Vote off rule changed to Allocation system now as agreed to in offseason.
Slam Diego on
March 22, 2022 3:06 PM
Sorry to hear that man :/
Another thing to hate about that damned vote-off rule--if you unexpectedly have to miss the draft, you lose your best player. It's a stupid rule, happy to send the end of it.
Good Wood on
March 20, 2022 9:02 AM
Ottoneu Prestige League - if you finished in the top 6 last year you qualified for the Prestige League -- there's a link a the very top of the league page now. It just opened and there's already 92 of the 240 spots filled, so if you want to play jump in quickly.
Me and Julio on
March 14, 2022 4:30 PM
Okay we have a winner Saturday March 19 at 3PM PT/6PM ET. The date has now been updated. See you all then.
Slam Diego on
February 26, 2022 12:45 PM
Agreed with picking a date and sticking to it. I will say the 3/19 and 3/20 dates are during the first weekend of March Madness. Not sure if that bothers people as I believe we drafted on the same weekend last year but wanted to mention it. Also I close on a house on 3/18 also so not the most ideal timing but if it works for everyone else its fine by me as I know we'll never get a date that works for everyone.
Pablo Sanchez on
February 24, 2022 9:07 PM
It looks inevitable now that there will be a delay to the season, which during a pandemic and European war and declining sports market share for baseball is mind-boggling, but it is what it is. I join the others in saying lets just pick a date and do the auction.
Me and Julio on
February 24, 2022 6:51 PM
My opinion is pick an auction date and sticking with it. God knows we don't know what the greedy millionaires (players) or billionaires (owners) will do. Whatever happens, it will happen to those of us in this fantasy league equally.
Sounds good to me. I don’t mind drafting on either poll top date. Just want to be sure everyone else is cool with it.
Slam Diego on
February 24, 2022 1:47 PM
I agree, pick the date and leave it
This league is on top of it! My preference would be to pick a date and stick with it regardless of the lockout or season delays. But I may be in the minority with that opinion, and would be fine if the commish/others want to postpone.
Although also getting nervous of season delay given recent talks.
Slam Diego on
February 23, 2022 9:40 PM
Just need 3 more responses. As of now Sat/Sun March 19 & 20 tied and 3-6pm PT in lead.
Slam Diego on
February 23, 2022 5:12 PM
Alrighty all, given that the March 1st date is quickly approaching. I created a survey to see what dates/times work best for all: https://forms.gle/KT7rfDXcv7o1Xh4Q9
Let me know if you have any questions.
Slam Diego on
February 21, 2022 5:13 PM
Anyone looking to make moves before the keeper deadline? Looking to sell a couple of guys.
Everyone is renewed for next season! Should be a good one! Hopefully season isn't impacted.
Slam Diego on
January 31, 2022 12:42 PM
Man I can't wait for baseball. Praying this lockout doesn't cost us games.
As of now the March 1st draft date is just a placeholder.
Slam Diego on
January 17, 2022 2:48 PM
Once baseball gets their shit together and out of the lockout I’ll send out a poll to find a time and date to draft that hopefully works for everyone.
Slam Diego on
January 17, 2022 2:47 PM
OK, my bad. I should have checked first. It was previously set for Feb. 1.
Feb. 1, sorry for the typo in my prior message.
Looks like our draft day is currently scheduled for March 1st
Our draft date is Feb. 10; 14 days before the Keeper Deadline. That doesn't make much sense to me!
Keeper deadline got moved to Feb 15 due to the lockout
Jan 31, 2022 - Keeper Deadline
Slam Diego on
December 13, 2021 8:55 PM
When is the keeper deadline?
Me and Julio on
December 12, 2021 3:06 PM
Hey everyone, just checking back in after enjoying some time off from this grind of job of managing a fantasy baseball team. I agree that the vote-off for this year should stand, so thanks guys for making good decisions lol I kid, but seriously thanks Slam!
