T-shirt sale


Big Papi memories 18184.0 180.5 5.33 5.47 7286 1920 384 32 319 709 103 88 25 1443.2 71 37 1477 1164 464 57 135
Super Seiya Means #1 Go 17720.5 45.9 4.87 5.72 6799 1740 374 25 253 775 60 54 30 1511.1 94 33 1647 1181 437 73 149
The Book of Bo Bichette 17653.5 53 5.12 5.26 7277 1941 415 26 267 605 74 131 30 1519.1 75 83 1497 1307 465 70 158
Cuban B 17043.4 53.1 4.78 5.51 7135 1786 349 34 252 737 122 126 25 1426.1 83 82 1403 1223 396 61 138
Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor 16434.9 78.7 4.55 5.32 7003 1741 360 18 247 709 104 109 36 1441.1 78 50 1555 1214 458 52 163
MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times 14923.6 85.9 4.72 4.72 6570 1753 375 30 210 579 66 110 48 1362.0 79 56 1251 1256 395 54 175
Nola Tengo 14547.2 52.7 4.40 4.68 6294 1516 313 49 219 566 87 140 53 1502.0 63 41 1493 1368 457 87 192
The Team A-Rod Can Afford 14007.0 28.2 4.97 5.74 5336 1288 254 25 236 650 73 58 25 1189.2 93 22 1410 977 348 32 136
Minimal Efforters 11773.3 72.6 4.93 5.77 5663 1451 337 17 215 609 83 81 29 704.2 25 32 727 547 186 25 65
Jeters Never Prosper 11102.8 47.4 4.86 4.40 5366 1337 293 11 236 558 69 62 23 890.1 37 19 903 816 276 43 135
Brewsters Millions 11101.4 83.4 4.79 4.66 5778 1476 322 18 211 486 74 96 32 819.2 6 42 750 807 215 43 87
Just Vibes 11002.2 -8.3 4.50 5.16 5744 1454 263 28 175 537 61 128 30 790.2 52 36 869 672 245 33 108

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Super Seiya Means #1 Go 45.9 326.5 2,402.3
The Team A-Rod Can Afford 28.2 395.7 1,919.0
Big Papi memories 180.5 642.2 3,082.8
Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor 78.7 757.8 2,682.3
Just Vibes 8.3 235.9 1,229.2
MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times 85.9 712.2 2,688.5
Minimal Efforters 72.6 398.1 1,730.2
Brewsters Millions 83.4 422.5 1,499.5
Jeters Never Prosper 47.4 588.3 2,122.2
The Book of Bo Bichette 53.0 589.2 2,823.3
Nola Tengo 52.7 212.0 1,262.4
Cuban B 53.1 516.1 2,652.5

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Super Seiya Means #1 Go 162 159 150 155 156 145 774 162 1511.1
The Team A-Rod Can Afford 61 134 89 136 127 159 610 130 1189.2
Big Papi memories 163 160 160 160 162 161 805 162 1443.2
Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor 162 162 155 162 150 162 811 162 1441.1
Just Vibes 162 125 161 151 79 136 650 75 790.2
MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times 159 160 156 143 149 125 755 153 1362.0
Minimal Efforters 130 116 141 150 64 149 657 155 704.2
Brewsters Millions 162 158 70 135 140 112 608 135 819.2
Jeters Never Prosper 132 160 158 162 139 110 519 100 890.1
The Book of Bo Bichette 162 162 162 162 157 154 764 162 1519.1
Nola Tengo 162 125 143 162 159 157 677 123 1502.0
Cuban B 158 163 159 162 156 161 803 159 1426.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Super Seiya Means #1 Go Lineups 163 160 151 156 157 146 779 163 1521.1
The Team A-Rod Can Afford Lineups 61 135 90 137 128 160 614 131 1197.1
Big Papi memories Lineups 164 161 161 161 163 162 810 163 1453.0
Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor Lineups 163 163 156 163 151 163 816 163 1450.2
Just Vibes Lineups 163 126 162 152 80 137 654 75 795.2
MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times Lineups 160 161 157 144 150 126 760 154 1371.0
Minimal Efforters Lineups 131 117 142 151 64 150 661 156 709.1
Brewsters Millions Lineups 163 159 70 136 141 113 612 136 825.0
Jeters Never Prosper Lineups 133 161 159 163 140 111 522 101 896.0
The Book of Bo Bichette Lineups 163 163 163 163 158 155 769 163 1529.1
Nola Tengo Lineups 163 126 144 163 160 158 681 124 1511.2
Cuban B Lineups 159 164 160 163 157 162 808 160 1435.2

  • Super Seiya Means #1 Go
  • The Team A-Rod Can Afford
  • Big Papi memories
  • Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor
  • Just Vibes
  • MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times
  • Minimal Efforters
  • Brewsters Millions
  • Jeters Never Prosper
  • The Book of Bo Bichette
  • Nola Tengo
  • Cuban B


  • Super Seiya Means #1 Go
  • The Team A-Rod Can Afford
  • Big Papi memories
  • Godspeed You! Bryce Harperor
  • Just Vibes
  • MLBTypedItsPwordWrong3Times
  • Minimal Efforters
  • Brewsters Millions
  • Jeters Never Prosper
  • The Book of Bo Bichette
  • Nola Tengo
  • Cuban B
