I’ll second (or third/fourth) everybody else here in saying I see no reason you shouldn’t be allowed to stay and I wouldn’t feel its too unfair of an advtange at all
And i agree no big deal, any inside knowledge will likely be about players on a roster already, so we'd be weary of any trade offers you send.....and We just have to bid up your nominations.
were they all from sandy?
Partially, yes. I did a podcast and Twitter to help me land a job and get my foot in the door. Now that I’m starting to get my entire leg in the door, I don’t really need that stuff anymore. Plus I was getting at least 10-15 messages and replies daily from some of the most annoying people on earth
Is that also why you deactivated on Twitter? I enjoyed your takes, sad to see em go.
Jhost/ynxon on
September 25, 2023 2:27 PM
@KK2HOF Only if you share Rays secrets with us lol. Just kidding. I personally have zero issue with it, and hope you do stay. Also, your honesty is appreciated. As always, Go Rays!
Okay cool! I’d be happy to stay, I just wanted to be up-front about it — especially with how I inherited my team here in the first place. If everyone is okay with me sticking around, I will. Baseball is still played on the field and not on some team’s internal database
Yeah I personally don't have an issue if you want to play again. Maybe someone can convince me otherwise, but I'm not sure how easy it'd be to exploit insider knowledge in this particular format.
September 25, 2023 12:22 PM
If you feel too conflicted to participate, that's between you and your God. But if you're curious if we'd feel it was unfair, speaking for myself, I don't mind in the slightest if you stay on.
Jhost/ynxon on
September 25, 2023 12:15 PM
Hey guys. As I mentioned before, I started working for the Rays back in March. Going into next season, the role I’d be in would come with access to some private info that would absolutely influence my decisions here in fantasy baseball. I don’t think it would be fair if I continued to do this, but thanks for having me! It was fun and you’re all really smart
everything is legal. There is no payout, so just dont be a dick and have two teams or buy players via venmo.
MakeitRayn on
April 24, 2023 11:57 PM
I thought trading cap for player was legal?
Is it against the rules? Okay then.
Okay, that makes it easier. I’ll cancel. Especially since it’s Comish involved in the trade I’d rather weigh well on the side of caution then if it was non.
But now that the topic is up and for future reference: I am curious, what are this leagues thoughts on a cash consideration type deal?
I actually meant to counter with Vargas instead of Aranda. I must not have clicked his name before I clicked send.
The current trade was a counter proposed to me for cap space relief. I do not know if it is kosher or a faux pas in this league for cash considerations type trades. If folks have a problem with it though, I will be more than happy to cancel it, as I do not want to leave anybody sour.
Yea that's awesome
Thanks for sharing KKHOF. That’s an amazing accomplishment, and congratulations on the new job. Go Rays!
Hi KK/Ben, that's super cool. Thanks for sharing with us, in the interest of how the previous owner(s) left the league. But I would never hold it against you that you are smart enough to get hired by any club let alone our Rays, and I'll just view that as you being a tougher opponent. Good luck to you in your debut season in this league and with the team, and Go Rays!
Jhost/ynxon on
March 26, 2023 2:10 PM
Congrats, Ben! That's really awesome.
I haven't been telling people about this new job because my supervisor knows I do a podcast/write and post about numbers on Twitter and he's totally fine with it (just can't share details about my job or what data I encounter), but I just don't want to push anything so it's easier to keep quiet about all of it
Hey so just for full transparency, I have accepted a job working for the Rays in baseball operations. I'll be doing tech stuff with their biometric and pitch tracking software. They've asked me not to share details about the things they use and their processes, but all the data I'll be seeing is publicly available in some capacity. I just wanted to let you guys know so you don't think later on that I have super top secret access to some database or anything that I could be using to my advantage
How many more acl tears will I get this spring training
The baby already has a good sense of timing and the importance of fantasy baseball!
baby is not coming yet crisis averted
Draft day!
Don’t forget the draft is this coming Monday at 7:30 pm EST.
K/BB not what I put. Also it's head to head weekly with daily transactions and lineups.
Also related to Fatnasty, we might have a team opening up this year so message me if you are interested. $20, full payout to top 3, 14-team, R/RBI/SB/OBP/TB/HR/W+QS/Sv+Hd/K-BB%/ERA/WHIP/K, fairly standard otherwise and we play at Fantrax. I nominate Rowengartner due to how he was cheated in this league, but happy to take a few names if this goes as I expect. As others here can vouch, this is a great league that stays competitive down to the wire. Message with any questions
Happy to fill out Doodle today but I can't find access to my team.
Coming Down on
February 13, 2023 11:40 AM
For those who also play in Fatnasty and have not filled out the Doodle yet: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/eZ8oB58b
Draft Date is Set! Monday, March 20th at 7:30PM EST
If we are all set in the lobby early, we can start early. 7:30PM is the drop dead start though, so if you aren't ready by then, the draft proceeds regardless. Have a good Spring Training, everybody!
Every year I ask for it to start as early as possible and in the end I'm flexible with whatever the group does based on the doodle. One hour later is one less hour of sleep for me during the work week. So no, please do not 'push' the draft later if the earlier time works.
Jhost/ynxon on
February 6, 2023 3:37 PM
Why not push it until 8pm? I only see one conflict at 8pm and that person says they can draft at 7pm. Which is confusing because the draft will last more than an hour so not sure how that works how one would work for them but not the other
Sveet on
February 6, 2023 12:01 PM
No I'm in Portugal, and I realized the discrepancy is with daylight savings time. Carry on.
Jhost/ynxon on
February 5, 2023 7:29 PM
The time in Doodle polls autocorrects, so for me the "most popular" time is March 20th between 4-5PM PST (7-8PM EST). Are you in Central time?
If I'm reading it correctly, you mean 6-7 PM on that date.
Jhost/ynxon on
February 5, 2023 2:44 PM
Doodle Poll still live, still waiting to hear from last 2-3 folks: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/bk2XY1Xa/vote
So far it's looking like Monday March 20th, start time between 7-8PM EST is the most popular vote getter with everybody who has responded being able to attend. I'm the only person who might not be able to make that work (I might be able to), but I also have the least money anyway so if I have to miss the beginning no prob since I can't afford the players anyway.
For those who are curious: https://ibb.co/VT3BShk
Hope for your sake that fatherhood is not just like riding a bike
Jhost/ynxon on
February 2, 2023 2:01 PM
Hire a doula and get the epidural. Plenty of time to draft.
MakeitRayn on
February 2, 2023 12:44 PM
Missed the draft last season and finished 2nd. Do not engage in the fantasy draft if you’re at the hospital haha. You’ll be alright.
Hey honey, I can't spend time with you or the baby right now. I have a fantasy draft
Sveet on
February 2, 2023 10:04 AM
Hospitals have wi-fi, usually.
im taking advice from pros about it thanks guys. i just know one of my three drafts will be interrupted by a hospital run, i just know it
Don't take advice about kids from people whose only experience is reading about it in a book.
24 hours sounds great. If someone is going to object it'll probably be right away. Not that anyone ever votes for/against trades here anyway.
February 1, 2023 5:55 PM
Happy with the change to 24 hour for trade processing. Congrats on the baby!
Congrats Brutha
Sveet on
February 1, 2023 4:59 PM
all newborns do is sleep and nurse, it's not an excuse
Jhost/ynxon on
February 1, 2023 4:55 PM
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