Enter 2025 OPL


Big Klu Barrels Up 18096.3 0 5.24 5.42 7182 1854 366 39 276 723 97 286 46 1503.0 81 66 1562 1322 448 65 146
Stealing Signs 18034.5 47.5 5.16 5.41 7205 1854 366 35 293 767 76 150 50 1510.2 116 43 1601 1274 472 69 165
Chicky Nuggies 17910.2 0 4.96 5.48 7250 1832 382 30 289 741 71 170 41 1507.1 79 65 1637 1267 462 62 159
Field_Of_Dreams 16659.6 0 4.81 5.15 7086 1829 362 57 220 646 67 173 51 1503.0 55 68 1599 1302 456 63 178
Strick9 16579.4 -0.8 4.78 4.95 7092 1836 370 29 249 637 91 159 40 1503.1 61 71 1502 1345 492 60 173
4256 16098.5 0 4.91 4.90 7017 1719 337 25 305 793 102 119 29 1361.0 73 50 1434 1175 505 57 170
Daaa Bears 15586.0 0 4.90 4.70 6420 1613 325 26 281 719 95 127 37 1418.0 19 105 1435 1221 484 68 194
Bless You Boys 15537.2 22.9 4.84 4.86 6805 1748 354 39 251 607 64 157 44 1389.0 97 14 1392 1212 452 50 178
Vottomated Strikezone 15460.8 0 4.58 5.38 7134 1760 353 29 257 637 69 130 35 1275.2 79 69 1376 1100 389 70 143
Akron Zips 14833.2 15.6 4.81 4.30 6857 1709 336 29 266 689 82 193 44 1377.0 80 68 1292 1256 484 74 210
Blue Grit 14053.8 0 4.39 4.54 6150 1556 289 30 190 585 87 162 43 1431.0 78 37 1409 1324 399 73 211
💸Capital City Goofballs📢 12957.3 5.6 4.41 5.20 6063 1522 299 13 207 541 82 124 52 1086.1 63 79 1127 939 356 22 138

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
💸Capital City Goofballs📢 5.6 362.1 1,812.7
Vottomated Strikezone 0.0 280.4 1,997.9
Field_Of_Dreams 0.0 480.2 2,498.4
Bless You Boys 22.9 461.6 2,214.8
Daaa Bears 0.0 404.3 2,069.2
4256 0.0 360.5 2,092.4
Chicky Nuggies 0.0 280.4 2,380.9
Akron Zips 15.6 365.4 2,369.3
Blue Grit 0.0 280.5 1,907.1
Big Klu Barrels Up 0.0 408.8 2,465.6
Stealing Signs 47.5 539.8 2,741.4
Strick9 0.8 197.8 1,321.5

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
💸Capital City Goofballs📢 162 145 159 103 153 148 647 139 1086.1
Vottomated Strikezone 162 150 162 162 154 162 777 146 1275.2
Field_Of_Dreams 159 144 152 157 148 152 797 148 1503.0
Bless You Boys 157 158 155 158 157 156 721 153 1389.0
Daaa Bears 162 161 155 141 147 149 746 160 1418.0
4256 162 159 158 159 147 162 810 162 1361.0
Chicky Nuggies 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1507.1
Akron Zips 162 162 140 149 161 162 753 162 1377.0
Blue Grit 160 158 141 151 136 137 696 145 1431.0
Big Klu Barrels Up 139 159 161 159 152 159 808 162 1503.0
Stealing Signs 160 162 152 162 162 150 802 162 1510.2
Strick9 162 161 162 160 156 162 787 162 1503.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
💸Capital City Goofballs📢 Lineups 162 145 159 103 153 148 648 139 1087.2
Vottomated Strikezone Lineups 162 150 162 162 154 162 778 146 1277.0
Field_Of_Dreams Lineups 159 144 152 157 148 152 798 148 1504.2
Bless You Boys Lineups 157 158 155 158 157 156 722 153 1390.2
Daaa Bears Lineups 162 161 155 141 147 149 747 160 1419.2
4256 Lineups 162 159 158 159 147 162 811 162 1362.2
Chicky Nuggies Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 811 162 1509.0
Akron Zips Lineups 162 162 140 149 161 162 754 162 1378.2
Blue Grit Lineups 160 158 141 151 136 137 697 145 1432.2
Big Klu Barrels Up Lineups 139 159 161 159 152 159 809 162 1504.2
Stealing Signs Lineups 160 162 152 162 162 150 803 162 1512.1
Strick9 Lineups 162 161 162 160 156 162 788 162 1505.0

  • 💸Capital City Goofballs📢
  • Vottomated Strikezone
  • Field_Of_Dreams
  • Bless You Boys
  • Daaa Bears
  • 4256
  • Chicky Nuggies
  • Akron Zips
  • Blue Grit
  • Big Klu Barrels Up
  • Stealing Signs
  • Strick9


  • 💸Capital City Goofballs📢
  • Vottomated Strikezone
  • Field_Of_Dreams
  • Bless You Boys
  • Daaa Bears
  • 4256
  • Chicky Nuggies
  • Akron Zips
  • Blue Grit
  • Big Klu Barrels Up
  • Stealing Signs
  • Strick9
