League Message Board
I'm pretty pumped you got Leodalis for less money, Diamond!
That puts up: Marte Partay, Milford Sounders, and then Uecker Troopers
Luke Keaschall, 2B, MN
Ummm, let’s see here….
Leodalis De Vries? Yep, I’ll pick him…
You’re up when ready, Diamond Project
Wookiees select Aidan Miller SS PHI
There's no mechanism by which to cancel the auction as it sits...but once it closes I'll just reverse the move and treat him as an FA for sake of the MiLB draft. Thank you again!
Really appreciate you offering that up...thank you!
Sorry for jumping the gun...you can cancel the auction nom for Leodalis De Vries, we all want a fair shot at players...
First three picks will be: Weighted Wookies, Diamond Project, and then Bad Feeling
Before all of the MiLB prospects get auctioned...let's do a soft start on the Draft. I'm not going to get into timing, but let's go ahead and kick it off. Please don't auction any additional MiLB prospects until the slow draft is complete.
Sooooo...everyone has checked in today, which leads me to believe everyone has confirmed rosters look good, and there are no issues. So, I'm gonna flip the switch on the league start, this will allow trades to commence, FA pickups, etc. Best of luck folks, update those trade blocks and all that jazz! Thanks for your patience.
Works for me.
Correct, I'd like to limit pick times to like 12 hours (I know they generally run more quickly). I'm not a big stickler on overnight picks, so long as everything looks copasetic, but I won't count any overnight timing, etc.
Sounds good to me. All picks go here on the league message board, correct?
Any concerns with our starting the 5 MiLB draft tomorrow?
Looks good here--Thanks for all your work!
An example of a roster issue : Fernando Cruz, minor league SS for the Cubs, was added to my roster instead of Fernando Cruz, RP for the Yankees. I already removed a duplicate Josh Smith and Jacob Caballero when it was supposed to be Jose Caballero. I did a quick glance and I don't see any other issues, but please let me or Christian know if you see a player that seems to be off. Usually the roster import struggles with players with similar sounding names, as referenced above.
MIne appears correct-thank you to everyone who helped pull this off despite the issues in Couch Managers...
Hey guys, I know that Couchmanagers failed there at the end, but Kenny (Vegas) fortunately was able to capture the data and manually imported rosters. Please take today to review your rosters, and let me know if there are any issues that you see. If I don't hear anything, I'll mark the draft as complete and we'll be able to get into the regular season and kickoff the 5 MiLB draft.
Looks great on my end- THANK YOU!
Through sheer dumb luck I left a tab open on my home PC yesterday. That tab had all of our draft data available, so I manually created a roster export. Rosters *should* be correct in Ottoneu. Please take until the end of the day to verify that rosters are accurate. If there is a problem, please let me or Christian know. In the meantime, we will be open for league activity (free agent auctions, trades) when Christian clicks that our draft is complete.
Please check the offline 5 MiLB rosters before nomming prospects...
NM-It just adjusted...we got them all a living fantasy wage...
In other weird draft news, it looks like I got a few players for $0...I like a bargain and everything, but I also want to live by the rules and not have free players...
I've actually adjusted UP, since we're pretty much in dollar days...don't hold, keep on making those noms. Sorry this got so gross...
Please don't make any additional nominations...it appears the board is still a mess. I think the issues pushed those around, and I need the board to clear to make sense of what to do next. This is a pain...sorry guys.
We did not. The whole reset messed those up (I had 7 moms available), so I adjusted down…but if any of you have more noms than you should please let me know and I’ll adjust further. Thanks for your honesty!
did we bump up the noms from 3? site is showing i have 2 left, after making 3 last evening (fry, kim, finnegan).
Marte Partay on
March 4, 2025 6:55 AM
I've adjusted down the noms, I think we're in good shape??
Unless some of these guys ending inside the next two hours get re-bid of course...those guys won't count toward the two hour window at that point.
Once Jeff Hoffman is off the board, in about two hours...please resume your picks.
Please DO NOT make noms until these last few hours worth of them work themselves out.
Hey, and a good point just came up. As it shows, everyone has nominations...but the board has been capped at 50 noms per. My request here would be for us to let these auctions process before making additions. I'm going to kick things back off...please hold on noms.
I'm going to kick off here in a little bit...haven't heard any updates, but hoping they're past the issues. If we see ANY issues I'll probably pause again ASAP. Please note (and this is why I'm not starting it immediately) that some of those auctions have less than an hour to go in them.
Sounds like they're still working through some minor bugs...
I'm going to wait out any latent issues, a reset is likely going to reset the new noms that just went up as well. Just so you know, probably won't go until a bit later this afternoon...keep you posted when it's safe to kick things back off. Thanks for your patience!
Looks like it's back up, but I've paused it and will let you know when I can rewind (probably going back to like 12:00 EST, yesterday). More to come.
So I’ve learned the issue is due to a server change. It sounds as if he has a way for us to “roll back”, once things come back online. Sounds like this is a one man show, which isn’t surprising, but we may have to pivot if things turn south.
Just jumped in on Slack, everyone is down at the moment…
I cant access the site either
Maybe, but this is insanely terrible...
I don’t have a concern with that…maybe the site will work better tomorrow, because so many leagues draft on weekends?
Currently I can't even get on the site...like, the page won't even load! I've reached out to CouchManagers to find out what's up. If/when I can jump back on, maybe pausing makes some sense. Keep you posted on that front. Anyone have any concerns with pausing?
Hi Commish- any chance we can pause the draft? Couch Managers isn't even loading for me anymore, and it hasn't been taking my bids...
We're live! Happy drafting!
Should be right around 11:00 EST.
What time do we begin tomorrow?
Alright folks, everyone is in...and keepers have been added. Please review your rosters, let me know if you see any issues. We'll kick things off in the morning!
Sorry for the hold up. Good to go.
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