Enter 2025 OPL

Kirby Your Enthusiasm gives up...

Player NameSalary
Frankie Montas NYM SP R OUT $5
Bryse Wilson CHW SP/RP R $3
Has $9 free, will have $12 free

Montas or Lowe plus a MiLB?

BatGPT gives up...

Player NameSalary
Madison Bumgarner FA RP L $18
Joey Lucchesi SFG SP/RP L $8
Outgoing Loan $21
Has $27 free, will have $24 free

I can’t decide what to do about this, so why the hell not? Here’s hoping Frankie’s success was more the splitter than the peds.

The league has approved this trade

Approved: 2 Vetoed: 0 Abstained: 10