Hold on there. Click the auction button, you pay the price. Best thing anyone can do with a looming, potentially unwanted, auction is to set the bid to a buck and cross your fingers someone else takes the player. Otherwise, the player will have to be acquired and then kept or dropped at the appropriate price points. The rule on cap penalties is clear for dropped players. This needs to be factored into every auction one starts.
Cool, it sounds like we have some agreement. 50, are you able to see who started the auctions currently running? I imagine its Verlander going all in with this strategy. Can you stop the new ones?
Thank you, commish.
I sent an message to him asking to cut down to his limit by midnight. He hasn't been on today, so it is most likely that he has other things going on. I have been in leagues with him in the past and have never had issues, for what that is worth.
Yes bud reasonable
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 10:20 AM
Does anyone have contact with the owner in question outside of the league? I know he said he's been very busy lately, and so perhaps isn't watching as actively as, say, I am.
Houston, does that seem reasonable?
Agree last 40 should be dropped whomever they are. He now knows how all of us evaluate players and the price we want pay for them.
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 10:12 AM
I think he should need to be legal within 24 hours (or something reasonable) or the last 40+ players should be dropped.
This is another ottoneu rule that is open to some league interpretation and I agree that it should not go unenforced.
And, as we did with Houston in the draft (by warning him to not miss another nomination), this conversation should be considered a warning to him to cut it out and get legal.
The commish should rescind all these bids. A person who.does this knows exactly what he is doing.
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 10:03 AM
The biggest advantage he has if he does not get legal soon is he is locking interesting fringe guys out of the universe during the most crucial point in most of their seasons- spring training. He is able to learn more about each of their role for the season each passing day. He potentially is able to add more closers (and for less) because when the auctions started there was more uncertainty and the rest of us bid accordingly. He would be making a more informed choice in who to keep.
I think he should not be allowed to bid on any more players. He has 80 players now double the limit. We now have to pay his price when he cuts them to claim them. Not fair.
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 10:00 AM
I tend to agree with Astros on this, in so far as this is a form of roster abuse. Though I doubt it's done as a strategy or to game us. Verlander us going to burn his entire cap just in drop penalties. I believe he won't be able to set up lineups until his roster is cleaned up, amiright?
I think most likely he was unaware of the rule and was looking for any way to get to a competitive state before the season starts. He gained a lot of information by doing this, he knows who bid on whom and for how much. He also could be hoping to free up players on our rosters by bringing up prospects for auction. I made a lot of bids, and ended up in an illegal state. That made me cut a player I would have rostered until at least April. Although, I'm not sure why I was holding $6 Avisial Garcia
You bring up a few good points. He should not be intentionally going over 40. That would be similar to intentionally missing nominations to gain a perceived advantage. Of course, he could be unaware of that rule or have made a mistake. Maybe he thought he wouldn't get so many of them.
There are checks in the system for this type of manipulation. He wont be able to bid on any of his cut players for 30 days, and of course will have a huge amount of cap hits.
You guys dont realize that what verlander is doing will hurt all of us. He will have to drop 30 of his 70 players for the price he paid for each player so you would be able to bid $1 on any players he paid more than $1. I know we had issues with musicals is disagreeing but how is this cool? He knows he can only have 40 and dont think he can even trade any of then since the program forces you to drop players to get to 40. Understand?
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 8:59 AM
Rule 1C says you can face penalties if you willingly go over 40 man rosters
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 7:14 AM
Part of me wonders if the No show at the draft was done at the draft on purpose with this strategy. Just an opinion.
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 7:04 AM
If you guys are smart don't trade with verlander. Hes going to have to cut most of these players and you can bid on them again.
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 7:01 AM
No the commish and league did not treat me fairly. Musical was unlocked before a vote. That is owed an explanation from the Commish. 2 sets of rules
The Harvest on
March 14, 2019 6:49 AM
In other news, Verlander has been kind of busy. He didn't use his money at the draft, but that won't stop him from spending all of his money. Bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him.
A majority of the league voted in the chat to unlock Musi(c)al. Then again to lock you. I think commish treated both fairly and listened to the league, while also using his judgement. I truly hope we can all move past it. I admit, I may have been a bit rude in the draft room to you. Heat of the moment, I suppose. For that, I am sorry. If you want, we can talk more in DM, but I think I have expressed my view on it clearly. I think the league as a whole has spent enough time discussing it.
Please guys.....let's stop this. It's not healthy PLEASE
HUF! on
March 13, 2019 10:48 PM
How were you attacked by me? I stated my opinion that I think you need to get over it. That's about it.
