Opening Day! (1043)
Setting | Value |
ID | 1043 |
Established | February 2, 2019 |
Description | Side pot for top 3 total points. 6 team playoffs |
Number of Teams | 12 |
Tier | $100.00 |
Private League? | No |
Scoring System | FanGraphs Points |
Playoffs? | Number of Playoff Teams: 6 2-Week Semifinals: No 2-Week Championship: Yes Scoring: H2H FanGraphs Points GS Cap: 8 |
OPL Eligible? | Yes |
Auction Draft Date | February 1, 2025 7:00 PM EST Full Calendar |
Lineups | Daily |
Arbitration | Allocation System |
Trade Wait Period | 24 hours |
Commissioner(s) | 🤴Prince The Vegan 🥗 Joseph Daniel Vottoneu Blank Slate Technicians 🏄 |
Commissioner Note
Side pot for top 3 regular season total points. 6 team playoffs to finish up the season
Last updated January 24, 2020
Last updated January 24, 2020