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Marble Ryu 14798.3 84.6 7.10 6.92 5779 1444 287 20 290 667 94 101 31 1245.1 43 90 1264 1063 331 38 164
Scott Boar Asses 14408.9 16.9 6.72 5.96 5958 1579 299 30 226 575 57 175 47 1250.0 50 62 1286 1125 352 64 153
Infant Sorrow 14002.8 0 6.13 5.26 6035 1489 283 41 246 616 63 149 35 1274.2 70 32 1236 1123 394 51 164
Max Fried Dobbie 13928.7 126.4 6.59 6.40 5750 1468 293 42 239 570 60 173 39 1211.1 16 16 1252 981 347 46 152
Santa Fe Pitspitters 13699.3 0 6.44 6.00 5987 1522 296 18 230 595 73 138 33 1250.1 8 63 1242 1120 367 44 164
The Peaky Bunters 13610.3 47.6 6.65 6.58 5906 1541 313 22 218 566 107 137 33 1118.2 42 68 1174 969 404 37 134
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 13372.8 13.8 6.27 5.75 6115 1564 333 35 210 563 77 145 42 1269.2 37 63 1231 1187 423 71 180
The Catalanottos 12706.2 47.6 5.61 5.53 5799 1416 282 22 180 558 89 133 35 1252.0 79 60 1247 1121 462 73 165
Gas House Gang 12690.9 127.4 6.08 6.10 5657 1418 259 26 208 524 60 128 33 1157.1 108 14 1068 1072 372 44 131
Big Papi memories 11178.7 103.7 5.41 6.63 5165 1212 262 12 202 466 54 93 29 973.0 75 34 1058 844 294 50 116
Cruz Control 11045.9 98.2 7.04 6.14 4606 1235 234 17 210 552 37 68 21 827.1 29 57 843 741 250 46 99
Team BattleTank 7597.4 33.2 5.36 6.38 3742 882 152 14 121 338 31 62 10 717.2 86 22 752 668 260 34 95

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Peaky Bunters 47.6 476.8 2,360.9
Gas House Gang 127.4 513.5 2,449.5
Santa Fe Pitspitters 0.0 691.0 2,491.6
Team BattleTank 33.2 444.0 1,735.9
Infant Sorrow 0.0 74.4 1,680.8
Marble Ryu 84.6 445.9 2,521.2
Big Papi memories 103.7 409.2 1,547.2
The Catalanottos 47.6 359.9 2,082.3
Scott Boar Asses 16.9 296.3 2,490.1
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 13.8 414.7 2,397.5
Max Fried Dobbie 126.4 725.7 2,730.8
Cruz Control 98.2 334.0 1,657.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Peaky Bunters 101 104 101 100 99 107 480 110 854.0
Gas House Gang 94 109 90 95 102 84 479 105 926.0
Santa Fe Pitspitters 101 102 102 101 102 101 506 102 977.2
Team BattleTank 97 76 81 65 58 43 279 57 555.2
Infant Sorrow 109 110 104 108 108 104 538 107 1162.1
Marble Ryu 123 101 105 105 100 95 463 86 929.1
Big Papi memories 90 100 85 104 82 73 484 92 780.2
The Catalanottos 97 104 104 102 95 101 522 98 1057.1
Scott Boar Asses 95 105 102 106 107 85 512 99 1050.2
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 104 100 104 105 106 103 521 111 958.0
Max Fried Dobbie 93 103 97 97 98 104 508 101 939.1
Cruz Control 64 102 98 71 102 97 352 93 675.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Peaky Bunters Lineups 135 139 135 133 132 143 640 147 1138.2
Gas House Gang Lineups 125 145 120 127 136 112 639 140 1234.2
Santa Fe Pitspitters Lineups 135 136 136 135 136 135 675 136 1303.2
Team BattleTank Lineups 129 101 108 87 77 57 372 76 741.0
Infant Sorrow Lineups 145 147 139 144 144 139 717 143 1550.0
Marble Ryu Lineups 164 135 140 140 133 127 617 115 1239.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 120 133 113 139 109 97 645 123 1041.0
The Catalanottos Lineups 129 139 139 136 127 135 696 131 1410.0
Scott Boar Asses Lineups 127 140 136 141 143 113 683 132 1401.0
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It Lineups 139 133 139 140 141 137 695 148 1277.1
Max Fried Dobbie Lineups 124 137 129 129 131 139 677 135 1252.1
Cruz Control Lineups 85 136 131 95 136 129 469 124 901.0

  • The Peaky Bunters
  • Gas House Gang
  • Santa Fe Pitspitters
  • Team BattleTank
  • Infant Sorrow
  • Marble Ryu
  • Big Papi memories
  • The Catalanottos
  • Scott Boar Asses
  • WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It
  • Max Fried Dobbie
  • Cruz Control


  • The Peaky Bunters
  • Gas House Gang
  • Santa Fe Pitspitters
  • Team BattleTank
  • Infant Sorrow
  • Marble Ryu
  • Big Papi memories
  • The Catalanottos
  • Scott Boar Asses
  • WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It
  • Max Fried Dobbie
  • Cruz Control
