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Minimal Efforters 18077.5 126.1 5.43 5.13 7418 1951 380 42 304 771 110 136 37 1476.2 58 85 1580 1293 506 66 168
Cuban B 17981.7 112.2 5.29 5.11 7159 1818 357 25 321 867 102 122 29 1508.0 48 101 1498 1394 408 55 169
The Book of Bo Bichette 17758.7 51.7 5.34 4.97 7338 1893 402 38 328 706 84 178 40 1496.0 52 85 1694 1262 517 82 207
Big Papi memories 17715.2 57.7 5.25 5.07 7172 1868 330 22 308 750 101 184 39 1508.2 51 55 1730 1310 510 61 189
Super Seiya Means #1 Go 17308.5 114.5 5.18 5.24 7180 1850 396 31 278 739 86 155 46 1439.2 123 24 1491 1231 454 56 168
Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor 17123.8 12 5.34 4.77 7156 1972 373 28 268 664 84 295 69 1440.1 64 72 1398 1349 448 81 171
Jeters Never Prosper 17030.5 57.4 5.14 4.98 7102 1786 387 22 295 732 94 142 34 1496.1 119 34 1610 1356 497 75 189
Just Vibes 16844.7 22.2 5.14 4.63 7355 1892 425 26 300 670 86 149 39 1503.2 81 59 1551 1288 572 54 218
Nola Tengo 16726.4 22.6 5.27 4.57 6952 1741 347 38 324 767 73 183 27 1501.1 96 58 1554 1409 593 90 191
MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times 15854.1 43.2 5.24 4.54 6608 1806 347 38 285 576 69 159 49 1399.0 93 48 1369 1312 494 61 189
The Team A-Rod Can Afford 13862.7 67 5.10 4.84 5881 1506 292 22 254 704 93 99 20 1121.2 40 57 1227 1060 363 34 147
Brewsters Millions 12091.1 93.6 4.73 4.19 6010 1491 292 33 219 605 75 107 21 1068.0 17 34 980 1043 365 56 133

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Super Seiya Means #1 Go 114.5 455.6 2,442.1
The Team A-Rod Can Afford 67.0 350.2 1,694.0
Big Papi memories 57.7 609.4 3,288.7
Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor 12.0 518.8 2,713.9
Just Vibes 22.2 220.8 2,169.1
MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times 43.2 355.9 2,272.9
Minimal Efforters 126.1 521.4 2,965.3
Brewsters Millions 93.6 415.4 1,594.4
Jeters Never Prosper 57.4 517.6 2,728.9
The Book of Bo Bichette 51.7 560.4 2,817.5
Nola Tengo 22.6 233.3 2,041.1
Cuban B 112.2 645.9 2,616.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Super Seiya Means #1 Go 162 162 146 161 161 158 771 162 1439.2
The Team A-Rod Can Afford 106 104 140 149 153 161 697 143 1121.2
Big Papi memories 161 158 161 160 160 162 797 156 1508.2
Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor 162 158 162 158 162 158 810 151 1440.1
Just Vibes 155 162 162 162 162 162 796 162 1503.2
MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times 162 162 145 143 150 151 752 151 1399.0
Minimal Efforters 162 161 159 162 158 162 810 162 1476.2
Brewsters Millions 162 126 130 123 140 130 679 122 1068.0
Jeters Never Prosper 158 154 156 162 147 148 776 162 1496.1
The Book of Bo Bichette 161 162 159 162 161 162 804 162 1496.0
Nola Tengo 162 146 161 162 161 162 760 155 1501.1
Cuban B 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1508.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Super Seiya Means #1 Go Lineups 163 163 147 162 162 159 776 163 1448.1
The Team A-Rod Can Afford Lineups 107 105 141 150 154 162 701 144 1128.1
Big Papi memories Lineups 162 159 162 161 161 163 802 157 1518.0
Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor Lineups 163 159 163 159 163 159 815 152 1449.0
Just Vibes Lineups 156 163 163 163 163 163 801 163 1513.0
MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times Lineups 163 163 146 144 151 152 757 152 1407.2
Minimal Efforters Lineups 163 162 160 163 159 163 815 163 1485.2
Brewsters Millions Lineups 163 127 131 124 141 131 683 123 1074.1
Jeters Never Prosper Lineups 159 155 157 163 148 149 781 163 1505.1
The Book of Bo Bichette Lineups 162 163 160 163 162 163 809 163 1505.0
Nola Tengo Lineups 163 147 162 163 162 163 765 156 1510.1
Cuban B Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1517.1

  • Super Seiya Means #1 Go
  • The Team A-Rod Can Afford
  • Big Papi memories
  • Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor
  • Just Vibes
  • MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times
  • Minimal Efforters
  • Brewsters Millions
  • Jeters Never Prosper
  • The Book of Bo Bichette
  • Nola Tengo
  • Cuban B


  • Super Seiya Means #1 Go
  • The Team A-Rod Can Afford
  • Big Papi memories
  • Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor
  • Just Vibes
  • MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times
  • Minimal Efforters
  • Brewsters Millions
  • Jeters Never Prosper
  • The Book of Bo Bichette
  • Nola Tengo
  • Cuban B
