League Message Board
Thank you all for re-upping for another season. I think 2025 is going to be a real battle. Good luck to all. Friendly reminder that today is the cut/keeper/trade deadline. By 11:59 pm eastern your team needs to be at or below 40 players and at or below $400.
Another friendly reminder to extend your dynasty (pay $20 for your team for 2025) by January 31st. You don't want to lose your team by missing this deadline.
I agree. I am loving all of this trading action! It makes this league a whole lot more fun to watch all of you improve your teams.
Wow, I don't remember the league ever being this active. An active league = a good league in my opinion. Let's keep it going. Trade/keeper deadline is Friday Jan. 31st at 11:59 eastern. Your roster needs to be below 40 and below $400 with at least $1 available for every roster spot below 40 that you have open (ex. if you have 35 keepers (5 open roster spots) then your max salary is $395 - keeping $1 available for each open roster spot under 40). Good luck to all in 2025!
Anyone want Castellanos? I can’t stand that guy, not doing that for another year. Send me an offer. I’ll probably say yes. No big contracts.
Friendly reminder - arbitrations ends tomorrow. After arb ends the offseason trade window will open which closes with the keeper deadline at the end of January. Thanks for all that have already completed arb. Good luck to all in 2025.
rainkab and grainka5 are now co-managing The Sweet Spot. Welcome to you both. Good luck in 2025!
Happy November and day after Halloween everyone! Don't forget about baseball now that the World Series is over - don't forget to complete arbitration by 11/14 (thanks for those that have already completed). Arbitration helps with competitive balance in the league. Happy offseason and good luck to all in 2025.
We have a new owner for Sweet Spot - rainkab. I believe rainkab's brother will be joining the ownership group and they will be co-managing the team. Welcome and good luck.
I know we have some that are in the eastern time zone so we probably don't want to push it too much later than 7:30 eastern and I know two owners don't get home from school until 4:30 pacific so we can't go any earlier during the week. I think we have a pretty small window of time but if there is a better day during the week please advise, thanks.
I've set the proposed auction date - Thursday March 13th at 4:30 pacific, 7:30 eastern. The regular season starts Tuesday March 18th with the Cubs and Dodgers playing in Japan. Normally I would schedule the auction on a weekend but I have potential conflicts the first 2 weekends in March and I don't want to run the auction in Feb - too much time for injuries before the season starts. Post a league comment if that date/time doesn't work so we can ensure that we find a good date/time for all.
Great win Choo, congratulations! Fun season everyone, I am looking forward to next year!
Congrats on your win, Choo! Very impressive after where your team was last year. Thanks for a great season full of banter and trade offers!
Thanks for the great season all. Sweet Spot let me know that they will not be returning next year. I have a lead on a new owner but I will let you all know if it falls through. I hope you all will be back but please let me/the league know if you are not planning on returning next year so we can work to find someone to replace you. Enjoy the MLB playoffs and get ready for arbitration which should start in the middle of Oct.
Nice win Choo. I like to think I had you sweating for a minute or 2 there, but you made some great moves and just flat out dominated. Kudos and thanks for setting up the lg this year.
With a re-auction of a player, you cut previously, you have held them for at least 30 days with a salary cap "penalty". Maybe you are starting an auction for them because they have awoken from the early season slumber that made you cut them in the first place, and yes you are either hoping someone will take them off your hands or trying to re-activate them and cut another underperforming player. And then there is the salary cap maneuvering.....happens in real life just not as frequentl
Hoping someone else will win the auction and relieve you entirely of the salary cap hit or at least you’re cutting the hit in half by re-dropping them. I feel like there should be a rule that you have to keep them for a week or something.
Can someone please explain to me what the point is of starting an auction for a player, winning said auction, and then cutting them? I'm sure it has something to do with salary cap, or waivers, or something, but I can't quite figure it out.
I win Opening Day!
Please do your best to submit a player for auction when it is your turn. Waiting 30 seconds for an owner who misses their turn really drags out the auction at the start and can be viewed as auction manipulation for owners that chose not to nominate on their turn but bid on other owner's noms at the end. Repeated failure to nom can lead the commissioner to declare your auction over. I have my hands full trying not to screw up my own auction so please nom on your turn, thanks.
Friendly reminder, auction is tomorrow 3/16 4pm pacific, 7pm eastern. Good luck to all.
Fastballs has a new owner. The league is full again! Fastballs can cut anyone with no penalty since he joined after the deadline. Fastballs please make those cuts by the end of the month so the rest of us have time to plan for the auction. Good luck to all in 2024!
Titanic said he knew a friend that was interested. I have e-mailed him, and he is going to look into it after work. I have asked 3 friends, 1 has shot me down already. I think Titanic's guy gets first crack. If you find someone else that is interested let them know that we might have filled the spot this year, but we seem to lose at least one each year, so keep them interested, we might need them next year.
We officially lost fastballs. Ottoneu sent me an e-mail this morning. I have 3 guys I'm going to ask to join but I am not optimistic about any of them saying yes. Does anyone know anyone that is looking to get into Ottoneu or might say yes if you ask them to join?
I sent an email to fastballs to see if he is planning to participate in the league this year. If so he needs to pay $20 and get is salary below $400. Fastballs - please bring your team current by 2/14 or I will assume you are not returning and work to find a replacement.
Friendly reminder - make sure to renew your team and make you cuts by the January 31st deadline. I don't want anyone to have their team taken away because they didn't renew. Thanks - looking forward to the 2024 season!!
I can do the 16th
Hac Man Fever on
January 2, 2024 5:09 PM
The 16th at 7pm works.
