Enter 2025 OPL


Marble Ryu 15411.7 0 5.33 5.13 6257 1555 303 22 316 706 103 107 34 1258.0 43 92 1278 1079 333 38 169
Scott Boar Asses 14857.8 0 5.09 5.01 6285 1666 322 30 236 613 61 179 49 1250.0 50 62 1286 1125 352 64 153
Infant Sorrow 14570.7 0 4.92 4.79 6427 1590 304 42 264 658 64 166 36 1274.2 70 32 1236 1123 394 51 164
Santa Fe Pitspitters 14313.8 0 4.89 4.69 6486 1650 326 19 244 639 81 154 38 1250.1 8 63 1242 1120 367 44 164
Johann SchwellenBach 14281.5 0 4.92 5.02 5948 1502 301 42 241 587 61 176 40 1250.1 16 20 1299 1002 353 47 157
The Peaky Bunters 14099.0 0 5.02 5.07 6157 1594 322 22 226 585 112 143 34 1159.0 50 74 1223 999 421 40 139
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 13415.9 0 4.88 4.34 6131 1569 334 35 213 563 77 145 42 1269.2 37 63 1231 1187 423 71 180
Gas House Gang 13077.6 -5.2 4.74 4.91 5831 1468 274 28 212 539 61 128 33 1180.0 114 15 1079 1089 381 44 132
The Catalanottos 12799.8 0 4.30 4.67 5860 1432 289 22 182 564 91 134 35 1252.0 79 60 1247 1121 462 73 165
River City Rascals 11576.0 5.6 4.37 5.34 5359 1269 273 12 210 482 55 100 29 987.1 75 34 1081 858 299 50 116
Cruz Control 11280.4 0 5.64 4.98 4765 1275 244 17 215 567 38 71 22 842.0 29 58 855 756 256 46 102
Manitowoc Skunks 7919.4 -2 3.77 5.00 3909 920 160 14 123 364 31 63 11 740.1 90 22 778 687 267 34 96

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Peaky Bunters 0.0 118.8 536.3
Gas House Gang 5.2 369.4 514.1
Santa Fe Pitspitters 0.0 0.0 614.5
Manitowoc Skunks 2.0 269.8 355.2
Infant Sorrow 0.0 0.0 567.9
Marble Ryu 0.0 2.5 698.0
River City Rascals 5.6 396.7 501.0
The Catalanottos 0.0 64.4 141.2
Scott Boar Asses 0.0 24.6 465.8
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 0.0 42.1 56.9
Johann SchwellenBach 0.0 0.0 479.2
Cruz Control 0.0 218.5 332.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Peaky Bunters 135 135 138 140 136 141 675 139 1159.0
Gas House Gang 126 135 120 133 121 106 660 135 1180.0
Santa Fe Pitspitters 135 149 154 152 155 155 677 151 1250.1
Manitowoc Skunks 130 113 113 105 97 72 395 94 740.1
Infant Sorrow 135 149 148 153 153 154 675 153 1274.2
Marble Ryu 135 148 147 148 149 143 676 134 1258.0
River City Rascals 107 135 97 134 113 98 660 99 987.1
The Catalanottos 135 135 135 135 132 135 675 134 1252.0
Scott Boar Asses 135 148 149 149 148 135 675 148 1250.0
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 135 135 135 135 135 134 675 135 1269.2
Johann SchwellenBach 117 141 136 137 140 140 675 141 1250.1
Cruz Control 79 126 117 95 135 132 442 131 842.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Peaky Bunters Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Gas House Gang Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Santa Fe Pitspitters Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Manitowoc Skunks Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Infant Sorrow Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Marble Ryu Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
River City Rascals Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
The Catalanottos Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Scott Boar Asses Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Johann SchwellenBach Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Cruz Control Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

  • The Peaky Bunters
  • Gas House Gang
  • Santa Fe Pitspitters
  • Manitowoc Skunks
  • Infant Sorrow
  • Marble Ryu
  • River City Rascals
  • The Catalanottos
  • Scott Boar Asses
  • WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It
  • Johann SchwellenBach
  • Cruz Control


  • The Peaky Bunters
  • Gas House Gang
  • Santa Fe Pitspitters
  • Manitowoc Skunks
  • Infant Sorrow
  • Marble Ryu
  • River City Rascals
  • The Catalanottos
  • Scott Boar Asses
  • WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It
  • Johann SchwellenBach
  • Cruz Control
