League Message Board
congrats Commish!
Congrats to the Champ, well done! (we choked;) Hope we get a full ride next year... We'll be back!
What a weird season! Congrats to the playoff teams and especially to myself! I hope you guys had fun. Arbitration starts 10/15! Go Cardinals!
And he twirls his best game in 2 years? Were that my guys were so clutch... Congrats! (unless Lugo pitches a perfect game with 16 K's lol)
My season depends on Joe Musgrove @ CLE. Good luck this weekend!
Great Finale battle Commish! I've been a bit unfocused at the worst time possible... it will be tough to get a result
Good luck Hive. Brian R here
Aha... thx commish!
Try clicking Playoffs in the top submenu. That works for me. As far as GS cap, it is 9 starts per week, so 18 total during each 2-week matchup. That's how it is written in community forums and someone in Slack confirmed.
FYI: If you cut players now, you get hit with cap penalties, which may exclude you from current auctions/waiver claims. If you want until the offseason, you can make penalty free cuts.
Can anyone else access the 2 vs 3 matchup, or anything different than mentioned below? But ultimately, it's kinda crucial to know if we get 9 or 18 starts over the 2 week matchup
Also weirdly, when I click on 'see full schedule' it rather cheekily says "YOUR LEAGUE DOESN'T HAVE A SCHEDULE BECAUSE IT IS NOT A H2H LEAGUE"
It "should" reset? It's actually not very clear. If I click 'Details' for the matchup vs. Freedivers, it shows a H2H matchup for "weeks 6 & 7', and says "9 starts remaining"
Good luck in the Playoffs guys... is that Brian R. I have in Round 1?
Yah! By definition, all Ottoneu leagues are keepers. You can keep anyone as long as you wish (but see league RULES for details about Arbitration, etc.)
Is this a keeper league or nah?
Correction on playoff GS cap: It's a 9 game "per week" cap. So you get 9 starts for each week. It should reset on Mondays.
For playoff teams: There are no positional game caps. For pitchers, there is a 9 games started cap per round, as I understand the settings. In hindsight, 9 games is probably too few for a 2 week playoff round.
For everyone: If you guys have any settings suggestions for next season, let me know. Arbitration starts around mid-October. Hopefully next season will be back to normal.
Should make for an interesting trade deadline though. Already getting weird offers :D
Correct. Not a great format in a 60 game season!
Top 4 teams go to playoff, is that correct? If it starts August 31, then other 8 teams season done?
Benchwarmers on
August 15, 2020 9:17 AM
Oh I see... No, you're right, this is the only one I'm in this year with playoffs. That should be interesting. But til then everyone should check their targets
Does your other league have playoffs? We have a four-week playoff. Regular season ends on 8/30, and that's what the caps (games and innings) are based on.
What's the story with the game + innings limits ? In my other leagues it's set at 60 games per position, but here it's 30.
I guess it works now.
Stott's Tots on
July 27, 2020 9:19 AM
Ohtani seems to have disappeared from Freediver's team. Not sure if you heard anything commish?
Stott's Tots on
July 27, 2020 9:00 AM
FYI - Our regular season ends on 8/31. For the top four teams, two, 2-week rounds of playoffs will follow ending 9/27. Regular season game cap for hitters is 30 (150 combined for OF). Regular season innings cap for pitchers is 280 (min 230).
Well, it looks like we'll finally have some baseball starting this week. If you haven't already, be sure to read the Ottoneu COVID-19 info linked at the very top of the league page. It should answer all of your roster questions. Best of luck to everyone!
I see several errors on my roster. Those were my fault though.
Auction is over and all players have been added. I double checked rosters and salaries, but let me know if you see any errors. Maybe we'll finally get some baseball in May...
I've set up the real auction. Click the link below to join. The password is: rosebud. We'll start tomorrow morning, 7 AM Eastern (provided everyone has joined by then). Please remember to verify position eligibility in the Ottoneu universe. Also, according to Ottoneu rules, you must have $1 of cap space for every open roster spot and you must roster a team capable of filling all active roster spots.