I’ve been tied up but will try to respond tonight
Good Wood on
December 9, 2021 5:04 PM
I would like to make a couple trades. Hmu.
No worries
Slam Diego on
November 28, 2021 11:58 AM
Thanks Slam - sorry it turned out to be such a hassle.
Me and Julio on
November 23, 2021 4:42 PM
Thanks. Btw I’m fine with switching after the auction draft. Just wanted to make sure we had some kind of arb as arb is vital to a healthy league. Glad it appears to have worked out
Ok switched it back. All arb results are still in place. Sorry about that.
Slam Diego on
November 23, 2021 3:16 PM
Weighing in a little more, I kinda agree with GabeKap. Once the Vote Off was done, it should remain as done for 2022. As a last place team with a minor league roster (basically), I have no chance in 2022 without some quality players going into in free agency. It would seem we have a situation right now where we have neither a Vote Off or an Allocation for 2022. That's really not acceptable IMO.
It would seem Ottoneu needs to add a specific time period to the official schedule where leagues and adjust rules for the upcoming season! Slam Diego, please don't take my comments as a criticism of your efforts. It appears you were trying to change 2023 settings only to find out that it impacted 2022. Seems like your effort to implement the wishes of your league managers backfired which is no doubt now creating a head ache for you. I support whatever corrective action we take as a league.
I brought this up on the forum. Changing back to vote-off until after the Auction Draft may solve the problem. I feel strongly that the arb we all just participated in should not be nullified.
There’s a major problem though. Vote off designations got removed for the current offseason, nullifying the arb process. Please manually remove each voted off player from each team so they cannot be traded.
Thanks for the feedback. Just changed to allocation system for next year and 10 max weekly starts for pitching.
Slam Diego on
November 18, 2021 2:44 PM
I just joined here and I don't want to be that new guy questioning all the league settings type. However, I did just complete Allocation Arbitration in my other Ottoneu league and the Vote Off method here (both for the first time). I would have to say that to me the Allocation method seems like a more reasonable approach. I can live with either, but just wanted to weigh in with my opinion.
Welcome back Crooked and thanks Cary-Grove for taking on the challenge. I agree with '62 Mets that the Allocation arbitration is the better of the two methods and would favor a move to that next year, along with the move to the weekly starts limits.
Me and Julio on
November 14, 2021 11:20 PM
Hi, guys. Not dead. I'll be back in for 2022 so you can kick my tail again.
Hello all, I picked up Dirty Bunts. What a crappy roster. I was looking for a challenging team to manage and this roster certainly fits that mold. Looking forward to competing with you all in 2022.
@Crooked you have til 9 PM Eastern tonight to complete arb.
Crooked hasn’t visited since June… last day to vote BTW!
If anyone knows someone interested in joining, we are looking for a new owner to take over Dirty Bunts team.
Also thanks for the arbitration clarification, don't forget to make your picks and Happy Offseason!
Slam Diego on
November 8, 2021 5:32 PM
I personally prefer the arbitration that involves $, because you don't outright lose a player (or expose him to restricted FA), instead the league is just allowed to correct the cost of players based on their previous season. It's much better imo, but I know plenty who prefer the vote-off system.
It's basically a means of punishing other owners for making good decisions by trying to deprive them of at least some of the benefit of those decisions. Yes, I hate arbitration. But I otherwise like Ottoneu, so I hold my nose and go along . . .
Good Wood on
November 2, 2021 2:47 PM
Yeah you're basically just voting for one player on each roster that you'd like to have a chance to obtain. Player with most votes on each team becomes a restricted FA.
The player that receives the most votes collectively on each team is turned into a restricted free agent that can be bid on by other teams during the auction draft.
In the case of a tie, whichever player has the team with the worst standings voting for them is the restricted free agent.
The team they were voted off from will get an automatic $5 discount towards that player, so if they get the player back, they will get the player for $5 under what they bid.
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