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A Million Bright Ambassadors gives up...

Player NameSalary
David Phelps FA RP R $3
Adam Wainwright FA SP R $9
Cody Allen TEX ST RP R $3
Ken Giles ATL AAA RP R $6
Has $20 free, will have $19 free

Not interested in Groome, and I would need to make cap room to be able to absorb the salary and replace the relievers. You can cut Waino; it's basically a ~ $5 loan to me. What do you say?

St. CGT IV gives up...

Player NameSalary
David Price FA RP L $22
Has $14 free, will have $15 free

Reasonable enough in the circumstances. Deal.

The league has approved this trade

Approved: 2 Vetoed: 0 Abstained: 10