T-shirt sale


TTBNL 19803.0 9.3 5.87 5.63 7203 1990 413 43 335 771 89 160 42 1509.1 99 62 1681 1276 405 53 169
Rose in the Front 🌹 19000.0 6.5 5.79 5.10 7275 1931 402 32 343 887 111 122 35 1522.0 82 78 1811 1335 437 70 232
The Syndicate 💣 18474.1 55.9 5.59 5.07 7491 1971 437 40 361 678 66 164 49 1506.2 160 8 1653 1403 436 51 207
Koufax Curveballs 18289.3 2.6 5.91 4.70 7064 1942 459 36 328 792 92 90 29 1513.1 38 56 1578 1304 524 56 205
Skubal Do-Baddoo 17810.6 59.4 5.70 4.75 7198 1885 412 48 360 745 76 93 27 1480.0 48 86 1680 1339 506 72 215
Caimans 🐊 16546.7 97.4 5.15 4.89 6653 1778 361 27 288 625 95 88 34 1453.1 79 40 1601 1248 476 51 210
Asheville Tourists 15979.5 102.3 5.94 3.95 6620 1783 357 25 374 769 94 86 31 1329.2 60 59 1315 1297 531 59 212
Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️ 15755.0 77.1 5.63 4.89 6473 1700 365 33 317 700 85 91 31 1234.1 80 32 1460 1115 393 34 192
Hungry Hungry Homers 15494.3 46.4 5.48 4.22 6808 1807 347 38 326 733 91 97 45 1272.1 42 90 1343 1156 462 53 224
Little Red Birds 14427.6 56.4 5.12 4.09 6383 1654 350 26 296 651 61 63 24 1322.2 8 48 1229 1223 490 42 186
Eckfords ⚾ 14317.1 22.2 5.05 4.20 6510 1652 320 27 301 655 90 71 35 1284.1 41 63 1311 1254 427 63 200
Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝 14297.2 95.2 5.41 4.58 6468 1759 309 22 308 610 60 61 31 1082.0 83 29 1053 1043 375 42 140

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
TTBNL 9.3 231.6 2,493.5
The Syndicate 💣 55.9 350.0 2,980.5
Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️ 77.1 553.9 2,290.4
Eckfords ⚾ 22.2 462.3 2,015.8
Koufax Curveballs 2.6 301.4 2,315.6
Skubal Do-Baddoo 59.4 528.0 2,521.2
Asheville Tourists 102.3 539.9 2,561.4
Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝 95.2 392.0 1,997.4
Rose in the Front 🌹 6.5 609.4 2,933.0
Little Red Birds 56.4 358.5 2,032.3
Hungry Hungry Homers 46.4 263.4 2,168.9
Caimans 🐊 97.4 634.1 2,845.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
TTBNL 155 158 162 157 160 163 810 160 1509.1
The Syndicate 💣 162 162 162 162 162 162 804 162 1506.2
Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️ 55 147 152 162 155 160 752 143 1234.1
Eckfords ⚾ 162 129 155 123 161 150 736 151 1284.1
Koufax Curveballs 151 162 149 152 146 160 810 162 1513.1
Skubal Do-Baddoo 138 159 149 162 162 149 810 161 1480.0
Asheville Tourists 128 162 147 160 162 160 723 162 1329.2
Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝 152 161 148 137 156 159 672 141 1082.0
Rose in the Front 🌹 162 162 162 162 162 161 809 162 1522.0
Little Red Birds 162 150 146 161 149 138 698 158 1322.2
Hungry Hungry Homers 162 162 153 162 162 147 739 161 1272.1
Caimans 🐊 162 151 154 143 156 150 772 147 1453.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
TTBNL Lineups 156 159 163 158 161 164 815 161 1519.1
The Syndicate 💣 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 809 163 1516.1
Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️ Lineups 55 148 153 163 156 161 757 144 1242.1
Eckfords ⚾ Lineups 163 130 156 124 162 151 741 152 1292.2
Koufax Curveballs Lineups 152 163 150 153 147 161 815 163 1523.1
Skubal Do-Baddoo Lineups 139 160 150 163 163 150 815 162 1489.2
Asheville Tourists Lineups 129 163 148 161 163 161 728 163 1338.1
Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝 Lineups 153 162 149 138 157 160 676 142 1089.0
Rose in the Front 🌹 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 162 814 163 1532.0
Little Red Birds Lineups 163 151 147 162 150 139 703 159 1331.1
Hungry Hungry Homers Lineups 163 163 154 163 163 148 744 162 1280.2
Caimans 🐊 Lineups 163 152 155 144 157 151 777 148 1462.2

  • The Syndicate 💣
  • Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️
  • Eckfords ⚾
  • Koufax Curveballs
  • Skubal Do-Baddoo
  • Asheville Tourists
  • Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝
  • Rose in the Front 🌹
  • Little Red Birds
  • Hungry Hungry Homers
  • Caimans 🐊


  • The Syndicate 💣
  • Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️
  • Eckfords ⚾
  • Koufax Curveballs
  • Skubal Do-Baddoo
  • Asheville Tourists
  • Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝
  • Rose in the Front 🌹
  • Little Red Birds
  • Hungry Hungry Homers
  • Caimans 🐊
