League Message Board
Set a draft date for 3/16, a couple days before the season starts. Plenty of time to work around it and make changes so pencil it in and let me know if it doesn't work for you.
Thanks Pine Tar, and thanks to everyone for a fun season. I know some of y'all had terrible injury luck - hoping next year will be at least a little better.
Congrats Cosmic on the ship.
Thanks for running the league again Laser. Being commish can be thankless. Fun and active league.
Obviously, that's the reason Sculpin - mystery solved
I wondered why I wasn't in first place 🤣
FYI, Ottoneu/Fangraphs is having some data issues that may affect scores and standings. More here: https://community.ottoneu.com/t/offensive-stats-missing-from-8-7-24/14476/13
Happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there.
You Never Know
Which team left?
Anybody want to make a deal before the season starts?
I'm in first place...STOP THE COUNT!!!
Good luck to everyone this year!
Draft is Monday, March 18. I just pushed it back (by request) by 30 minutes to 8:30pm Eastern.
It looks like it is March 18th
Orange Crush on
February 7, 2024 4:36 PM
Draft date?
Thanks to everyone for renewing. Cuts are due by Wednesday at 11:59pm Eastern. The auction is set for Monday, 3/18 at 8pm Eastern; please speak up asap if you have any issues with that. The first game of the season is 3/20.
Renewed. No issues.
Orange Crush on
January 28, 2024 7:48 PM
I would advise people not wait until the last minute to renew. I hit a hiccup with one of my teams that took a couple days for Niv to fix. I have heard similar stories from others as well. To be safe, Get it done now.
Reminder to the four teams that haven't renewed yet to do so by 1/31.
Yes, welcome to the league. Good luck.
Welcome aboard BENBISCARRAT!!!
Draft and Keeper dates are on top of page
Draft Day: Monday, March 18, 2024 8:00 PM EDT
Draft dates?
Blue Jays has a new owner. Welcome to the league!
Draft time/date is good for me
Same here
Draft day is good for me.
Looks good to me
I set a tentative auction date for 3/18 at 8pm Eastern. Let me know if that's a hard no for you, but we'll discuss further after the cut deadline.
If anyone is interested in taking over a team in a Yahoo fantasy keeper league let me know. Long term league, think this will be year 15. Need to replace one owner, very solid team, finished 4th last year... Some unique rules, both with keeper designations and scoring is 11x11 head to head. Super competitive, everyone is engaged daily, all year round. $200 fee
Thanks for the fun season, but please abandon my team, too much on my plate
Thanks! Another fun season in the books, looking forward to next year!
Congrats Stone Crabs - well played!
Willing to move significant cap space for 2024 value
Orange Crush on
August 31, 2023 3:38 PM
still a few good pieces on my team available for cheap MLB contract. Bregman and/or Lindor. Clevinger, Javier
I am willing to move some SP if anyone is looking for innings for the stretch run.
Orange Crush on
August 12, 2023 9:12 AM
Thanks Pine Tar, you're all set. GMan, I'll let you figure out the right Max Clark for $3.
Laser I cut Max Clark since he was a duplicate; you able to refund the $1 penalty?
GMan, I just read on the Ottoneu message board that duplicate player listings has been happening lately (especially with recent draft picks). Can you please make a post on there to confirm with Niv? If confirmed, we'll make sure you get the right Max Clark for 3.
2 Max Clark's?
got it, thanks
USS Mariner on
July 19, 2023 2:27 PM
They're eligible as soon as they sign with an MLB team.
Are all the MLB draftees now auction-eligible? we don't have to wait until offseason?
USS Mariner on
July 19, 2023 12:00 PM
I recognize that it is time for me to throw in the towel. Please hit me up for any players that might interest you as I am now looking towards the 2024 season.
FYI - Team WTF will now be known as Orange Crush
Orange Crush on
July 9, 2023 11:10 PM
No activity for months and not reading/responding to messages.
I am glad we have a new owner. Did he email you commish or just not log in for 30 days?
Hello everyone. I just claimed team WTF. It looks like I will be rebuilding this year. Feel free to send any trade offers or messages but maybe give me a couple of days to figure things out. I will probably change the team name soon. I am looking forward to being in this league.
Orange Crush on
July 4, 2023 11:04 AM
I posted the opening.
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