League Message Board
Another reminder that our draft is back and the he click is moving on all nominations! 😀
Hit the Kwan on
March 4, 2025 10:15 AM
We should be set - we are in “Sleep Mode” meaning all timers are paused but you can go set bids. I’ll also take this opportunity to update our rosters in Ottoneu.
To make sure any additional bugs are resolved before we fully start we’ll restart countdown on players at 9am EST!
Hit the Kwan on
March 3, 2025 5:18 PM
Yes, the site is down. Harold sent a message in slack. He will have to reset some things once the site is working again.
Anyone else having an issue getting to the couch manager website?
we got a draft room setup for y'all to join and I'll be honest with y'all - this is a feature rich draft platform with a HORRIBLE user interface - be forewarned lol
Here's the steps to join:
1. Go to https://www.couchmanagers.com/ and either Sign Up or Log in
2. Go to https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/index.php?auction_id=979
3. Click on an available Join button
4. Provide password when asked: armchair
Hit the Kwan on
February 23, 2025 9:06 PM
Don’t forget today is the roster deadline - get those trades and cuts made before 11:59pm EST!
Hit the Kwan on
January 31, 2025 4:38 PM
1. Trade and cut deadline is JAN 31 at 11:59pm EST
2. Renewals are also due by JAN 31 (8/12 managers are already renewed)
A reminder that any trade accepted tomorrow will still be allowed but will process past the cut deadline, meaning you will not be able to cut any players that you accept a trade for tomorrow.
Hit the Kwan on
January 30, 2025 10:29 AM
Arbitration ends TOMORROW - here are our current stats from looking at: https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/1013/allocations
8/12 managers have finished allocated dollars - let's get to 12/12!
Hit the Kwan on
November 13, 2024 2:56 PM
Everyone: we have 8/12 managers feedback and with the added comment from Ben Morrow we currently have:
1. The end of Franchise Tagging
2. YES on trying some form of Slow Draft
3. NO on restricting bidding on MLB draft players midseason
I want to make sure we’re all on board with these changes so I’ll give us until end of day October 22nd for anyone who wants to voice opposition.
Hit the Kwan on
October 21, 2024 6:13 PM
New poll to finalize on franchise tagging ruling and to review proposed new rules: https://web.polly.ai/ezwrey
Hit the Kwan on
October 18, 2024 1:21 PM
Hey everyone, please take a moment to vote in our League Rules poll before starting arbitration: https://web.polly.ai/hcpjej
Hit the Kwan on
October 16, 2024 12:37 PM
holy crap what an ending
Hit the Kwan on
September 29, 2024 5:33 PM
Looks like the Arrowheads are squeaking into the 2nd round of the prestige league in 165th place! Cut off is 170th
Don't forget to set your lineup today. It's opening day!
Don't forget to set your lineup for the games on March 20/21 between the Padres and Dodgers.
10 minute warning - get in here! :)
Hit the Kwan on
March 8, 2024 8:22 PM
Draft day is tomorrow - please mark you calendars and be ready to roll! :)
Hit the Kwan on
March 7, 2024 10:49 PM
Operation Blessing recently left from Virginia (where I live) and went to Texas to help provide aid and support to disaster victims there. More team members are continuously on their way with trucks loaded with supplies such as hygiene kits, cleaning kits, food, water, and more. If you wish to help with a donation toward relief during this ongoing natural disaster, you can click on:
HaHa! Welcome San Bernardino Arrowheads! Now, go take a break after your long and arduous name-deliberation period!
[LOS ANGELES] After more than 30 minutes of planning and secrecy, Noelvi officially revealed its new team name Thursday afternoon, capping a process that started literally 30 minutes ago. The Franchise has gone by "The First Noelvi" since 2019, which was always curious considering the team never appears to have rostered the team's namesake player.
Tying into the grand history of Southern California and the Inland Empire the club is proud to introduce the San Bernardino
We have a new manager for The First Noelvi and IL Superstars has renewed - we are now whole again :)
Next up is draft day!
Hit the Kwan on
February 15, 2024 2:09 PM
Yes, an 8:30 start time is fine.
We are moving forward with the proposed draft date on Friday, March 8.
Would 8:30pm EST work for the start time?
Hit the Kwan on
February 6, 2024 12:19 PM
Friday March 8 is fine with me. No prob
Friday, March 8th is the only date with unanimous voting so far after 7/12 votes - I'm proposing we set it unless anyone has an absolutely steadfast can't do that date response
Hit the Kwan on
February 5, 2024 10:50 PM
Hey everyone - it's time to start voting on a draft day!
Hit the Kwan on
February 5, 2024 1:24 PM
Today is the cut/trade deadline! Make sure to accept trades and make all cuts by 11:59pm EST! Remember, any trade you make will require you to KEEP all players at this point.
Also, this is our renewal deadline - we have 7/12 teams renewed!