Can we just get started with the real auction this afternoon? I need something to do while I'm uh "working" today
I’ll post the real auction this afternoon.
Is the test auction the same as the real auction? What is the link for the real one?
Stott's Tots on
March 6, 2020 4:06 AM
I've created a test auction just so everyone can test out CouchManagers. Use this link. Click "Join" where the team list is. Password is "wutest" (clever!). In Auction Settings at the bottom, there's an Edit Team Name option. Please use your Ottoneu name. Time limits for the test are just 1 hour with a 30 minute reset. Our actual auction will be 12hr/8hr. Test auction has to be full before it starts.
If anyone is interested/confused/etc about the slow auction, I'm currently running one for a new Ottoneu league right now, we're on day 4 I believe but should give you a feel for how it works. Click Here for the link
Forgot the link! https://www.couchmanagers.com/baseball/
Also - We're going to start the auction Saturday, 3/7. Figured it'd be easier for new guys to figure it out on a weekend vs a Monday.
If you scroll to the bottom of this page where it says Current Auctions, you can look at some in progress auctions to get a feel for it. The slow auction is basically the same as a regular auction, just with longer clocks. 12 hours for the initial nomination, then an 8 hour reset for any bids. So, if I nominate Trout at 6 AM (expiring at 6 PM), and you bid on him at 4 PM, the clock will reset to 8 hours, expiring at midnight. You can also set max bids.
A slow draft has its pros and cons. Yeah, it takes 12 hours per player but that is the point. You can go about your day and check in when want. With different time zones you can sleep and feel confident that you can raise your bid if you want when you wake up if you see fit. The con is it is slow.
Stott's Tots on
February 29, 2020 9:38 AM
Once a player is nominated he can’t be nominated again. So who ever logs in first can nominate Trout and two others and when others log in those players won’t be available to nominate. It doesn’t really matter who nominated a particular player. So there will be 36 different players.
Stott's Tots on
February 29, 2020 9:29 AM
still not sure how auction draft will work. we will have 12 hrs to follow initial 36 players, continue to bid on, highest bid at end of time, receives player?
asked to nominate 3 players, what if same player is nominated more than once?
Benchwarmers on
February 29, 2020 7:21 AM
Also, keep in mind that CouchManagers player universe (players available & position eligibility) may not match Ottoneu exactly. Verify position eligibility in the Ottoneu universe. If a player you want to nominate is missing from CM, let me know and CM can add players. I'll add auctioned players to your rosters on a daily basis throughout the auction.
We're full! We'll be doing a slow auction through CouchManagers.com starting Monday, March 9th. We'll start with 3 nominations each (36 total players) and move it to 4 later in the auction. We'll start with a 12 hour initial nomination window with a 8 hour reset for each additional bid. If we get squeezed for time, we'll have to reduce it to make sure we finish by 3/25. Go ahead and create an account at CM. I'll set up the auction and share when it's ready. Start prepping!
I've done a slow auction before and they can be fun and rather addicting. Especially nice for an inaugural season. A regular fast auction is cool too. I'm down with whatever.
Stott's Tots on
February 21, 2020 8:13 PM
We've got 2 spots open that I'm working to fill publicly. I'm leaning towards using doing a "slow auction" through Couch Managers. We'd each nominate up to 3 players at once (up to 36 bids going on simultaneously). The initial nomination period would be 12 hours and it would reset to 8 hours with each additional bid. I think this would give us the most flexibility. Let me know if you have any concerns about going that route. It's free for you. $3 for me.
Welcome, everybody! I'm hoping we can fill out the league by this weekend and then start working on a Draft date. We'll split the draft up into 2-3 sessions, based on everyone's availability. In the meantime, make sure you check out the online community for tips, Q&A, etc.
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