Lol - Walker Buehler gave up 3 yesterday to the Padres
Hey Calvin, only 3 HR’s allowed in 87 IP? How is that possible? I’ve got candidates that could give up three in one game.
BomboRivera on
August 4, 2020 10:37 AM
The Vikings head trainer and COVID overseer for the team tests positive. This virus controls everything, including sports. You can take every precaution and it may still infect you/your team. It's good to see some baseball, but I've thought this has been a bad decision from the start. I don't see how things get any better, quite honestly.
BomboRivera on
July 28, 2020 11:03 AM
Now there Marlins are up to 17 positive cases. They all need to quarantine for at least 10 days, but could be weeks for some of them, as do those in contact with them (how is that not the whole team and staff?). So, for the Marlins to play, they essentially have to use all the AAA guys on the 60-man roster ... or not play
One has to wonder, if it was The Yankees losing half their team instead of the lowly Marlins, where would we be with shutting down right now? Can’t have the cash cow hurting now, can we?
BomboRivera on
July 27, 2020 8:20 PM
You’ve been on fire, Calvin!
So when the season gets cancelled tomorrow, we'll just pay out to the winner after three days right? (This is a not very good joke in case not clear!)
With only 6 open dates, it’ll be hard to reschedule. They should have had a protocol agreed, but maybe the Marlins quarantine everyone on the 26-man and have to play with others on the 60-person roster, and if they can’t field a team, they forfeit? Otherwise, each team will play a different number of games.
Per Ken Rosenthal, tonight's Yankees-Phillies game has been postponed.
BomboRivera on
July 27, 2020 11:21 AM
The attrition is starting to mount. Not only injured players, but the Marlins are now in dire straits. They've postponed their home opener due to the COVID breakout on their team. If I was the Phillies, I'd be concerned, also.
BomboRivera on
July 27, 2020 10:12 AM
Like, say, Leury Garcia
No doubt - we’ll see some random guys get hot and some big stars stay cold, which will make for an unpredictable season for fantasy
Will be crazy season to watch in standings - good luck to all. Hopefully we get to see a "full season" and it all doesn't get shut down two weeks from now.
Raganomics on
July 24, 2020 10:26 AM
Who knew the guy from LA Law would go on to be a pitcher for the Brewers?
BomboRivera on
July 23, 2020 10:45 PM
Franchy Cordero goes to KC and should get playing time. Maybe he'll become the next Soler or Marte? One can hope
BomboRivera on
July 17, 2020 9:50 AM
Another update from NIV. Among other things, it mentions we could opt out of arbitration after this season (if there is one) if we choose to. https://twitter.com/ottoneu/status/1280871335191773184?s=21
BomboRivera on
July 9, 2020 11:30 AM
Found the following from NIV, which answers my concern on prize money this year: Prize money being paid out based on our terms and conditions is predicated on a completed MLB regular season. If MLB completes a regular season, we are obligated to pay out prizes. If MLB does not complete a regular season, we will be able to offer the option to roll over or refund prize money. That bridge can be crossed if and when we come to it.
BomboRivera on
July 7, 2020 1:11 PM
Wow is right. Threw in the high bid number, but didn’t think I’d actually need it! Well, they say he’s a “once in a generation” talent, so here’s hoping it’s true and not just this year’s hyperbole 🙂
Wow is all I can say on the Tork auction
Happy to let Niv keep the $23, to make sure we have a platform for future years.
The FAQ below includes a “how much does this cost” answer. We are in the $75 level of league. We switched to this last year to avoid the Commissioner having to collect money and then pay it out.
I have been following the discussion and just want to level set. We have all already paid for this season - that’s the $75 we paid earlier in the year. Most of that is allocated back to the first, second and third place finishers. Approximately $23 of that goes to support the Ottoneu platform. It’s sunk cost.
For the record, I never said don’t pay, don’t play. I was just questioning that we should pay the full price on such a shortened season. Believe me, with thousands of leagues, Ottoneu is not hurting. They make a profit on every one of us. In any case, I propose that we should establish a minimum number of games where payout goes to only the top three teams. If that is not reached, then perhaps an even distribution or other option should kick in. Just my two cents.
BomboRivera on
June 26, 2020 2:33 PM
Agree with Calvin and GWB — let’s pay and play. A shortened season may be my best chance of stealing a title given my traditional hot starts and end of season fades... I’ll take a title even if it has an asterisk!
Duran Duran on
June 26, 2020 2:15 PM
FWIW, I agree completely with Calvin. Of course I'd like some pro-rated discount, but I'd prefer to have the diversion this year and hopefully next.
