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Las Vegas Aviators 18684.1 16.6 5.14 5.73 7294 1862 371 22 297 801 105 122 40 1522.0 75 54 1709 1280 420 56 146
Otto 23 18306.6 0 5.28 5.55 7130 1872 375 32 281 717 79 219 37 1503.1 105 90 1517 1262 425 47 163
Turd Burglars 🔮 17638.6 0 4.96 5.47 7317 1884 388 17 269 716 84 174 41 1469.2 105 59 1636 1214 494 55 168
Oakland AAA's 16692.3 15.6 4.74 5.13 6991 1799 341 38 237 654 92 183 51 1506.1 43 95 1589 1358 493 78 158
Never tell me the odds! 🎲🎲 16420.3 0 5.33 4.67 6802 1795 381 42 295 666 81 182 47 1411.1 75 78 1415 1270 445 60 207
The Profane Undertones 16223.2 0 4.84 4.54 7325 1839 344 34 316 631 84 124 38 1501.1 44 81 1439 1401 479 80 195
Uecker Troopers 16158.0 0 4.63 4.76 7253 1790 364 34 248 713 89 190 41 1503.1 66 50 1453 1361 440 58 193
Milford Sounders 15942.7 28.1 4.62 4.94 6928 1712 329 30 273 706 96 107 37 1435.0 54 59 1456 1229 498 69 167
Marte Partay 15573.9 0 4.74 4.71 6491 1629 296 26 273 668 52 124 31 1500.0 47 74 1432 1295 489 59 197
Bad Feeling About This 14825.5 0 4.50 4.99 6693 1612 330 45 230 595 76 207 56 1374.2 104 18 1466 1226 412 56 182
The Diamond Project 14674.9 2.2 3.72 5.13 6637 1518 260 25 205 609 81 167 40 1502.1 50 71 1565 1274 480 67 172
Weighted Wookiees 13403.5 18.1 4.96 4.80 6643 1668 354 41 250 677 86 153 44 966.0 65 21 955 885 332 39 115

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Oakland AAA's 15.6 342.3 2,699.7
Bad Feeling About This 0.0 375.1 1,772.5
Never tell me the odds! 🎲🎲 0.0 350.0 2,374.9
Turd Burglars 🔮 0.0 496.5 2,691.3
The Profane Undertones 0.0 90.1 1,605.7
Marte Partay 0.0 206.1 1,807.5
Las Vegas Aviators 16.6 389.6 2,325.4
Weighted Wookiees 18.1 317.3 1,880.2
Otto 23 0.0 668.3 3,069.9
The Diamond Project 2.2 189.8 1,825.8
Uecker Troopers 0.0 102.5 1,619.4
Milford Sounders 28.1 299.8 2,644.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Oakland AAA's 162 162 162 162 158 149 784 151 1506.1
Bad Feeling About This 77 146 152 152 161 148 773 159 1374.2
Never tell me the odds! 🎲🎲 162 162 151 162 161 148 748 150 1411.1
Turd Burglars 🔮 162 155 162 162 162 160 810 162 1469.2
The Profane Undertones 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1501.1
Marte Partay 162 138 139 161 158 150 738 149 1500.0
Las Vegas Aviators 157 162 161 162 161 162 810 162 1522.0
Weighted Wookiees 162 149 118 140 141 154 755 148 966.0
Otto 23 162 162 162 157 139 162 781 162 1503.1
The Diamond Project 162 162 150 154 153 157 775 161 1502.1
Uecker Troopers 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1503.1
Milford Sounders 162 162 160 144 158 161 810 162 1435.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Oakland AAA's Lineups 162 162 162 162 158 149 785 151 1508.0
Bad Feeling About This Lineups 77 146 152 152 161 148 774 159 1376.1
Never tell me the odds! 🎲🎲 Lineups 162 162 151 162 161 148 749 150 1413.0
Turd Burglars 🔮 Lineups 162 155 162 162 162 160 811 162 1471.1
The Profane Undertones Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 811 162 1503.0
Marte Partay Lineups 162 138 139 161 158 150 739 149 1501.2
Las Vegas Aviators Lineups 157 162 161 162 161 162 811 162 1523.2
Weighted Wookiees Lineups 162 149 118 140 141 154 756 148 967.0
Otto 23 Lineups 162 162 162 157 139 162 782 162 1505.0
The Diamond Project Lineups 162 162 150 154 153 157 776 161 1504.0
Uecker Troopers Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 811 162 1505.0
Milford Sounders Lineups 162 162 160 144 158 161 811 162 1436.2

  • Oakland AAA's
  • Bad Feeling About This
  • Never tell me the odds! 🎲🎲
  • Turd Burglars 🔮
  • The Profane Undertones
  • Marte Partay
  • Las Vegas Aviators
  • Weighted Wookiees
  • Otto 23
  • The Diamond Project
  • Uecker Troopers
  • Milford Sounders


  • Oakland AAA's
  • Bad Feeling About This
  • Never tell me the odds! 🎲🎲
  • Turd Burglars 🔮
  • The Profane Undertones
  • Marte Partay
  • Las Vegas Aviators
  • Weighted Wookiees
  • Otto 23
  • The Diamond Project
  • Uecker Troopers
  • Milford Sounders
