BPM and I can start a side chat while everyone else is drafting exciting players. Serge, how many drafts do you have tonight?
Patience...patience and patience
When in doubt, spend money on Jay Bruce.
DJiB, any advice for going in with $36 and needing 14 players?
That's correct, draft will start at 8 PM as planned. Thanks for the reminder Howie.
Hey - just to clarify - the draft is set for 8pm, correct? It will not change to 7 or 9pm?
Thanks for accommodating me, everyone! And my deepest apologies for screwing up the time zones. I'm really glad we could find a date so close to opening day though. With the free agent pool looking super thin, I'm sure we will all feel more comfortable knowing where our dollars are going.
Slight change, Doodle did not like Urbina being in Australia and his availability was off by a day. So we're going to move the draft date to 3/29. Guy Frieri may need a slightly later or earlier start time based on his work schedule, please let me know if you have issues with us modifying the start time to 7PM or 9PM EST on 3/29. Appreciate everyone's patience.
Sad news -- Eric Thames has announced his retirement. I guess we have to bury the past and look ahead to who this season's Spring Training Darling will be.
Alright, looks like March 27 is the best day for everyone that is closest to the start of the season. Please let us know immediately if this date does not work, or else we'll lock it in and everyone can start their draft prepping!
If you've already submitted, it is still possible to amend your dates, and if you could use the "if need be" feature for dates that are not ideal but you can make work, that would really help. Thanks in advance for your responsiveness and flexibility!
Hi everyone, good participation rate on the Doodle so far...looks like we're just missing Escape Pod, Gurri, and AHWT. It seems we're already running low on consensus dates though; the best dates so far only have 8/9 owners available. There are a few owners who have stated that they're unavailable for entire weeks at times. I'd like to emphasise that this the Doodle should be filled out on pure availability, not your preference for a draft date.
Hey everyone, sorry for getting this out later than I'd hoped. Please see the link in the following post for the draft time Doodle. The plan is for the draft that starts at 8 PM EST to hopefully accommodate east coast and west coast owners (and Urbina will figure it out in Australia). The draft usually lasts about three hours. If you have a special scenario regarding start times please reach out directly and we can tweak things to try and get something that works for everyone.
Ahem, Ryan McMahon is off the table for bidding wars this year, thank you very much
Interesting observations! Definitely the shallowest free agent pool I've seen. The new offensive environment certainly has some effect, but this phenomenon is also typical in long-term keeper leagues, and we're one of the longest tenured leagues in the OttoNeu universie. Papi is a wild card too; he plays in so many leagues that he needs to keep mostly full rosters to minimise his reliance on the auction. So boring answer is that it's likely a confluence of factors. Should make for a fun auction!
I think Bogaerts will end up being my biggest keeper regret, ultimately. But, as mentioned, Lindor isn't *that* much more inspiring.
Same, kinda. I really thought about cutting Harper but then it was like, he's gonna get up to $50 at auction anyway, even if he misses the first month or two, so why bother.
No you’re right I kept probably 6 bats I was borderline on cause the cuts as I started looking at the available player pool and past the top 5-6 guys it gets unproven really fast and I didn’t wanna get caught in a Ryan McMahon bidding war
My quick initial guess looking around the league is that it may have something to do with the change in offensive environment last year. So many pitchers performed so well that even though many got hit with arb, a lot of the salaries look like very nice value. In turn I think that allowed people to hold onto some maybe borderline values for bats in an attempt to try to lock up more of a sure thing offensively in a reduced offensive climate. But idk, just a theory.
Of course, there are interesting players but the top talent seems really sparse.
Interesting analysis. The pool seems really shallow this year and your stat might explain why. I can't recall past years well, but there don't seem to be many guys who even will eclipse $40 outside of Scherzer. After Scherzer, Bregman and Lindor it's pretty meh...
Out of curiosity I was taking a look, and this auction is gonna be a bit different than the past couple at least.
2021: 173 players bought at auction for $1,083
2022: 158 players bought at auction for $1,063
2023: After the cut deadline, we collectively have $769 in cap space for 147 or 148 (I can't remember how it works with a suspended player going into auction) open roster spots.
