T-shirt sale


TTBNL 20145.1 83.8 5.64 6.11 7346 2051 437 36 282 771 70 123 43 1512.2 225 1 1634 1283 421 49 130
Asheville Tourists 19373.3 141.8 5.21 6.13 7388 2053 410 32 220 734 67 130 44 1515.2 154 39 1514 1296 353 30 110
Skubal Do-Baddoo 18429.5 158 5.22 5.80 7344 1976 388 35 248 735 102 144 57 1453.2 121 51 1434 1207 439 54 113
Eckfords ⚾ 17272.9 21.9 4.70 5.68 7123 1883 380 50 220 577 57 106 39 1480.0 94 75 1461 1323 392 46 121
The Syndicate 💣 16548.2 45.6 4.70 5.10 7172 1881 389 44 203 640 62 140 48 1502.0 97 40 1326 1366 434 54 141
Hungry Hungry Homers 16464.4 52.5 4.76 5.59 7062 1824 360 32 207 792 94 92 33 1324.1 69 65 1392 1197 380 41 115
Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️ 15656.8 71.9 4.74 4.77 6725 1776 361 30 230 640 64 74 28 1441.1 35 94 1214 1327 464 58 142
Little Red Birds 13192.5 129.8 4.55 4.87 6344 1589 325 29 229 591 52 108 42 1100.0 9 46 918 1022 318 46 89
Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝 12471.5 44 4.58 4.29 5515 1471 314 23 171 465 63 99 24 1257.1 10 34 1047 1256 369 48 136
Koufax Curveballs 11286.0 0.3 4.14 4.91 6236 1611 320 48 131 448 38 200 68 899.0 18 84 804 853 328 27 80
Rose in the Front 🌹 10646.3 9 3.90 5.04 4755 1191 210 24 129 396 42 74 27 1064.1 1 11 977 929 308 21 88
Caimans 🐊 9457.9 73.1 4.30 5.13 4053 1004 197 16 135 350 44 101 40 915.2 57 52 836 829 336 41 78

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
TTBNL 83.8 706.3 3,297.2
The Syndicate 💣 45.6 451.7 2,455.0
Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️ 71.9 583.6 2,434.7
Eckfords ⚾ 21.9 556.6 2,651.6
Koufax Curveballs 0.3 325.8 1,725.0
Skubal Do-Baddoo 158.0 652.3 3,205.0
Asheville Tourists 141.8 693.1 3,253.4
Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝 44.0 366.0 1,641.0
Rose in the Front 🌹 9.0 302.0 1,743.0
Little Red Birds 129.8 365.9 2,103.8
Hungry Hungry Homers 52.5 446.5 1,999.5
Caimans 🐊 73.1 338.9 1,319.5

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
TTBNL 164 162 156 160 159 162 810 161 1512.2
The Syndicate 💣 157 162 162 160 160 162 765 162 1502.0
Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️ 163 163 153 138 146 154 774 160 1441.1
Eckfords ⚾ 159 162 162 162 154 149 781 157 1480.0
Koufax Curveballs 142 137 154 151 158 153 629 134 899.1
Skubal Do-Baddoo 163 163 157 155 156 163 798 161 1453.2
Asheville Tourists 163 163 163 161 162 162 797 163 1515.2
Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝 27 101 150 159 99 147 728 135 1257.1
Rose in the Front 🌹 85 153 104 134 119 163 438 149 1070.0
Little Red Birds 163 123 119 156 134 123 749 154 1100.0
Hungry Hungry Homers 162 155 162 158 158 161 792 158 1324.1
Caimans 🐊 135 127 134 128 87 101 308 88 915.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
TTBNL Lineups 165 163 157 161 160 163 815 162 1522.0
The Syndicate 💣 Lineups 158 163 163 161 161 163 770 163 1511.0
Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️ Lineups 164 164 154 139 147 155 779 161 1450.0
Eckfords ⚾ Lineups 160 163 163 163 155 150 786 158 1489.0
Koufax Curveballs Lineups 143 138 155 152 159 154 633 135 904.2
Skubal Do-Baddoo Lineups 164 164 158 156 157 164 803 162 1462.2
Asheville Tourists Lineups 164 164 164 162 163 163 802 164 1525.0
Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝 Lineups 27 102 151 160 100 148 733 136 1265.0
Rose in the Front 🌹 Lineups 86 154 105 135 120 164 441 150 1076.1
Little Red Birds Lineups 164 124 120 157 135 124 754 155 1106.2
Hungry Hungry Homers Lineups 163 156 163 159 159 162 797 159 1332.1
Caimans 🐊 Lineups 136 128 135 129 88 102 310 89 921.1

  • The Syndicate 💣
  • Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️
  • Eckfords ⚾
  • Koufax Curveballs
  • Skubal Do-Baddoo
  • Asheville Tourists
  • Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝
  • Rose in the Front 🌹
  • Little Red Birds
  • Hungry Hungry Homers
  • Caimans 🐊


  • The Syndicate 💣
  • Sunflower Seed Finger ☝️
  • Eckfords ⚾
  • Koufax Curveballs
  • Skubal Do-Baddoo
  • Asheville Tourists
  • Chattanooga Ringtails 🦝
  • Rose in the Front 🌹
  • Little Red Birds
  • Hungry Hungry Homers
  • Caimans 🐊