My two cents is we "play ball" and pay up because 1) Ottoneu probably goes under/goes bankrupt if a bunch of leagues demand refunds. So as crazy as it may seem for us to pay $75 for a strange, risky 60-game season, imagine the financial impact on Niv. 2) I don't know about you guys, but I could use some diversion in all this. Sure the season will likely bring a lot of curve balls, but who really knows? There will be some strategy and some randomness, so we might as well embrace the un
It’s like the one guy posted, so many questions, with all the unknowns. IF they make it out of the shortened spring training, what if they only play 10 games and shut it down? Do we award full amounts to the top finishers based on that? I would say no. They’re playing less than 1/3 of a season, yet we’re still paying full price? Hmmm. If things get shut down before they even start - I think a real possibility - do we get a refund or what? I guess time will tell.
BomboRivera on
June 25, 2020 4:42 PM
Hello fellow owners, looking at the Coronavirus Update posted on the website it appears we are still paying for a full season even though we have less than a half season. Please review what people are asking and the replies to decide how we are going to proceed. I assume it will be business as usual? I still think the season will be cancelled due to the virus but time will tell. Just my thoughts.
Fun article on mlb.com today about Rick Wise, the only guy ever to throw a no hitter AND hit 2 HRs in the same game.
The Twins had the best record in MLB over a 50 game stretch a few years ago. They also LOST 99 games that year. Baseball is about what you do over the long haul. Statistics are a huge part of the game. There'll be asterisks flying everywhere, if they play this year.
BomboRivera on
June 23, 2020 12:53 PM
Yeah, I'm trying not to follow, as there is just so much BS between them right now. When it's all said and done, COVID is still manning the door. As much as I love baseball and have been following for over 50 years, I just wish they'd bag the season and (hopefully) start fresh next Spring. The "champion" this year is going to be tainted, anyway. I hate the idea of further expanding the playoffs. Hell, even Detroit and KC could make the playoffs.
BomboRivera on
June 23, 2020 12:51 PM
And, of course, they re-open camps that were just closed due to the virus. Foreboding that they needed to close them even before team workouts began
Wishful thinking. MLB proposal is July 24 start, if players accept it. Most botched negotiation I can recall.
Fangraphs banner shows the season starts July 15. Is that official or wishful thinking?
BomboRivera on
June 23, 2020 9:40 AM
I hated the Mets, as well, but Boston was always number one. And I got so much crap on a daily basis living there, being a Yankees fan, that I was happy they lost. It’s kind of a wonder that Gedman didn’t pummel Dykstra into the ground, unless he didn’t hear it, either. But if Darling could from the dugout, you would’ve thought so.
BomboRivera on
June 1, 2020 8:54 PM
Know what’s crazy about that whole thing, W? I was at that game 3 in Fenway, sitting behind home plate. No, I didn’t hear what he said to Oil Can, but remember Dykstra led off the game with a home run off him. I went down with a couple buddies and we got tickets shortly before the game. Sat with all the people in mink coats and such. We paid $200 for three tickets, but remember that was 1986. I was rooting for the Mets, because I was still a huge Yankees fan at the time and hated Boston.
BomboRivera on
June 1, 2020 8:50 PM
Since there's no other baseball news, here's some fun news on the Dykstra/Darling lawsuit: https://mlb.nbcsports.com/2020/06/01/judge-len-dykstras-reputation-is-so-bad-its-legally-impossible-to-libel-him/
Will MLB really blow this and not have a season? Really?
Sorry the message was cut off. Cleveland was supposed to get a player to be named from Minnesota, but because of the strike, that never happened. To settle things, Indians executives took Twins executives out for a nice dinner. If the steak was anywhere near as good as Winfield, it must have been a heck of a meal.
Dave Winfield for dinner
The 1994 players' strike wiped out the end of the season and World Series, and it also brought us one of the oddest transactions in MLB history.
The strike began in mid-August, but the season was not canceled until mid-September. Until that happened, teams could still operate as if play would continue, and the Indians -- still holding out hope for a postseason run -- swung a trade for Winfield just before the now defunct waiver trade deadline on Aug. 31. Cleveland was s
Nice video! Thanks, Dan!
Need ten minutes of fun baseball stuff while wallowing in quarantine? This video on Rickey is great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-QDXtKHEPY
Bombo - it’s a good question and one I suspect has been asked in the otttoneu community forum, but I don’t know the answer
Interesting question that I’m sure we won’t know the answer until a determination is made on whether to play this year, but if they don’t play, will salaries go up before a 2021 season?
BomboRivera on
March 22, 2020 5:59 PM
Posey’s FanGraphs career WAR is essentially the same as Joe Mayer’s career FanGraphs WAR (0.2 higher). Found that to be interesting.
I will do my part to keep a small part of everyone’s world normal
Well done by all in the draft. Now, we wait. But in the meantime, we trade and tinker with our rosters. But mostly wait for trade offers from Lux.
That’s good news Yu. Note the time is 9 eastern, 8 central
Guvna JB declared Act of God for Illinois schools so next two weeks don't need to be made up and I don't have to learn how to do teletherapy by tomorrow so I'm in for draft. Might be a few minutes late but should be in by 7:15 - don't bid on all the players I want before then.
Raganomics on
March 16, 2020 12:54 PM
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