League Message Board
Correction - We will use a 12 hour clock (not 18) and the rebid clock will be 10. After most teams have 15-20 players we will lower the rebid clock to 8 and when most teams have 25-30 we will lower it to 6. The initial bid clock will stay at 12 unless there is a demand towards the end. With owners spread across the globe (at least 3 in Asia) it is difficult to go any lower than 12. If this is confusing or you don't know what a slow draft is just message or email me.
Dot 99 💥 on
March 2, 2021 2:32 AM
League is full! We will start the slow draft on Saturday (03/06), each team will have 3 nominations at the beginning, with the timers being 18 hours, and resets will be set at 8 hours. We can always update those amounts during the draft and depending on how well we are progressing. Good luck and if you've any questions about how a slow draft works, please lmk.
Not a 🥔 on
March 1, 2021 11:22 AM
The final two owners should be signing up soon. We'll start the slow draft/auction maybe the first weekend in March.
Dot 99 💥 on
February 23, 2021 10:03 PM
As far as the side pot goes here are the guidelines. 1. Everyone pay the $75 pre-draft. 2. For whatever reason the season is not normal here is the breakdown: a) Less than 100 games = total refund of the side pot b) 100-139 return $35 c) 140+ keep it at $75. 3. We will use the number of games the majority of the MLB playoff teams play as a benchmark. If that seems cool with everyone send over the $75 to my PayPal at this email. davcupchak@gmail.com
Dot 99 💥 on
February 23, 2021 10:02 PM
Hey everyone, I created the auction room for the slow draft (https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/?auction_id=110), please join whenever you can! the password is spud
Not a 🥔 on
February 23, 2021 7:23 PM
We will start a slow draft sometime after March 1st or after we get 12 teams.
Dot 99 💥 on
February 8, 2021 10:26 PM
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