So if everyone's ok with it, I'm going to look for a new owner for Big Red. He hasn't responded in Slack, here, or through email.
If you click "players" at the top of the site, then type the player's name you want, click on his name, it'll bring you to his page, and you can click "start auction"
How do I put a player up for auction?
Plebian Nation's trade block has been updated!
Hey Big Red, are you still playing? You haven’t set your lineup or anything, but it looks like you’ve logged in. Let us know
5.5 hole's trade block has been updated!
WRCplusDRC's trade block has been updated!
Kramerica Industries's trade block has been updated!
Ryan Howard on
March 24, 2019 2:05 AM
5.5 hole's trade block has been updated!
There's baseball tomorrow everyone!!! Don't forget to set your lineups
Sorry, added him
I'm missing Austin Barnes ($2)
OK, everybody double check there teams. Make sure I got the correct players & prices
yeah for sure, this message board is useful but not ideal
2 of my fantasy leagues use Slack. It works fantastically for trade discussion and updates. :thumbs up:
アメノヒニキク on
March 13, 2019 11:10 AM
Another league I joined has a Slack channel for messages, both league-wide & DM’s for trade chat & stuff. Seems way easier than this message board honestly, anyone up for it?
Yeah I agree. Can cut short some guys instead of just waiting 12 hours when everyone knows they won't bid
Seems like the key to keeping this draft reasonably short is to hit the PASS button when a player gets out of your price range. Then that player can get off the board and a new one nominated.
FYI everyone the auction has begun
Solid Seinfeld reference.
I am logged in couchmanagers
Ryan Howard on
March 1, 2019 10:37 PM
Do we need to create an account for couchmanagers? I copy and pasted the link and it took me straight to our draft page.
Ryan Howard on
March 1, 2019 10:28 PM
2 folks left let's gooo
For those of you wondering, you can change your team name to match this league by clicking 'Edit Team Name' down on lower right of couchmanager page.
アメノヒニキク on
March 1, 2019 3:06 PM
Apparently there is an 8 character limit on passwords so FOFauction was too long lol
Sorry, I'm dumb.
Password is: FOFdraft
I am trying to join just it says that "FOFauction" is the incorrect password
Auction created here.
Password: FOFauction
Double check rules & roster for me to make sure I didn't make any mistakes since this is the first time I've created an auction there. We'll start as soon as everyone is in.
Alright, looks like we’re full & ready to go! I’ll get the auction started on couchmanagers in the next day or two & let you guys know how to join etc.
Just joined! Looking forward to the league. I am good with a slow draft.
Ryan Howard on
February 28, 2019 5:57 PM
Yeah the clock resets on a new high bid, so sniping should not be an issue. We just have to set the reset time to something fair, so you don’t go to sleep with the high bid, get outbid & then auction is over before you wake up. That’s why I think 8 hours seems fine.
Awesome, that's good news, thanks Plebian Nation! I've never used that site so I'm not sure what to expect.
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 28, 2019 12:13 PM
Hi all, just joined. I believe the Commish mentioned doing a slow draft on couchmanagers, so yes there shouldn't be any sniping if we're going to use that site. I've used it before and its great.
Plebian Nation on
February 28, 2019 12:06 PM
Sure, that sounds good. Are we going to allow sniping? It looks like you can make the rules such that when a bid is made on a player it resets the clock for that player. Thus nullifying the act of "sniping", when someone comes in at the last second with a higher bid (like happens on eBay all the time).
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 28, 2019 9:01 AM
Ok, just getting two new owners for the empty spots. As soon as we have them, we’ll get drafting.
What does everyone think for nominations per team at a time & hours? I think 3 per team, & 8-12 hours is standard
I agree, seems like the offline draft is the way to go at this point
Yeah let's do it! Get this ball rolling
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 27, 2019 1:36 PM
Since we can’t agree on a time best for everyone, should we just go with Offline draft, make sure we have all managers ready, and get started?
That wouldn't quite work for me sadly.
730 PT on a Friday or Sat is something I would not want to do, but could. I cannot do 7pm PT Sun- Thurs. What about 2 hours Friday night, 2 hours sat morning and finish sat night?
Upper Deck on
February 25, 2019 10:13 AM
Is there no time in the mornings that work? We could do 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours at night on a Saturday and Sunday? That would spread the pain of wacky hours a little more evenly, perhaps.
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 25, 2019 9:56 AM
I could do weekends, but it'd have to be like 730pst and I don't think that would work for a few of us, right?
Catching up on messages... I would love to make a live auction work if possible - are weekends out of the question? That would seem easiest to accommodate folks being on opposite coasts. If not, I think the slow auction is a great idea. I've done something similar for a fantasy Game of Thrones league before :D
Yeah I did not realize the draft would be at 10 pm ET on a Monday and Tuesday. I work at 6 am ET during the week and could not do that
Upper Deck on
February 24, 2019 6:03 PM
So do we want to do a late night auction (7pst) or offline auction? Either is fine with me, I just want to make sure everyone can make it & be happy
Hey guys - first time doing Ottoneu. I am stoked to try this out. I am based on California, huge Padres fan, going to AZ spring training in a couple weeks. Mondays are hard for me to draft but I will make whatever work!
awful how? I am curious
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 24, 2019 3:35 PM
"Abandon Team Please reach out to your commissioner in order to abandon your team." This is what it says on the team settings. Please let me know how to proceed. I did an offline auction last year and it was awful.
Plebian Nation on
February 24, 2019 3:24 PM
I'll have to do offline, then, as I am on the East Coast and get up early for work. But I'm definitely still in and willing to try the offline auction.
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 24, 2019 3:21 PM
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