807 157 1503.0
Henry Rowengarter est. 2015 Lineups 163 163 126 160 149 155 650 149 1513.0
Coming Down Lineups 163 163 162 153 163 163 815 163 1485.2
High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁 Lineups 145 150 156 163 163 147 782 147 1423.2
TTBNL Lineups 148 163 163 156 152 157 769 156 1433.0
And Here Come the Pretzels! Lineups 144 140 160 148 142 157 730 155 1166.2
MakeitRayn Lineups 163 162 158 160 161 161 815 161 1521.1
Ohtani paid my league dues Lineups 163 161 157 151 153 163 813 162 1502.2
Late To The Party Lineups 147 161 162 157 158 163 808 153 1419.1

  • Southern Comfort
  • Sveet
  • Dirty Littell Secret
  • Willy Adames Never Molested Kids
  • Henry Rowengarter est. 2015
  • Coming Down
  • High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁
  • And Here Come the Pretzels!
  • MakeitRayn
  • Ohtani paid my league dues
  • Late To The Party


  • Southern Comfort
  • Sveet
  • Dirty Littell Secret
  • Willy Adames Never Molested Kids
  • Henry Rowengarter est. 2015
  • Coming Down
  • High motor gym rats 🧀🐀🐁
  • And Here Come the Pretzels!
  • MakeitRayn
  • Ohtani paid my league dues
  • Late To The Party