Should be interesting.
Can't imagine what his inbox must look like right now haha. I got like 50 emails today and I'm only in 2 leagues.
Papi's got like 120 teams, has already paid up, and has been online today. I'm sure he'll come through.
Hope those Big Papi Memories turn into some Big Papi Realities sometime in the next hour and 17m. LOL
Looks like everyone has renewed. Thank you all for making this such a stressless renewal deadline. Don't forget to make your final cuts by midnight Eastern time Tuesday. Once we're over that hurdle, we'll start gathering your availability so we can set an auction date.
We're down to two managers who need to renew with five days left. Thank you everyone who's re-upped their team for next season. For the owners who haven't renewed, you can find the "Extend your dynasty" option on the right side of the main dashboard page: https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/userdashboard
Reminder that the cut deadline is fast approaching at midnight EST on January 31. Make sure to accept all your trades and complete cuts prior to that date and time. Trades accepted on deadline day will still process. Additionally, and more importantly, owners need to pay their league dues prior to January 31 as well. Please take a second and renew your team for 2023 or else the system will lock you out on February 1.
Just shaking things up on a Friday morning!
Talk about a blockbuster!
Never forget the Brayan Bello auction. https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/118/auctionresults?id=730612
Aiming to really jostle AHWT and GoLaS for a solid 4th or 5th place finish this season. Taking a page out of the Francona/Hyde books and moving a last-place team to fringe relevance is my dream.
Channeling your inner Jerry Dipoto's Prior Conviction
Sorry about that flurry, had some offers on the table and was waiting to hear back from GoLaS.
Thanks, happy to join
Welcome Serge! Great time to jump into ownership. Looking forward to a flurry of trades over the coming days.
Welcome, Serge!
South shore of Montreal (suburbs)
Welcome Serge! Glad to have you. Love trading as well. Where "up north" are you from?
Hi guys, I'm Serge from up north. Got some experience with Ottoneu, a baseball nut and I'm happy to join your league. Feel free to send offers, I like the action.
I've asked Ephs to put in some preliminary arbitration allocations while DJIB and I work on sourcing a replacement. I've got a couple leads from the last time we needed a replacement owner, but if anyone has someone they'd like to recommend, please do reach out. I'll make a final announcement once the new owner is onboarded.
Update: Ephs has decided he doesn't have the free time anymore to give this league his full attention, so he'll be stepping away after 5 years. Cole first came on board as a replacement owner in the 2017 offseason and put together some strong competitors in the 2020-21 seasons. Please join me in wishing him well!
Thanks to everyone who has allocated their arbitration dollars so far. I take this as a sign of intent to return for 2023, but if anyone is thinking of leaving, please let me know ASAP so we can get someone new in before arbitration ends. The last outstanding owner is Ephs, so I will reachout over email and see where he's at. Expect an update soon, and then we're on to what should be a very interesting and active off season!
Hey everyone, the postseason is still going strong, but arbitration has started so make sure you log into Ottoneu between now and November 14 to allocate your arbitration dollars! Teams that fail to allocate at least $1 to each team will have all there allocations voided. Eight of twelve teams have already completed their allocations so we're off to a great start!
Dang, tough week to be one of the greatest relievers of all time.
Reposting for visibility:
Ephs, I need you to cut one guy to get your roster legal. Looks like you're actually two roster spots over the limit now, but one of those is because Tylor McGill has reinstated from the Covid IL to be added to the wild card roster today. Considering this happened after the regular season finished, I'm happy to let that one slide and say you only need to cut one guy to get right.
Yearly subscription. It's given me access to playoff games for 8 years, until now. The package I bought even specifically said postseason was included in the Ts & Cs, but that was changed yesterday to rescind access.
Is it a separate package or part of the yearly MLBTV? Either way, shit move.
I already contacted MLB fan support on Twitter and I'm getting my subscription refunded. Still very disgruntled though. The audacity to talk about growing the sport internationally and then pull underhanded shit like this.
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