Enter 2025 OPL


Boo-urnes! Boo-urnes! 19889.7 12.6 5.70 5.85 7275 1940 416 17 362 745 109 98 24 1523.1 105 12 1881 1174 476 86 159
Sox & Sandals 17658.2 72.4 5.49 4.95 7020 1853 401 31 289 800 125 129 33 1477.1 109 54 1582 1291 529 70 194
wOBAlicious 17626.8 97.1 5.41 5.12 6731 1797 363 29 316 698 84 79 25 1499.0 48 62 1645 1253 548 70 169
Angels in the Troutfield 17280.6 59.8 5.24 5.13 6762 1683 352 30 323 760 112 77 25 1501.2 94 47 1541 1301 410 52 194
ayayyron 17108.1 53.2 5.48 4.79 7174 1919 404 28 293 814 75 139 40 1383.0 57 84 1423 1264 419 55 192
The Rook 15591.6 10.2 5.11 5.30 6533 1582 327 21 342 650 91 66 22 1262.2 74 61 1373 1076 392 59 151
Buzz Baseball 2.0 15185.2 87.2 5.03 4.65 6957 1810 355 32 264 673 80 147 39 1266.0 78 21 1308 1122 430 43 182
Roñ(ald) Swañsoñ 14506.3 80.6 4.93 4.47 6324 1688 351 26 256 563 86 54 24 1301.2 59 58 1303 1205 434 61 189
mr 12454.0 63.7 4.81 5.20 5763 1467 274 17 249 557 85 131 30 900.1 72 22 1001 759 294 30 121
BABIP’d 11685.8 24.7 5.32 4.84 5636 1476 300 30 256 561 76 70 17 745.2 12 43 859 640 261 39 105
AJ’s Baseball Club 10636.5 10 4.66 4.70 4727 1227 217 14 182 550 46 73 32 901.2 2 13 993 774 280 44 122
Honey Nut Chourios 257.8 0 4.69 0.0 213 53 10 0 10 16 1 0 0 0.0 - - - - - - -

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Boo-urnes! Boo-urnes! 12.6 210.6 3,028.4
Angels in the Troutfield 59.8 372.9 1,905.2
Sox & Sandals 72.4 578.0 2,888.7
Roñ(ald) Swañsoñ 80.6 405.1 2,493.3
Buzz Baseball 2.0 87.2 333.5 2,389.2
The Rook 10.2 479.3 2,215.7
wOBAlicious 97.1 482.9 2,543.4
BABIP’d 24.7 313.3 1,527.7
AJ’s Baseball Club 10.0 309.5 1,688.3
mr 63.7 318.8 1,809.1
Honey Nut Chourios 0.0 34.0 72.8
ayayyron 53.2 433.7 2,520.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Boo-urnes! Boo-urnes! 162 162 159 162 149 161 810 162 1523.1
Angels in the Troutfield 162 153 149 151 149 145 773 147 1501.2
Sox & Sandals 162 162 144 153 151 162 793 157 1477.1
Roñ(ald) Swañsoñ 135 154 156 148 148 154 722 145 1301.2
Buzz Baseball 2.0 151 162 148 150 162 158 757 161 1266.0
The Rook 162 147 159 137 146 145 725 120 1262.2
wOBAlicious 120 160 161 161 162 154 768 153 1499.0
BABIP’d 162 150 85 147 149 72 616 136 745.2
AJ’s Baseball Club 162 150 92 101 147 162 453 107 901.2
mr 162 74 135 130 145 141 693 135 900.1
Honey Nut Chourios 55 0.0
ayayyron 155 162 157 162 162 162 799 154 1383.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Boo-urnes! Boo-urnes! Lineups 163 163 160 163 150 162 815 163 1532.2
Angels in the Troutfield Lineups 163 154 150 152 150 146 778 148 1510.2
Sox & Sandals Lineups 163 163 145 154 152 163 798 158 1486.1
Roñ(ald) Swañsoñ Lineups 136 155 157 149 149 155 726 146 1309.2
Buzz Baseball 2.0 Lineups 152 163 149 151 163 159 762 162 1273.2
The Rook Lineups 163 148 160 138 147 146 730 121 1270.1
wOBAlicious Lineups 121 161 162 162 163 155 773 154 1508.0
BABIP’d Lineups 163 151 86 148 150 72 620 137 750.0
AJ’s Baseball Club Lineups 163 151 93 102 148 163 456 108 907.0
mr Lineups 163 74 136 131 146 142 697 136 905.2
Honey Nut Chourios Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 0 0.0
ayayyron Lineups 156 163 158 163 163 163 804 155 1391.1

  • Boo-urnes! Boo-urnes!
  • Angels in the Troutfield
  • Sox & Sandals
  • Roñ(ald) Swañsoñ
  • Buzz Baseball 2.0
  • The Rook
  • wOBAlicious
  • BABIP’d
  • AJ’s Baseball Club
  • mr
  • Honey Nut Chourios
  • ayayyron


  • Boo-urnes! Boo-urnes!
  • Angels in the Troutfield
  • Sox & Sandals
  • Roñ(ald) Swañsoñ
  • Buzz Baseball 2.0
  • The Rook
  • wOBAlicious
  • BABIP’d
  • AJ’s Baseball Club
  • mr
  • Honey Nut Chourios
  • ayayyron
