That's why I don't like high salary players too much, if you try to trade them when they don't produce, owners are hesitant or you have to give a big loan, then some owners don't like the big loans coming with the top guys, because the other team gets a big star freebee, if you keep him you block yourself from having some spare cash to shop waivers or auctions and if you drop him, it's true that only teams with enough cash can bid on them, no more big salary players for me...promises...promises
Bit late to the conversation but thought I’d tell my thoughts
I think it made sense for Turner to be dropped. Underproducing at his cost and likely too expensive to take into next year given his expected stats. The bid for Aranda was high but I’ve bid high for players I really want. The player was worth the potential cost in his eyes. I wouldn’t want a “no drop list”
The idea isn't to criticize anyone's moves. I never try to comment unless something like this is openly questioned. I simply meant if big name players start suddenly getting dropped, we'll actually look at what's going on more closely. Ultimately Turner being cut means everyone had a chance to claim him. Only one team could succeed in doing so.
If you can't an offer for a Turner at 53$, the only option is to drop him and get some cash. As for Aranda, looked at his MiLB stats for 2023 and many positions he plays and found him attractive. OK 13$ is high, I could of placed a bid of 5 and get outbid, so what's the use, maybe I'm looking at this wrong, but I'm OK with my moves, if I'm in left field, LMK and I will move away from this league without any fuss, don't want to be where I'm not wanted while everybody criticize my every move
next year. As for this transaction, I'll simply state that any abnormal cuts of marquee players will be more closely monitored moving forward. A last place team dropping a huge name player in advance of the trade deadline does not make sense in any way. I can't speak to potential deals out there but surely something that could have benefitted the future could have been done - but purely speculative. I don't want to get to the point that every move is scrutinized, but we'll do what we have to.
I question the decision made, but ultimately it was Papi's to make. I typically try not to comment on owner moves but I don't think there's a universe where dropping Trea Turner for someone that hasn't established themselves at $13 makes sense. Aranda from what I know has never been a top ranked prospect. I can't make the move make sense, but I don't think there's anything that stands out that ultimately would have stopped it. I'm not in favor of a no-drop list, but we can vote on it being added
As for Turner, his salary was much too high for a guy with his stats, if droping him means I can pick 2-3 guys from waivers/auctions, well so be it, I'll take my chances
Also, I often drop a guy because I claimed another one and to make room and sometimes I pick him up again 30 days later, what do want me to tell you, I'm in this to have fun, so please let me have fun.
Well, I don't feel I have to defend myself, but I like what Aranda did in the minors (AAA) this year, had him in a couple of leagues last year but it didn't pan out, so I bid agressively like I always do, is there a rule against that, c'mon guys let's move on, if he succeeds I will be a semi-genius and if he doesn't a dumbass, but it's my decision as an owner. As long as it doesn't help unfairly a contender or looks like collusion (trade) I don't see why actions like this bother other owners
I would not want a dont drop list. I think dropping a player to possibly pick up the cuts required to add that player is a real strategy
I didn't even realize we didn't have one tbh. I'm generally fine with it.
I had forgotten about the "can't drop list". Maybe we should investigate that commish. Put it up to a vote? As far as Aranda, I agree with you, Gas. My comment was pure sarcasm. Various owners like to be, shall we say, aggressive in their bidding for certain players that don't reflect market conditions. Oh well. Makes life fun. Any thoughts regarding the "can't drop list" from other owners?
No argument there, but there’s a reason most formats have “can’t drop lists” so great players aren’t set free for no other reason than their price. Maybe Turner was offered to other teams, but I can’t believe you wouldn’t want an asset(s) coming your way in a trade before dropping a top 5 player so you can retool with a $13 Aranda. Aranda is a decent player but I don’t think he outperforms Turner ….ever.
The Wayouts on
July 9, 2023 8:45 AM
This league has always been low on the trading level. Sometimes to have room for new talent, you have to drop players. And $13 for Aranda? That is a steal! A steal I tell you 😀
$13 bid for Aranda?
Arenado is on the table. If anyone is interested let me know.
Price too high maybe?
It seems odd to me that the players on waivers couldn't have been traded. No market for them?
The Wayouts on
July 6, 2023 8:51 AM
Have some high level prospects available. Looking for starting pitching.
Willing to include Gunnar in plus pitching discussions
Got a little bit of depth in OF, SP, and C that I can trade from, either to upgrade an infield spot/SP/OF, or to acquire a prospect. Open to discussions in any direction.
Would like to discuss acquiring a SP, feel free to give me a shout
Happy Opening Day! I've got an assortment of shortstops that I'd be willing to chat about to open the season, shoot me a message and we can discuss.
Thanks everyone for a productive draft. Reminder that the season officially starts Thursday so be sure to have your lineups set to get going. Good luck to everyone!
Friendly reminder that the draft is this Sunday, March 26 at 2 pm EST. We're too close to make changes so if anything comes up, please communicate with me as soon as possible so we can expedite the draft process a bit. Looking forward to being in the draft room with you all and talking some baseball!
2 is good
The Wayouts on
March 19, 2023 1:40 PM
2 it is
2 works for me.
2 works for me
Tight but I can make it work
2:00 sounds good here
Sante Fe is fine with 2pm EST
Everybody ok with 2 pm EST?
2 or 3 EST would be early afternoon to me.
I can make either work
What's your definition of early afternoon? Like 1 or 2 pm EST? I'm ok with that but would prefer to not push it back too far.
Can we push the draft time a little bit later in the day? 11 am CT is in the middle of church. If we could do it early afternoon or that night I would appreciate it
I don’t think I will be. Depends on how busy I am though
I’m considering it this year. Took last year off and enjoyed this years tech test. Digital deluxe price increase is criminal though - I’ll wait the extra days.
Anyone getting The Show this year? Big changes in Diamond Dynasty and Ranked Co-Op finally gets rewards. Would be down to play Co-Op if anyone is playing. I couldn't play at all last year because the mode was broken so assuming it's fixed, of course.
26th works
That times works for me. I wouldn’t be opposed to something a bit later in the day though
March 26th at 12EST works for me.
Anytime on the 26th works for me.
March 26 at 12EST works for me
March 26th at 12pm est works for me
Marble Ryu on
February 10, 2023 10:46 AM
We have a majority vote on March 26. I'm going to formally schedule the draft for that date. The remaining 4 owners that have not voted, we can try to determine a time that works best for that date so you can participate. At this rate, it really looks like the best date for the entire league. I'm going to TENTATIVELY schedule the draft time for 12 pm EST on March 26. Please give feedback on the actual time of the draft if that doesn't work for you so we can work on a time.
Good for March 26th
The Wayouts on
February 8, 2023 7:02 PM
+1 for March 26 - open pretty much any weekend other than the weekend of March 17/18
Thanks for the update Peaky. That date sounds great!
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