Enter 2025 OPL


Whitey Whackers 18923.3 48.8 5.04 6.09 7448 1861 381 25 299 803 64 131 40 1502.1 127 19 1755 1104 479 64 137
wOBAlicious 17697.9 77.8 4.92 5.91 7010 1843 374 29 218 696 124 97 36 1446.1 113 47 1588 1196 378 57 136
ayayyron 17256.1 54.7 5.21 5.12 7092 1814 398 28 293 759 93 96 27 1457.0 16 114 1504 1255 400 51 183
Angels in the Troutfield 16987.0 11.7 4.81 5.51 6996 1795 372 29 240 657 82 76 27 1477.0 92 64 1618 1189 452 62 171
Sox & Sandals 16443.7 101.8 4.91 5.67 6032 1584 343 18 197 623 84 81 20 1487.0 121 36 1604 1170 488 78 145
Hit the Kwan, Hit the Kwan 14986.5 100.3 5.18 4.75 6590 1765 368 33 249 564 102 168 41 1239.2 10 67 1312 1123 428 78 145
BABIP’d 14263.1 -11.8 4.54 4.27 6759 1659 332 21 226 643 82 110 28 1456.0 58 23 1304 1438 477 62 178
Honey Nut Chourios 12784.9 49.3 4.64 4.99 6125 1509 290 35 236 507 74 98 24 1069.0 76 56 999 964 342 47 122
Buzz Baseball 2.0 12707.6 20.5 4.30 4.41 6140 1527 307 27 186 598 66 102 41 1231.2 23 62 1089 1165 370 59 155
The Rook 12662.9 42.3 4.61 5.40 5041 1212 246 13 211 525 63 26 13 1179.0 56 37 1184 1018 306 37 120
AJ’s Baseball Club 12350.2 118.2 4.76 5.33 5040 1266 251 19 228 535 51 64 20 1032.0 32 68 1046 861 314 35 112
mr 10596.1 18.8 4.80 4.75 4981 1232 226 19 238 526 80 90 33 796.0 40 17 791 714 249 34 102

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Whitey Whackers 48.8 916.9 2,999.8
Angels in the Troutfield 11.7 567.2 2,695.4
Sox & Sandals 101.8 576.2 2,504.2
Hit the Kwan, Hit the Kwan 100.3 475.5 1,987.0
Buzz Baseball 2.0 20.5 601.1 1,855.4
The Rook 42.3 371.6 2,098.0
wOBAlicious 77.8 694.0 2,796.5
BABIP’d 11.8 277.9 1,763.5
AJ’s Baseball Club 118.2 444.2 2,055.2
mr 18.8 345.6 1,412.6
Honey Nut Chourios 49.3 325.3 1,943.9
ayayyron 54.7 518.3 2,739.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Whitey Whackers 162 162 162 162 162 158 809 163 1502.1
Angels in the Troutfield 162 162 162 160 154 150 742 145 1477.0
Sox & Sandals 101 140 149 152 134 156 651 148 1487.0
Hit the Kwan, Hit the Kwan 140 144 150 149 143 155 733 141 1239.2
Buzz Baseball 2.0 85 125 143 149 151 159 729 150 1231.2
The Rook 142 91 135 97 135 127 532 106 1179.0
wOBAlicious 162 156 145 161 148 162 772 156 1446.1
BABIP’d 143 162 162 162 149 127 712 153 1456.0
AJ’s Baseball Club 162 102 72 134 50 148 621 150 1032.0
mr 123 150 141 107 147 117 488 148 796.0
Honey Nut Chourios 162 153 152 150 141 139 605 104 1069.0
ayayyron 162 162 148 157 157 157 774 162 1457.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Whitey Whackers Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 159 814 164 1512.0
Angels in the Troutfield Lineups 163 163 163 161 155 151 747 146 1486.2
Sox & Sandals Lineups 102 141 150 153 135 157 655 149 1496.2
Hit the Kwan, Hit the Kwan Lineups 141 145 151 150 144 156 738 142 1247.2
Buzz Baseball 2.0 Lineups 86 126 144 150 152 160 734 151 1239.2
The Rook Lineups 143 92 136 98 136 128 536 107 1186.2
wOBAlicious Lineups 163 157 146 162 149 163 777 157 1455.2
BABIP’d Lineups 144 163 163 163 150 128 717 154 1465.1
AJ’s Baseball Club Lineups 163 103 72 135 50 149 625 151 1038.2
mr Lineups 124 151 142 108 148 118 491 149 801.0
Honey Nut Chourios Lineups 163 154 153 151 142 140 609 105 1076.0
ayayyron Lineups 163 163 149 158 158 158 779 163 1466.1

  • Whitey Whackers
  • Angels in the Troutfield
  • Sox & Sandals
  • Hit the Kwan, Hit the Kwan
  • Buzz Baseball 2.0
  • The Rook
  • wOBAlicious
  • BABIP’d
  • AJ’s Baseball Club
  • mr
  • Honey Nut Chourios
  • ayayyron


  • Whitey Whackers
  • Angels in the Troutfield
  • Sox & Sandals
  • Hit the Kwan, Hit the Kwan
  • Buzz Baseball 2.0
  • The Rook
  • wOBAlicious
  • BABIP’d
  • AJ’s Baseball Club
  • mr
  • Honey Nut Chourios
  • ayayyron