Hit the Kwan on
January 31, 2024 11:58 AM
Hello everyone! We got a big date coming up - both our keeper/trade deadline AND our renewal deadline. We have 5/12 teams renewed as of today. So get those trade offers out there and get your team renewed :)
Hit the Kwan on
January 28, 2024 2:26 PM
Well, yesterday was NOT a good day for Pennsylvania football teams. My poor Steellers… At least we have fantasy baseball!! Looking forward to warm weather and “Play Ball!”
Hey fletch, I really like your team’s name of THE FIRST NOELVI. Very Christmasy! Tis’ the season! Merry Christmas everyone! Hammer Time
Hey all - I know I've been active in slack a bit but wanted to officially post here and say I'm excited to be here. It's been a slow roll, joining weeks after the WS, but I'll be ramping up activity here soon. Thanks and can't wait for '24!
Thank you, Adam. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Just wanted to wish everyone in the league a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
And wanted to say thanks to everybody who’s been so nice in welcoming me to the league since I joined in Oct. Thanks Ben for recommending this league; and Harold I Really appreciate how you’ve been so helpful and all the things you’ve done and the links you’ve directed me to so that I can have access to Ottoneu informational sites my screen reader for the blind can read. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving all!!!!! Adam
WELCOME to our league Fletch! Glad you’re joining us! Good luck during this off season and the upcoming MLB season! Adam (Team: Hammer Time)
For everyone that hasn't seen the slack messages, this is arbitration time. This is the time to allocate money to players on other teams. Make sure you don't assign money to the franchise tagged players. Arbitration ends on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, so be sure to jump on that soon!
Baseball is certainly unpredictable. Last night Arizona SP Certainly outpitched Ranger SP … but The Rangers still won. What a GREAT Series! I like when there’s a lot of offense in MLB and MiLB games.
Baseball is certainly unpredictable. Last night Arizona SP Certainly outpitched Ranger SP … but The Rangers still won. What a GREAT Series! I like when there’s a lot of offense in MLB and MiLB games.
Acuna was dropped accidentally - I fixed it
Hit the Kwan on
August 2, 2023 7:23 PM
well fuck i didn't plan that well haha
With half the league in contention and my team solidly in last place I am going to take offers on Vlad and Alonso. I’m looking for young players that can help me next year. I have cap room to cover any deal so bring your best offer. If I don’t get what I need then I’ll hang onto them. Hit me up on the slack if you’re interested.
!! We are focusing on Friday, March 24th at 8:30pm EST as our draft day/time. If this absolutely cannot work for you please inform me before the end of today!
Hit the Kwan on
February 13, 2023 1:44 PM
Alright, we've gotten enough votes to narrow down our potential draft date/time further. This new poll has 7 options, again please select any that you could make work and keep in mind that we stretch across all the time zones and all have all the things to do :)
I know not all the times are the best for all of us and if any of them are just outrageously not doable please let us all know.
POLL: https://linkto.run/p/J48Y9J83
Hit the Kwan on
February 13, 2023 11:21 AM
3. Lastly, as you go to the polls to pick a draft date/time please remember we're spread across all the US timezones and also have family/job/personal obligations as well. Please be as flexible as you can be and communicate any limiting factors that we cannot get past!
Draft vote link: http://poll-maker.com/poll4219937x814D499a-133
Hit the Kwan on
February 12, 2023 2:13 PM
2. You may notice that Judging Mike Trout's team has been renewed this year by me. He notified me about a recent family emergency that he must take time for away for. To support Dave during this time I've renewed his team and we will set up a drafter for him and set his lineups until he's ready to rejoin us.
Hit the Kwan on
February 12, 2023 2:13 PM
alright, we got some announcements for today and a final poll to pick our draft day/time!
1. All cuts have been finalized in our league with our new managers and you can now fully start prepping for the draft!
Hit the Kwan on
February 12, 2023 2:12 PM
We are trending toward a Feb 21-28 or March 16-29 range of dates for drafting with 8/12 votes in, cast your vote today if you can! https://web.polly.ai/rnr3cq
Hit the Kwan on
February 9, 2023 3:50 PM
More great news, with the addition of Silas taking over The Boyds of Summer we are back to full strength!
Let's get started on picking a draft date by narrowing down the times available.
POLL LINK: https://web.polly.ai/rnr3cq
Hit the Kwan on
February 9, 2023 1:00 PM
I have some great news - we have a new manager for Gallo's Humour, now called The Replacements.
Please welcome Ben Morrow to our league!
This is his first Ottoneu experience, but he has experience taking over orphaned dynasty teams on Fantrax and likes turning teams around.
We have one more to add, and then we can schedule our draft day!
Hit the Kwan on
February 5, 2023 9:08 AM
TODAY at midnight EST is the deadline for cuts/trades and renewal! We have 6/10 managers renewed as of today!
Remember, any trade you finalize today will not allow for a cut after, so make sure you want to keep ALL the players in the deal.
I'll send a poll out later today for the next round of draft day voting! :)
Hit the Kwan on
January 31, 2023 8:27 AM
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