Damn, Joe lol. That is wild. All I know is this version of baseball sucks in my opinion. Elite pitching performances rule but not at this rate. So boring. I loved the rabbit ball albeit more base hits would be fun too.
What's super crazy is that my league leading HR/9 from last year would be just a bit above the 11th ranked so far this year. The ball is dead.
Here’s a fun stat. Right now 35% of qualifying major league batters are hitting at or below replacement level. I’m genuinely curious if this April is setting records
Those 7 players have combined for .6 WAR so far lmfao
Not than anyone cares about anyone else’s team lol just mind blowing how bad everyone has been. Not just my players.
It is mind boggling to me that my team with Vlad, Lowe, Olsen, Reynolds, Winker, Robert, Ketel Marte has like a combined negative a 280 obp and a 370 slg. Cmon baseball be more fun than this!!
May 8th, 2018. I can pull up the exact spot on Google Maps and post it for all to see. I got home from work, parker my car, and was walking the block or so back to my house. Decided to check my fantasy scores on the way. No outs, seven earned runs. I swore, that day, never again. I've bought in to Bundy twice, maybe three times since then. I can't handle another.
Don't tempt me with Bundy!
First place baby!!! Insurmountable lead.
New ball. Cold weather. Snore! I want Dingys
Wow look at that standings cluster. You think that’s cause all our team offenses suck? I’m pretty my team has hit 1 homer in like 10 days.
Eloy out 4-6 with a hamstring strain. Considering moving him so I can maintain a healthy lineup for OPL round 2. Any interest let me know.
lmao would've been a very good guess! I saw him blast a homer out of the AAA park last week. Most Guardians beat writers comp him to Brett Gardner so I'm most more excited to watch him than have him on my team at the moment. The cornerstone of the Mike Clevinger trade!
I would have bet the farm that a AAA Guardians player I've never heard of was nominated by SGRE.
Micks, the trade is going to be processed in about 4 hours. If you inadvertantly accepted the offer, please let me know ASAP so I can cancel it. If I don't hear from you and the trade goes through, I won't take any further action.
Yes, from the comment it appears as if you may have intended to reject it. Please advise if you'd like me to cancel the trade.
DM, did you mean to do that trade? The comment seems...less than enthused lol
Yes, being in the same league for more than a decade certainly helps. I just wish I was successful in other aspects of my life as I am with fantasy baseball haha. Very open to changing the league name if anyone has suggestions. I could never come up with a suitable alternative so it just stuck out of inertia.
Good Grief!
That is great to know. All along I was assuming original founder was a fan of Charlie Brown
That is actually a very cool story. Thanks for sharing and no wonder Jeff is so good. He’s got a decade of expertise lol
I'll steal Urbina's thunder while he's sleeping in Oceania. This is one of the original Ottoneu leagues and to drum up interest, Fangraphs got "celebrities" involved in some of the inaugural drafts. So this league was founded by Craig Brown, who used to write for Baseball Prospectus, with an original draft date of 3/23/2011. And we just never changed it, but at this point it's kind of a badge of honor. Urbina is the sole remaining owner from that original draft.
Does anyone know why our league name is Baseball Prospectus - CBROWN 3/23? I'm just curious if there is an orgin story there, LOL.
I wanted him because I have an open roster spot and he seemed like such a hot commodity. Turns out not so much haha.
Wow good job all of us for letting urbina get a 1 dollar player he wanted at 5 Lolol
Goddamn, after that bidding war on Gonzales at auction, I'm shocked I got him unopposed.
Just got back from my first game of the season. Clippers vs. Syracuse Mets. Pretty rough game, prospects-wise, but a rehabbing Josh Naylor had some loud outs, if anyone wants to start that auction.
Welcome to the league Sandlots! Look forward to a great season!
Thanks for clarifying, Urbina. Was curious about that!
We've given Sandlot a round of penalty-free cuts so he can clean his roster of all the marginal keepers Syndergaardians held on to so he could minimise his auction involvement. Notably, these cuts bypass waivers and are added directly to the player pool. So if any of the names he cut interest you, you can start an auction at any time. Unsure if Sandlot can rebid on those guys though. We'll see!
Dang. That was nice of you to do that sandlot! Good luck!
Welcome to the league!
Hello everyone. New owner of the Sandlot Prophets here. Give me a few minutes to get this squad up and running and I’ll do my best to make it and the league as competitive as possible.
Hi all, I've just spoken with Syndergaardians and he tells me that he doesn't have the time availability to keep up with OttoNeu baseball. As such, he's stepping aside and we've sourced an experienced owner from the Community message board to take his team over and see it through to the end of the season. While turnover at this stage in the season is hardly desirable, I'm grateful that Sydergaardians helped us through another offseason and put his hand up early rather than stringing us along.
Double homecoming!
Woohoo!!! Tied for first!
Now that's what I call a blockblister.
Goddamit. Between my 2 leagues, I've lost 4 consecutive coin flips.
Bonus points if you buy both!
Alright, who decided to be the joker and concurrently nominate the Diegos Castillo?
Just took a look at it. Clarke Schmidt and Josh Winder are 2 and 3. Waiver Boys!
Did someone just see Eno's tweet? Lol
Shocked to see Moustakas and JD Davis still on waivers. LOL
Literally can't believe i accidentally nominated Niko Goodrum lol
The quesadillas I made were awesome, so watch out: I'm on the top of my game for tonight.
Glad to hear it. It seems each year the varying time differences and work commitments get increasingly difficult to accommodate, but things always seem to work out. There's probably a life lesson in there somewhere.
Oh junk is the draft tonight?! Well, in a turn of holy fate, I don't work tomorrow (meaning I don't have to be up at 3 a.m.) which means I may just be able to participate live wit the $3 I have to work with
Looking forward to the draft, folks. I'm gonna get some serrano braised chicken thigh quesadillas going for this evening. Can't wait for either!
Thank you everyone for participating and accommodating. If only we could get as much cooperation from the MLB owners.
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