H2H Rivals
Regular season only, other than the Playoffs tab. Includes all matchups since Ottoneu introduced H2H in 2018.
Teams | vs Springfield Sultans 🐍 | vs Mr. Taco Presented by Taco John’s | vs 🦥 Docile Irish ☘️ | vs Say It Ain’t So, Sho(hei)! | vs They're still shitty | vs THE PROFANE UNDERTONES | vs I'm Horny | vs Shrine | vs La Flama Blanca | vs Arthurian Legends 👑 | vs The Flying Chanclas 🩴 | vs 🚒Elgin Beavers👨🚒 |
Springfield Sultans 🐍 | --- |
1-0 904.63 |
0-1 711.37 |
1-0 813.80 |
0-1 482.93 |
1-0 708.53 |
1-0 708.53 |
1-0 813.80 |
1-0 711.37 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 904.63 |
0-1 482.93 |
Mr. Taco Presented by Taco John’s |
0-1 599.00 |
--- |
0-1 541.03 |
1-0 631.03 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 618.97 |
1-0 656.07 |
0-1 631.03 |
0-1 599.00 |
0-1 618.97 |
0-1 541.03 |
1-0 656.07 |
🦥 Docile Irish ☘️ |
1-0 790.10 |
1-0 667.20 |
--- |
0-1 764.00 |
1-0 731.27 |
0-1 711.57 |
1-0 790.10 |
1-0 711.57 |
1-0 731.27 |
0-1 764.00 |
0-1 667.20 |
0-0 0.00 |
Say It Ain’t So, Sho(hei)! |
0-1 467.10 |
0-1 607.67 |
1-0 861.77 |
--- |
1-0 564.83 |
0-1 467.10 |
1-0 607.67 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 564.83 |
0-1 693.47 |
1-0 693.47 |
1-0 861.77 |
They're still shitty |
1-0 508.10 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 411.63 |
0-1 508.10 |
--- |
0-1 410.63 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 362.37 |
0-1 584.50 |
0-1 410.63 |
0-2 498.07 |
0-1 362.37 |
0-1 509.73 |
1-0 681.90 |
1-0 725.43 |
1-0 476.77 |
1-0 476.77 |
--- |
1-0 764.00 |
1-0 764.00 |
1-0 681.90 |
0-0 0.00 |
1-0 725.43 |
0-1 509.73 |
I'm Horny |
0-1 452.07 |
0-1 589.87 |
0-1 599.53 |
0-1 452.07 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 749.47 |
--- |
0-1 599.53 |
0-1 504.47 |
0-2 669.67 |
0-0 0.00 |
1-0 504.47 |
Shrine |
0-1 689.67 |
1-0 702.30 |
0-1 578.43 |
0-0 0.00 |
1-0 720.37 |
0-1 734.33 |
1-0 720.37 |
--- |
0-1 578.43 |
1-0 689.67 |
1-0 702.30 |
1-0 734.33 |
La Flama Blanca |
0-1 558.07 |
1-0 852.77 |
0-1 572.53 |
1-0 647.40 |
1-0 852.77 |
0-1 558.07 |
1-0 544.73 |
1-0 647.40 |
--- |
0-1 572.53 |
0-0 0.00 |
1-0 544.73 |
Arthurian Legends 👑 |
0-0 0.00 |
1-0 795.10 |
1-0 1057.80 |
1-0 795.10 |
1-0 598.17 |
0-0 0.00 |
2-0 885.00 |
0-1 598.17 |
1-0 609.03 |
--- |
1-0 712.20 |
1-0 609.03 |
The Flying Chanclas 🩴 |
1-0 947.03 |
1-0 777.33 |
1-0 777.33 |
0-1 525.20 |
2-0 744.32 |
0-1 611.67 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 541.60 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 611.67 |
--- |
1-0 525.20 |
🚒Elgin Beavers👨🚒 |
1-0 552.40 |
0-1 552.40 |
0-0 0.00 |
0-1 252.53 |
1-0 493.33 |
1-0 521.70 |
0-1 383.93 |
0-1 252.53 |
0-1 383.93 |
0-1 521.70 |
0-1 493.33 |
--- |