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Hit the Kwan 18802.7 35.3 5.61 5.31 7319 1967 386 47 297 832 86 148 41 1509.0 117 31 1601 1228 471 59 186
Ricky Vaughn, Harris, and Jobe-u 18134.2 0 5.33 5.14 7389 1881 381 24 340 770 98 159 42 1509.0 82 67 1558 1291 467 67 182
Ramblin’ Bunch of Bums 17395.6 75.3 5.32 5.02 7133 1825 352 35 334 706 79 179 51 1472.1 106 23 1622 1279 569 60 175
It Ain’t Deer Season 17085.7 45.6 5.46 5.02 6999 1824 369 26 286 769 87 155 28 1429.0 72 71 1526 1269 477 53 179
The Boyds of Summer 17034.1 93.2 5.03 4.84 7282 1817 348 33 294 785 102 171 32 1504.2 74 89 1567 1357 499 67 202
San Bernardino Arrowheads 16974.4 17.9 5.70 4.19 7157 1910 369 26 332 783 106 160 32 1485.0 22 55 1397 1431 524 69 195
Judging Mike Trout 16662.1 95.9 5.44 5.03 6358 1679 353 29 241 774 125 153 32 1445.1 152 15 1585 1352 433 61 197
HAMMER TIME! 16631.7 29.3 5.43 4.82 6880 1838 355 38 293 629 65 141 39 1448.2 37 108 1469 1320 466 68 184
Akron Groomsmen 16014.4 92.8 4.95 4.50 7332 1891 423 34 262 627 89 156 35 1449.2 55 79 1461 1355 487 57 208
Xmas Carroll 15306.2 40.2 5.00 4.88 6585 1675 323 40 258 624 72 216 45 1343.1 94 44 1448 1264 421 65 178
IL Superstars 13407.9 30.1 4.38 4.69 5963 1470 304 32 191 581 85 107 35 1317.2 33 103 1342 1203 485 58 169
ThereIsNoSuchThingAsAHealthyPitcher 13324.5 99.6 5.02 4.20 6137 1562 313 17 277 617 104 126 29 1138.0 51 18 1122 1078 438 45 159

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Hit the Kwan 35.3 322.9 2,632.1
Ricky Vaughn, Harris, and Jobe-u 0.0 249.5 2,321.3
Akron Groomsmen 92.8 687.6 2,546.9
Xmas Carroll 40.2 397.6 2,369.3
ThereIsNoSuchThingAsAHealthyPitcher 99.6 545.0 2,326.6
It Ain’t Deer Season 45.6 444.2 2,232.4
San Bernardino Arrowheads 17.9 474.1 2,667.9
Judging Mike Trout 95.9 577.0 3,457.6
Ramblin’ Bunch of Bums 75.3 629.6 2,682.1
HAMMER TIME! 29.3 399.4 2,449.4
The Boyds of Summer 93.2 536.5 2,829.6
IL Superstars 30.1 219.9 1,216.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Hit the Kwan 162 162 155 157 162 162 807 158 1509.0
Ricky Vaughn, Harris, and Jobe-u 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1509.0
Akron Groomsmen 162 162 161 162 162 161 795 150 1449.2
Xmas Carroll 162 162 130 137 140 160 705 154 1343.1
ThereIsNoSuchThingAsAHealthyPitcher 113 159 149 153 133 152 685 157 1138.0
It Ain’t Deer Season 154 144 138 157 143 162 754 162 1429.0
San Bernardino Arrowheads 162 148 151 153 153 153 810 159 1485.0
Judging Mike Trout 138 154 155 158 138 107 741 137 1445.1
Ramblin’ Bunch of Bums 156 146 160 162 162 162 783 148 1472.1
HAMMER TIME! 162 153 156 134 147 150 731 146 1448.2
The Boyds of Summer 162 162 162 162 162 159 809 162 1504.2
IL Superstars 157 132 152 150 153 141 615 150 1317.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Hit the Kwan Lineups 163 163 156 158 163 163 812 159 1518.1
Ricky Vaughn, Harris, and Jobe-u Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1518.1
Akron Groomsmen Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 162 800 151 1458.2
Xmas Carroll Lineups 163 163 131 138 141 161 709 155 1351.2
ThereIsNoSuchThingAsAHealthyPitcher Lineups 114 160 150 154 134 153 689 158 1145.0
It Ain’t Deer Season Lineups 155 145 139 158 144 163 759 163 1437.2
San Bernardino Arrowheads Lineups 163 149 152 154 154 154 815 160 1494.0
Judging Mike Trout Lineups 139 155 156 159 139 108 746 138 1454.0
Ramblin’ Bunch of Bums Lineups 157 147 161 163 163 163 788 149 1481.1
HAMMER TIME! Lineups 163 154 157 135 148 151 736 147 1457.1
The Boyds of Summer Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 160 814 163 1514.0
IL Superstars Lineups 158 133 153 151 154 142 619 151 1325.2

  • Hit the Kwan
  • Ricky Vaughn, Harris, and Jobe-u
  • Akron Groomsmen
  • Xmas Carroll
  • ThereIsNoSuchThingAsAHealthyPitcher
  • It Ain’t Deer Season
  • San Bernardino Arrowheads
  • Judging Mike Trout
  • Ramblin’ Bunch of Bums
  • The Boyds of Summer
  • IL Superstars


  • Hit the Kwan
  • Ricky Vaughn, Harris, and Jobe-u
  • Akron Groomsmen
  • Xmas Carroll
  • ThereIsNoSuchThingAsAHealthyPitcher
  • It Ain’t Deer Season
  • San Bernardino Arrowheads
  • Judging Mike Trout
  • Ramblin’ Bunch of Bums
  • The Boyds of Summer
  • IL Superstars
