5) Is it necessarily wrong to assume that if you want to trade for a broken pitcher, you would consider trading for him if he's a bit more broken?
While we're on the subject of idiots, let's cover whiners also. I proposed that trade. A few things...
1) I'm not as active in this league (or any league) because of some work and family issues. Difficult to stay on top of things, which translates to being in 10th place.
2) I have a message in my inbox asking "what would it take to get Cobb?"
3) I sent you an offer for what it would take.
4) Yes, the timing of the offer coincided with the announcement of his probable T.J.
I can take a guess at who proposed that trade.
USS Mariner on
May 7, 2015 10:50 AM
Our league should be looked at in a harsh light.
Our league should be looked at in a harsh light.
I hate doing this but someone in the league proposed me a trade including a player who his team announced that day that he'd probably need TJ. I'm all for all sorts of deals, but trying to trick a fellow member of the league seems wrong hearted. To what end? I mean, I thought we wanted to create a fair and fun atmosphere while beating the other teams solely on the basis of player evaluation and effort. This guy ticked me off and I think acts like these which undermine the integrity of
Exploiting idiots is what makes this country so great.
USS Mariner on
May 7, 2015 10:47 AM
In over a decade of various leagues, I may have vetoed two or three trades, in cases of VERY obvious collusion. Lopsided trades just typically tell me someone is an idiot. And I don't feel it's fair to penalize the one who identified and exploited the idiot.
I always veto deals, every trace I veto just for the hell of it. Same rationale as Whitey. Why not, there's no way it ain't going thru anyways. In any event, if it does matter, I'll stop. Seriously it was just funny to me. That's all.
I've been known to veto a trade or two. Mainly just for suspected collusion, but also just if I don't like ya. Also with the understanding that the threshold for veto in this format is ridiculously high, and it will never, ever happen.
USS Mariner on
May 7, 2015 10:12 AM
Alright... I got to ask... maybe it will strike up a "fun" debate.. if not about baseball, but about "fantasy"...
Who in the hell vetoes deals all the time? Luckily, nothing to my knowledge has ever been vetoed... as I am a strict "only veto collusion" guy... if a league needs to police its members from making deals... then either I shouldn't be in the league, or the team that needs its hand held, shouldn't be in a league... we are all big boys... I can't conceive why any recent deal would
An app would be clutch. Someone needs to tell that Indian to get on it.
$50 is a lot for a league that doesn't have an app! Haha
I'm saying I think other people are thinking $50 is a lot to lose by rebuilding early. I'm not even considering rebuild right now.
It all depends on the mix of people in any given league. Not all guys are by the computer daily or have busy lives. Also, what did you mean about your $50 and rebuilding? You think that's a high amount to "lose" by rebuilding?
Agreed - it hasn't been for lack of trying on my part that deals like that haven't happened. Seems like in a $50 league everyone very hesitant to 'rebuild' which is probably a good thing.
I suspect you already knew that though, lol. Just be thankful the deals in Champions League aren't being made here, this league would implode.
Knights, you're not in Kansas (Bull Durham) any more.
52, not 53
Maybe that's my issue - I've only done Ottoneu for 3-4 years now. Those leagues talk nothing but baseball, especially 53. This will just take some getting used to, kind of like a yahoo league again.
I was actually surprised by all the baseball talk in 2 of my other Ottoneu leagues to be honest. You don't get that on yahoo
Btw the news guys are very much out of the loop
Agreed, I'm definitely in the mood for more smack talk and really railing on teams and owner moves.
In Ottoneu, other leagues talk baseball. Shit talking is fun if you know who you are talking to but this might as well be a public league for me. And I'm one of the harshest critics of other people's moves, have no problem with someone criticizing mine - have a valid reason though, other than 'you are dumb'.
Unless "painful" means being picked on for moves.. To which, I'd say grow some thicker skin, and best way to get everyone to shut up is to win.
I've been in fantasy leagues for over a decade... A lot of good league, fair share of bad and indifferent... But none of them "talked baseball" on the message boards... Messages boards are for taking smack and whatever other BS..."good " leagues are when everyone sets their lineup daily, responds timely to trades and in general make knowledge, timely decisions... Say what you will, but did the most part this league has t... Maybe you're used to ", public" leagues.
I play this for friends. Mainly for subscribers though #dark
Knights, why waste your time in this league then? Let us get an owner that wants to stay for the long haul.
I didn't pick this team planning on it being just one season - nobody in their right mind would do that with the roster it had.
I'd want to stay for the long haul if people actually talked about baseball. This board is painful.
Because I already paid for this season. Unless the new owner is paying me back.
Knights, why waste your time in this league then? Let us get an owner that wants to stay for the long haul.
I won't be back next season so anything that makes me better in 2015 seems like a good deal to me.
You are just mad your daddy Laser made a good deal not sure why else you'd care what I'm doing with my roster.
Way to make friends with one of the only people on here not yet making fun of you.
Cruz I had 6 3B and 0 SSs- been clear all season I was looking to deal for a SS, most wouldn't even negotiate. Throw stones all you want, I turned a player riding my bench into a top 5-7 SS.
For the right price
Cruz would be more than willing to help you fill any or all of your holes.
USS Mariner on
May 2, 2015 10:23 AM
Knights you're dumber than I am and that is amazing
Knights you're dumber than I am and that is amazing
Laser Showalter's trade block has been updated!
I have holes at SS, C, OF, SP, and RP, and a surplus of 1B/3B types. If you can help me fill one of the holes, you can likely pry a guy like Manny Machado, Mark Texiera, etc, away for a discount. If you can help me fill a bunch of those holes, I may even consider moving Votto or Bryant.
Anyone want to pickup another Otto team. Check or out, same name, league 120...I just don't have time, and can't find the desire to care even tho its a really fun team... Trout, Puig, Donaldson, Polanco, Tulo, Max, Cole ... Let me know, its $9 league and needs renew tomorrow... Let me know. G
Whoever bid $7/8 on the scalf... If you want to deal for a bat, send me an offer... Didn't know my man laser would finally offer Ventura, when I got that bid...I can pay him down a few bucks to get a bat... He or any other SP...#darkasatrillionmidnights
Dizzy Deans's trade block has been updated!
Orange Crush on
April 30, 2015 4:24 PM
I'm looking to move Strasburg for hitting, if anyone's interested shoot me a message/offer.
Orange Crush on
April 30, 2015 4:23 PM
Whoever bid $7/8 on the scalf... If you want to deal for a bat, send me an offer... Didn't know my man laser would finally offer Ventura, when I got that bid...I can pay him down a few bucks to get a bat... He or any other SP...#darkasatrillionmidnights
Soooo hard
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