T-shirt sale


Merrill did you know? 19921.5 87.8 6.17 5.30 7225 1909 354 40 406 1018 82 141 38 1495.2 63 67 1733 1258 477 72 185
Jhoan Jacob Jarren-Yainer Schmidt 18368.9 83 5.16 5.80 7049 1774 348 16 328 821 63 82 31 1478.1 37 111 1752 1185 405 52 166
Billy Beane Is Not My Lover 18063.4 62.9 5.46 5.13 6974 1883 375 18 350 650 87 87 16 1498.1 73 58 1575 1294 461 60 181
Paul Dano 17668.2 58.9 5.23 5.35 6947 1769 374 32 315 684 91 75 20 1509.1 37 43 1738 1244 468 76 168
Obviously You're not a Golfer 17282.1 59.5 5.50 5.13 6890 1875 367 32 266 746 99 167 44 1402.2 54 86 1513 1200 442 71 176
Cocks in the Chicken House 15681.8 11.7 5.32 4.83 6505 1708 351 27 286 644 86 109 31 1335.0 139 33 1371 1177 438 50 201
The Special Sauce 15524.9 152.4 5.09 5.08 6357 1622 340 28 245 684 80 100 26 1366.2 26 71 1433 1113 409 72 172
...A Drive into Deep Left Field 15419.7 17.2 5.16 4.51 6732 1728 326 23 313 731 120 77 33 1295.2 90 37 1366 1176 512 46 190
DJ LEMAH-Q Coffee and Bagels 15264.0 125 5.04 4.02 7215 1850 373 27 294 690 105 111 37 1401.1 73 37 1328 1322 547 67 214
Booger Weeds 15144.4 77.1 5.13 4.57 6336 1638 327 29 263 656 99 43 22 1408.2 16 66 1565 1262 491 66 204
Washington National Socialists 15013.3 61.9 5.21 4.48 6399 1683 318 25 267 648 93 76 25 1364.0 75 40 1312 1266 438 73 188
Stöttley Crüe 12172.5 57 4.84 5.08 5609 1411 310 31 208 519 74 118 35 973.1 102 3 1074 910 316 34 123

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Cocks in the Chicken House 11.7 313.5 1,951.2
Obviously You're not a Golfer 59.5 522.3 2,450.8
Booger Weeds 77.1 429.7 2,262.7
Stöttley Crüe 57.0 377.0 1,730.2
Paul Dano 58.9 605.0 3,097.9
Jhoan Jacob Jarren-Yainer Schmidt 83.0 605.5 2,832.0
The Special Sauce 152.4 720.7 2,156.1
Billy Beane Is Not My Lover 62.9 550.1 2,930.4
Merrill did you know? 87.8 705.7 3,619.5
DJ LEMAH-Q Coffee and Bagels 125.0 524.2 2,526.0
Washington National Socialists 61.9 556.4 2,290.2
...A Drive into Deep Left Field 17.2 520.7 2,670.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cocks in the Chicken House 162 159 148 154 156 157 640 158 1335.0
Obviously You're not a Golfer 162 162 162 147 153 150 740 158 1402.2
Booger Weeds 108 149 155 148 152 154 690 143 1408.2
Stöttley Crüe 85 137 141 137 83 153 627 131 973.1
Paul Dano 133 160 160 157 149 154 763 159 1509.1
Jhoan Jacob Jarren-Yainer Schmidt 157 158 154 157 160 161 795 156 1478.1
The Special Sauce 93 140 152 158 137 151 723 134 1366.2
Billy Beane Is Not My Lover 162 162 151 160 148 162 796 161 1498.1
Merrill did you know? 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1495.2
DJ LEMAH-Q Coffee and Bagels 150 160 153 160 159 162 810 158 1401.1
Washington National Socialists 162 152 160 153 139 145 677 119 1364.0
...A Drive into Deep Left Field 162 162 151 146 154 157 775 149 1295.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cocks in the Chicken House Lineups 163 160 149 155 157 158 644 159 1343.0
Obviously You're not a Golfer Lineups 163 163 163 148 154 151 745 159 1411.1
Booger Weeds Lineups 109 150 156 149 153 155 694 144 1417.1
Stöttley Crüe Lineups 86 138 142 138 84 154 631 132 979.1
Paul Dano Lineups 134 161 161 158 150 155 768 160 1518.2
Jhoan Jacob Jarren-Yainer Schmidt Lineups 158 159 155 158 161 162 800 157 1487.1
The Special Sauce Lineups 94 141 153 159 138 152 727 135 1375.0
Billy Beane Is Not My Lover Lineups 163 163 152 161 149 163 801 162 1507.1
Merrill did you know? Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1504.2
DJ LEMAH-Q Coffee and Bagels Lineups 151 161 154 161 160 163 815 159 1410.0
Washington National Socialists Lineups 163 153 161 154 140 146 681 120 1372.1
...A Drive into Deep Left Field Lineups 163 163 152 147 155 158 780 150 1303.2

  • Cocks in the Chicken House
  • Obviously You're not a Golfer
  • Booger Weeds
  • Stöttley Crüe
  • Paul Dano
  • Jhoan Jacob Jarren-Yainer Schmidt
  • The Special Sauce
  • Billy Beane Is Not My Lover
  • Merrill did you know?
  • DJ LEMAH-Q Coffee and Bagels
  • Washington National Socialists
  • ...A Drive into Deep Left Field


  • Cocks in the Chicken House
  • Obviously You're not a Golfer
  • Booger Weeds
  • Stöttley Crüe
  • Paul Dano
  • Jhoan Jacob Jarren-Yainer Schmidt
  • The Special Sauce
  • Billy Beane Is Not My Lover
  • Merrill did you know?
  • DJ LEMAH-Q Coffee and Bagels
  • Washington National Socialists
  • ...A Drive into Deep Left Field