If the commish can committ to treat every owner the same I will drop this.
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 10:39 PM
Yeah I'm upset over how insulting hell is and attacks me on a personal level and how the commish ignored me the past few days and has separate rules for different owners. Musicals was unlocked before anyone voted which is another issue. This is a $100 league and the commish should not treat owners differently
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 10:37 PM
I am sorry you felt singled out, but you were active in chat and I and others tried to get your attention that you were missing nominations. At that point, I thought it was totally fair to lock you out.
So, either before or after he allowed Musi(c)al to join, pausing the draft would have been annoying for most of us but within reason. It wasn't owed to you, there wasn't two sides to the debate. You wouldn't have convinced anyone that we should not let Musi(c)al draft. But it would have given you the chance to vent about how unfair you thought it was, and I do think you would have realized it wasn't a big deal.
But the commish failed here. Fact
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 10:29 PM
Yes that's the point. I spent $100 to be in this league and no one could take 2 minutes to stop the draft and resolve. That's the point.
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 10:28 PM
We had a clear majority of all but 1 in favor of letting him join, even though he missed nominations. It seemed obvious to me (and I think others) that he was not gaining an advantage by not being present. As Hell's said, we all want this to be a fun and harmonious space. Yes, we can be competitive (well, my team won't be this year, but that's another story), and we can take rules seriously. As others have said, 50 Shades was clear that he would look at each case as it came. He did that...
Ok, I will clear up what I said after the fact. I had to hit the "next 50 messages" button to do so: "I think if we could go back and do it over, we would have paused the draft and discussed it". I stand by that statement, but not because the outcome would have been different, but because a 2 minute convo would have been much easier than this process has turned out to be. However, commish didn't take any action unilaterally without consent of the league. We discussed Musi(c)a
We can all read here, pal. I'm confident in how I come across. Good night, good season, good luck.
Na after your attacked me that wasnt your intention. Dont worry about me. I m a person who was taught to stand for what is right. Too bad you find otherwise. Please keep your personal comments about me to yourself. They are not warranted and I didn't ask his you felt about me.
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 10:02 PM
Nah bro. Be well. And I said love and respect. If you find cheritable language insulting, I feel very sorry for you.
You are condescending and insulting. With love and kisses? Thats rude. I dont need anyone to tell.me.i need to evaluate myself. Thats a personally attack.
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 9:54 PM
Oh, and I'll point you to the second last slide and I quote "yeah, of course everyone agreed. That was the easy way out." ~Houston Astros in reference to the vote to lock. Thank you.
Ok, look at the DMs. You want to try to insinuate I've been anything but totally straight forward with you, I got the receipts: https://imgur.com/a/ol7zn1p
Insulting? Yeah you hells. Go look at the dms you sent me. They are inappropriate but you show a different side here.
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 9:32 PM
Okay, I'm done here. Have a nice season. I tried to explain how it went down. You don't want to listen. You just want to become insulting and try to make fun of me. Tootles.
Not quitting fact. I state I wont trade and still send me bad offers. You don't listen.
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 9:26 PM
Then you're welcome to quit. Fact.
Wrong sorry with love and hugs a kisses. Sorry you lost the argument. All I know is we have a league where owners are treated differently FACT
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 9:23 PM
His note after the fact is separate from how the vote went down. Stop.
Now you are reaching. I proved the point the vote wasnt unanimous but you change the subject. The absurd is you
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 9:19 PM
Also, again, no revision of the chain of events please. Elefantes, said in the message you referenced, well after the fact, that yeah maybe I guess we could have paused the draft so you could understand what was up. Essentially. I'm not going to bother quotng it. If you're interested, scroll down and re read it, instead of recharacterizing what was said. Let alone what relevance does it have that elefantes supposed an hour later that gee wizz we might have had a chance to pause. We didn't.
Take it to the supreme court. Listen, the rules are, in every facet of life, applied at the discretion of the arbiter, in this case, our commish. A cop can pull you over for doing 1 mile per hour over the speed limit. Do they usually? No, not really. Now, if you're doing 10 over, do you think you're at a lesser or greater risk or less risk of the police office using his authority to punish said driver?
This is entering the absurd.
Not I didnt CE stated the draft should have been stopped. We have 2 sets of rules. I'm not taking. Lame hells.sorrry
The Harvest on
March 13, 2019 9:08 PM
This is the end. You can continue fuming all you want. I'm here to play. And truly, respectfully, I hope you can come to terms with how you played a key role in the consequences of your own actions. With love and respect. ~Mike
Please, I proved nothing. I said we all said musial was welcomed back
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