Either is ok for me
I am fine with either Sunday also
Either date works fine for me. Looking forward to a more normal-ish baseball season. Hopefully.
Sorry for delayed reply. I CAN do the 21st. I probably cannot do the 28th (or that weekend) if that comes back on the table. But the 21st is good.
Thanks for the replies so far. At this point can any one definitely NOT make the 21st? If not (sorry for the double negative) I’ll pencil that in
At the moment, either night works for me in the evening (after 6pm central)
Raganomics on
February 8, 2021 9:42 PM
Either night is good for me and 6pm start Central would be great
BomboRivera on
February 8, 2021 6:17 PM
I vote for the 21st as a place holder as I already have an auction on the books for the night of the 28th.
Welcome to the league, Santo!
We have more White Sox fans here than the Sox do at an average home game.
Another Cubs fan? We have a pack of Cubs fans and W Sox fans. You'll figure out who is who.
Hey Everyone- thanks for letting me joining the fun. I usually play 5x5, so looking forward to a new format, a rebuilding challenge, and not having to chase steals/saves! Here’s to a competitive (and complete) season.
Hi All - we have a new owner for Maybe This Year, Dan, who is an experienced ottoneu player and found us through the community forum. Please join me in welcoming him to the league.
Thanks, Nathan, and happy new year to one and all!
Exceptional team name Mike
Had to happen
@Buffy, was waiting for that.
Thanks Bombo and Commish for your kind notes. Bombo - I kept looking in my rear view mirror the last few weeks and really only felt comfortable with my lead 4-5 days ago as your squad is great. And commish - thanks for noticing I maxed out all my caps. That felt as much of an accomplishment as winning given the chaos of the year. And to everyone else - looking forward to another spirited competition next year.
Thanks Bombo. Also thanks to the other owners for allowing me to join this league. I know I didn't have a lot to start with but I feel good that I have a few more keepers for next year. Did I make some mistakes this year? Yes I did but I hope I learned from them and will be better for it next year. Congratulations to the winners and hopefully next year we have a full slate of games for the year. This website is amazing with all the stats that are available for you to use.
Congrats to Calvin! Well played, sir. Looking forward to the challenge again next year. Would also like to congratulate newcomer Monti Boys for taking a team that you started with what, four or five players on your roster and finished middle of the pack. We may have another challenger on our hands next year.
BomboRivera on
September 28, 2020 3:51 PM
This is crazy. I checked the standings at 5:39 and Buffy is 1 point ahead of Kingery
White Sox clinch a playoff spot and take 3 of 4 from the Twins to do so! But watch the damned Yankees - they’re kinda healthy and the offense is rolling again.
I’ll take it. When I saw he was in the midst of the no-hitter I frantically checked to make sure I started him.
On this day he was not your run of the mill pitcher.
BomboRivera on
September 13, 2020 5:39 PM
Congrats, Wrigleyville. Heck of a day for Mills.
Thank goodness I picked up Trevor Rogers to fill my innings - oy vey
thats what happens with multi tasking. can't do anything right!
Bazzball! on
September 11, 2020 1:06 PM
He was cut yesterday and the claim goes through after 24 hours. Not one minute
that must be a record. a player claimed within one minute
Bazzball! on
September 11, 2020 12:57 PM
2 great stats from last night: (1) Yamamoto allowed more earned runs in his 2.2 innings than DeGrom has allowed all year. (2) 69% of Bauer’s pitches were outside of strike zone - 7&2/3, 3 hits, no BB, 10k
Nootbaar Crunch on
September 10, 2020 10:31 AM
I do think it’s far more common for a batter to lose a triple on a ground-rule double, than the occasional misplay into a triple, though. So pitchers definitely benefit from that.
BomboRivera on
September 10, 2020 8:26 AM
Watch the video of Olivares’ “triple” for the Royals tonight too
OMG, check out Yamamoto’s line tonight!
BomboRivera on
September 9, 2020 10:00 PM
And SABR penalizes worse than FG points, since hit prevention is not rewarded in SABR system
I get it in theory, but HRs are also park dependent and wind dependent. Same fly ball is an out or a HR depending on the park or wind conditions, or if Buxton is playing CF and brings them back. That is a fielding dependent HR prevented, so neither hits nor HRs are totally independent outcomes. I think that HRs allowed are overly penalized in the Ottoneu format.
There’ve been 1634 HRs this year. So yes, statistically insignificant. My pitchers don’t bother with fielder assists - they give up Hrs the old-fashioned way - soaring over the fence.
Yep, I understand what you’re saying, Bell. But then we have had at least two HR balls assisted over the fence this year by outfielders that wouldn’t have been HRs. I guess the percentage of that is so small it’s not worth mentioning, but just saying not all HR balls are true outcomes, either. See Jose Conseco’s head for reference, LOL.
BomboRivera on
September 9, 2020 6:13 PM
Bombo - an HR is a true outcome/fielding independent. A triple is not fielding independent. It might me a single depending on who’s in the field - eg a guy like Buxton or Kiermaier cutting off a ball in the gap. That’s over simplifying, but not really.
Calvin, you’re right with the K, I hadn’t figured the out, as well as the K. Outs recorded by the pitcher are roughly +2.5 and hits allowed (other than HRs) are -2.6, I believe. One thing I’ve never understood about FG is that a pitcher that gives up a triple, is only -2.6, yet the HR just kills him.
BomboRivera on
September 9, 2020 5:53 PM
Pretty sure I did the math right on this but think the rank order is as follows. Threw a couple of fun ones in there too: Triple (8.7 net positive points), Double (5.9), Strikeout (3.5), Single (3.0), Out/sacrifice/no AB (2.5), Out/non-strikeout (1.5), Strikeout, runner reaches on passed ball (1.0), Home Run (0.1), Walk / HBP (0), batter reaches on an error (-1.0).
Just curious, what outcome do you root for when your pitcher is facing one of your hitters? If you don’t have a rooting interest in the game outcome, I would want this: triple, double or single for the hitter which would net you positive points, strikeout for the pitcher nets +1 or home run/walk, as those would be washes.
BomboRivera on
September 9, 2020 1:56 PM
I’m over projected games at 3B. Took Rendon out due to playing a double header and left it empty rather than playing Suarez. Oops - he hit 3 HRs. Better luck next time
The next year he had a 19 K game, when huge K games were very rare. Batters swung the bat back then. I’ll have to pull out my Miracle Mets album (yes, album) of radio highlights from that amazing year.
BomboRivera on
September 2, 2020 9:54 PM
Yep. I was a huge Yankees fan in upstate NY back in the late 60s (when they were horrible) but you couldn’t help but love the Mets in ‘69. They came out of nowhere to win it all. The Miracle Mets. Had finished in last place every year of their existence until then. A very young Tom Terrific (and Nolan Ryan) were a huge part of that team. I remember listening to a game that summer where he had a no-hitter going in the ninth against the Cubs, when a guy named Adolpho Phillips broke it up.
BomboRivera on
September 2, 2020 9:52 PM
RIP Tom Seaver. Here’s some stats - 231 complete games. 13 years (!) with at least 10. 21 in 1971. 61 career shut outs. His first 11 years in the majors, 236 is the fewest IP in a season. 1985 at age 40 he threw 238. 2.86 career ERA. Legend
Me too! I even tried trading for him!
Anybody wants Scherzer?
Bazzball! on
August 31, 2020 11:24 PM
"The brevity of Richards' recent appearances will allow him to start Monday at Coors Field on short rest as he attempts to turn things around." What could possibly go wrong?
Thanks, but don’t jinx it! Some of my luck has run out lately so I’m expecting the title race to tighten in September...
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