The 16th works for me.
16th 7 pm ET works for me. You all will have an advantage since I’ll be en route to my hotel in NOLA for a conference starting next morning but at least not on the plane!
El Encanto on
January 1, 2024 7:48 PM
Didn't think about St. Patricks day....how about the 16th!
Maybe 7pm on St Pat’s Day isn’t ideal….
Happy New Year! Had to change the auction date as the season starts with two games in Korea on March 20th and 21st.
I’m open to trading Kyle Tucker. I am looking for a top SP
Welcome Matt!
Welcome Matt! I am also a MA native living in northern NH these days. Go Sox! Good Luck!
I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Matt, I’m almost 40, I live in OR but spent my first 31 yrs in MA. I’m a huge Sox fan by default but consider myself more of a fan of the game than a team. I’ve got a very analytical brain and (fantasy) baseball does it for me. I’ve been playing since ‘01 on Yahoo but I’m excited to play a format that keeps the game going 365. I’ll make deals. I feel it when I lose so just a heads up I’m planning on winning it all this year. Happy to be here. Best of luck in 24
Friendly reminder that arbitration ends in a week. Thanks to those that have completed this already. Hoping for 100% participation. Thanks and take care!
Alright Gentlemen, we have two new owners, panda08 and nawoickik. Welcome. Friendly reminder, Arbitration Ends: Tuesday, November 14, 2023. I know Titanic always likes to complete this at the last minute. Others might be waiting for the World Series to end. Just don't forget to allocate. Let's have a great 2024 season.
I just know for myself, I felt like there may have been better offers out there, I know I was in the hunt for Altuve also, so it may just be bad optics at the end of the day and I am cool with that. Bottom line, I think it was a good topic to be brought forward as something that bothered some but we can move forward as a league now that it has been discussed. Again, NOTHING but congrats on my end to JRod and I appreciate the discussion. Thanks for bringing it forward Choo.
Kingdom of Zod on
October 19, 2023 11:59 PM
The silence is deafening, so I will weigh in just as Devil's advocate. I appreciate your thoughtful response Choo and don't want to take anything away from Jrod's win. This seems like a predominantly Friends & Family league and you trade with who you are comfortable with in a lot of instances (I trade with Billy a lot for instance, because I know him personally). But at the same time, perception is reality and the trade you and Jrod made may have iced the win for him. I think it did a
Kingdom of Zod on
October 19, 2023 11:55 PM
Let the discussion begin and honestly if you guys have problems with any of the trades that happen in this league then discussions should happen to ensure that the integrity of the league is maintained. I hope that people think that they can rip me off if they trade with me. I think my track record speaks loudly that I know what I am doing but every year the records reset and at the end of the day You are what your record says you are!
I don't know if explaining my thought process helped at all. I announced to the league that I was open for business (which I didn't need to do) and I made the best trades for my team in 2024. I didn't trade my kid Harper - he went to Titanic for Gunner Henderson. I didn't trade Judge at all.Those are the only 2 trades I made with Jrod, I made 13 total trades in the last 12 months with 8 of the 11 owners. I think that shows that I'm willing to work with everyone if I can make my team better.
Net on the second deal I thought I made my team better in 2023 but if I was wrong I saved $19 on the 4 players already mentioned for 2024. The other players in the deal had marginal value and players going both ways didn't play very well - Correa didn't play very well either - you all might disagree, Steele was the best player in the deal but I feel like I won the Correa vs. Gilbert swap.
The other deal for me came down to Steele and Correa for Kirby and Gilbert. Steele was 4.91 pts/inning last year vs Kirby at 5.12 so I thought I was getting the better end there and was willing to pay $2 to get the better guy. Thought Steele might be a one hit wonder, he's 3 years older than Kirby, and I thought Steele was only a 2 pitch pitcher that the league would figure out. I thought Gilbert at $8 was better than Correa at $29.
Looking at those 4 players I think I won the auction. I think with Holliday, McCormick and $35 for the auction is better than Altuve and Muncy. I didn't see the others in the deal, Rooker, Marsh, Perdomo, Suarez, and Miller especially at $11 as keepers. Lee for Winn were both $1 lottery tickets and a wash. People might think McCormick is a one hit wonder but if available at auction I think he would go for way more than the $3 he's at now and finding 5 OF that can play is pretty tough.
Muncy was also included in the trade for me a borderline keeper at $13. For Muncy and Altuve's $38 salaries I was able to get a $1 OF that was producing at over 6 points per game and the #1 prospect in baseball already in AA producing over 7 points per game in the minors, all at age 19. Someone who I hoped had a good shot of making the majors next year and would help me compete in 2024. The net savings was $35 between those 4 players that could net a solid starter or 2 at auction.
Specifically addressing the Altuve/Holiday trade. My kid was interested in Judge, Harper, and Altuve. Of the three I was most willing to move Altuve as he was the oldest (33), was under 7 points per game at the time and played a position 2b that I had three potential keepers already on my roster, Gelof $4 age 23, Morel $4 age 24 and Julien $3 age 24. Altuve was also coming off an injury and is not big so I was not sure how he was going to age.
I received a message that read in part "there is a sentiment among a few managers that your kids may be getting preferential treatment as far as trades. Can you send out a message letting the league know where you stand? Thanks. I will do my best to address. #1 in general if everyone valued players the same there would never be any trades as there would always be a clear winner and looser. It the value differences that we have that make trading possible and the league interesting.
Congrats on the victory JRod! Likely the first of many to come.
Sorry to pile on Choo, but I will also be stepping away from the league. Appreciate all the fun battles over the last few years though. Good luck to all and take care.
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