When*I read
I snorted out loud she I read "thank you for your service". Hilarious.
Hey powers I know the rules. I asked a question that's all. Rule #1 unless you are a perfect human being stfu. Are you perfect kenny?
The Harvest on
March 30, 2019 8:03 PM
Step 1 for being a stickler for the rules: Read the fucking rules
I'm confused. Nobody is in an illegal state right now. The reason some teams (mine included) have over 40 is that players on the 60 day IL do not count against the roster slot limit. When they become active, the team will need to cut down. This is totally normal and within the rules.
Thank you for your service
Not obsessed. Based on your track record in this league have to monitor your team.
The Harvest on
March 30, 2019 3:46 PM
4 teams have over 40 players. Why are you so obsessed with me?
Verlander has been over 40 players for 2 days now. Commish is this allowed?
The Harvest on
March 30, 2019 3:07 PM
The Mighty Steeds's trade block has been updated!
Play ball!
Happy (real) opening day everybody! May the best team win!!
Hittin Ugly Finders 's trade block has been updated!
HUF! on
March 21, 2019 8:53 PM
Isolated Kenny Powers's trade block has been updated!
Hell's Replacement Players's trade block has been updated!
Verlander? I Hardly Know Her!'s trade block has been updated!
What is the deadline for verlander to get back to 40 players?
The Harvest on
March 16, 2019 7:27 PM
WTF's trade block has been updated!
Houston Astros's trade block has been updated!
The Harvest on
March 15, 2019 3:40 PM
Again, he has a right to bid on anybody. He cut his roster to a legal limit. I was the one who started the auctions and came in second place and I have no issues with it.
He has every right to fill out his roster, man. The cap penalty rule is the check/balance and he's paying the price. Games start in five days. I'm sure there's ample opportunity for him to make his roster right.
Guys this will be my only message I promise. Just would like an explanation why verlander bud on another players? Some are at $4? Did I miss something after he was warned?
The Harvest on
March 15, 2019 9:57 AM
Hell's Replacement Players's trade block has been updated!
Thanks for getting legal so quickly, Verlander.
You’re right about some of your points though Astros, I bid high and planned to pick and choose who to keep. Had the flexibility to even use cap hits if needed. Really was pretty sloppy in my execution, nominated way too many guys and that just backfired on me costing a nice chunk of my cap.
Trading from the excess isn’t even an option, Ottoneu doesn’t allow you to make trades, set lineups or do anything if your roster is in an invalid state. Whole point was to fill my roster for opening day.
Why didn’t I drop until I was “forced”? I always planned to make necessary cuts after the auctions. This morning was the first time I had been on since I went over. It was like 12 hours after the fact that I made cuts. I am the guy who literally forgot and missed the auction, 12 hour turnaround is not too shabby.
Honestly wasnt trying anything too clever. The winning bidder wins for $1 higher than whatever someone else was willing to pay, and then that’s cut in half so it’s not raising the price of anyone. For the guys who should be a $1, they’ll still be a $1.
CE the players go to waivers not rebid. Look under players/waivers big difference
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 3:38 PM
Look, Astros, my patience is wearing thin. If there is continued complaining on the message board I will reach out to Niv to get your money back for the season and remove you from the league. I have had to do that once before, but it is a last resort. Other teams have been messaging me asking me to make you stop. I tried ignoring you, but the fact that you have posted 40 plus messages on the board in the past 24 hours plus countless direct messages is absurd. Please move on. Thank you - Steve
CE- the players he drops go to waivers and have minimum bids- so for example Lou Truvino is $5 minimum because he waived him. You cannot renominate these players. So verlander set the bar for all players he dropped. Totally unacceptable what he did. Like I said he bid on 60 players and half we after he had 40 player max. To not think he wasn’t trying to bid on as many Players and only waiver them after he was told to. He hurt 11 owners here and he should have additional penalty his actio
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 3:37 PM
The cost would be 4 to him. If he cuts, I can restart the auction for 2. I was already prepared to pay 3, so him going over me isnt giving anyone an advantage... in my opinion.
Houston, can you elaborate on how Verlander adding players increases the price for the rest of us? My thoughts are that if he opened 30 auctions, and bid more than a dollar, he is risking his cap space and roster slots. If he cuts them, the cap hit is bigger. Yes, that player would be more expensive if someone else starts an auction on them later, but the only cases that would happen are if somebody else bid on the player also. If I am interested a player he put up, and i bid 3 and he bids 100..
Sorry, my last message was posted late, I didnt see new responses, including Verlanders.
Good point, guys. I am fine with the auctions going through, as long as he gets legal soon
Verlander also had $2~6 bids on most of his players. If he knew he went overboard why didn’t he have $1 bids? His intentions were malicious. He also kept nominating players after he had 60 players. Why do that? Well so he could pick and chose who he wanted to keep. Pretty sleazy verlander.
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 1:02 PM
Dont believe verlander. Why didnt you drop the players until the commish forced you? Your actions indicate your were going to hold onto them and make trades. 80 players is excessive and I understand u are a veteran in ottoneu. You now drove up prices of players you dropped. Pretty crappy way and no consideration of the results .
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 12:57 PM
Yep, definitely went overboard on putting guys up for bid lol but was just trying to fill the roster out. No malicious intent
It's his cap space. If he wants to burn it this way, that's his prerogative, so long as his roster is kept in good standing.
We never heard from verlander on his sad stunt he tried to pull on the other owners. Now we have to pay minimums for players that should be $1
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 12:46 PM
Thanks Verlander. I can feel the tension in the league slowly dwindling.
Verlander? I Hardly Know Her!'s trade block has been updated!
All set
Yep, actually agree with hells. Painful lesson to learn but that is the rule in ottoneau
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 11:30 AM
Hold on there. Click the auction button, you pay the price. Best thing anyone can do with a looming, potentially unwanted, auction is to set the bid to a buck and cross your fingers someone else takes the player. Otherwise, the player will have to be acquired and then kept or dropped at the appropriate price points. The rule on cap penalties is clear for dropped players. This needs to be factored into every auction one starts.
Cool, it sounds like we have some agreement. 50, are you able to see who started the auctions currently running? I imagine its Verlander going all in with this strategy. Can you stop the new ones?
Thank you, commish.
I sent an message to him asking to cut down to his limit by midnight. He hasn't been on today, so it is most likely that he has other things going on. I have been in leagues with him in the past and have never had issues, for what that is worth.
Yes bud reasonable
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 10:20 AM
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