just over 30 minutes - still available for questions or for needed roster updates
Haven't heard any issues so we're still on track to start in 13 hours. Still time to ask questions or get stuff fixed
Everyone should have just received an email from me. Please read it for updates on rosters (check them on CM), Suzuki he is eligible, but with caveats), and start time (THURSDAY AT 11 AM ET). Hit me up with roster issues or questions or whatever.
looks like we are basically good to go. chad will send final instructions later. it was rocky but we got there and i appreciate everyone being flexible to get this one-off slow auction on the road. it'll be fun! not as fun as me nominating yovani gallardo for $40 or whatever, but, fun.
negative EV on
March 16, 2022 1:06 PM
Sorry have been traveling back home from abroad all day, will be able to join up tomorrow
That link is what you need, but also, as long as your name is recognizably you, it'll be fine. Dustin and Thad, waiting on the two of you. For everyone, if you have any questions about how this will work, let me know. Assuming Dustin and Thad join tomorrow, I'll import rosters, give everyone a day to make sure they look right and then we will kick this thing off maybe Friday morning?
bottom right, there is a link that says "Edit Team Name"
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 10:38 PM
I’m set… but I don’t know how to change my team name.
At a work function. Will do late tonight.
We have 8 people in the CM auction. Waiting on Dustin, Jee Hang, Sugarman and Thad. You need to sign up for a CM account first, then go to the league link I sent, click join, and enter the password I sent. If you have questions, let me know
i don't think anyone reneged on anything, but feel free to show me where i'm wrong. either way i think we're locked in to a slow auction for this season and hopefully this season only. we can talk about how to avoid this next year (everyone make a holiday in early february called draft weekend?) but it just is what it is and i'm not sure how whining about it now is helpful in any way.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 12:55 PM
Niv, I did not "make" anyone wait for anything. I made myself available for literally every time that was proposed, even ones that would have been very inconvenient. I am not the one who reneged on the already agreed-upon date of March 26th.
I don't think anyone thinks this is ideal. We messed up waiting for the lockout instead of just moving forward. This year has been a mess in almost all of my leagues - except the ones that did auctions in Feb. and didn't worry about the lockout. Given that our alternative is having managers not available, this is where we are. Every player is up for 12 hours min, so if you check before work and after work, that should be plenty. That's how I managed my slow auctions in the past.
well that's cool man, you made us wait because of the lockout and you saw the doodles on draft availability, so unless you have a better solution, you're going to have to figure this out.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 12:31 PM
This really sucks. I can't do this on my phone while sitting at work. The site appears to be incredibly slow and difficult to navigate. Also, the idea of overlapping auctions completely changes the way we have built teams for the past 17 (?) years.
It works on mobile, too, so you can check in from your phone.
it works ok on mobile if you want to try that.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 11:59 AM
I apparently can't access the auction site on my work computer. That is going to be a problem.
A couple clarifications, as I have had a couple questions already: 1) When you make a bid and someone has a higher max bid, their bid moves up to MATCH yours not beat it. I put in a max of $45 on a guy, you bid $35, I am winning at $35, not $36. 2) You do not have to fill all 40 spots if you don't want to. Just like a live auction, if you are ready to be done, you can be done. 3) Assuming everyone joins today, we can start as soon as tomorrow.
to join the auction, on the right side there is a box that says "Teams $$". In that box is a list of teams in the auction with empty slots saying "Join" instead of a team name. click any of those Join links.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 11:31 AM
the slow draft will be fine and maybe a little easier to manage. def agree that in the future we shouldn't wait around, given where everyone in this league is in their lives.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 11:26 AM
one other note before my email - when you join, use your Ottoneu team name as your team name in the auction. it makes my life easier.
Ok, seeing no better option, we are moving to a slow auction. One year only. The link to join is here: https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/?auction_id=156 and the password to join is thefirst (all one word, all lower case). I'll get an email out to the league shortly with a lot more info on how this works.
Yeah, I think that is where we are. If anyone has another idea or anyone can reschedule something to make one of the weeknights work, fine...but if we don't have a better plan by tomorrow, I'll get us set up at couch managers.
I'm fine with slow draft, since we can't make a date work for everyone.
Ok we officially do not have an option that everyone can make for a weeknight. We have a couple options that we can get all but one. So unless someone can be flexible one of the nights they said no, I'm not sure we have great options
Parker Geoff Dustin, need your votes
last shot - here are a bunch of weeknights. since we can't find a weekend, hopefully one of these works. if not, we resort to a slow auction and next year hopefully there won't be a lockout and we can get planned earlier.
im fine with weeknights if it works for more people
Alright, we are looking at April 2 or 3 with no Parker or Jee Hang, or March 20 with no Parker or Allan and only one of Horwitz/Miller. We don't have votes from Geoff or Dustin, so could be without one of them too. we could try to find a weeknight but we'd be talking about like 6 PM PT/9PM ET/3 AM Swiss time, which seems crappy for almost everyone (not so bad for us west coasters but real late weeknight for ET and awful for Shanas). So...have we exhausted all options except slow auction?
I can't do 3/20 at 3pm PT - I think I thought it was 6pm PT
Maybe I misread the time. If that is Sunday at 3:00 pm PST, then I can make it.
we have ten responses (from 9 teams, since Horwitz and Miller both replied). the closest. thing we have to a time that works is 3/20 where Allan can't make it, Horwitz is a maybe/Miller a No, and Shanas is a maybe. Assuming Geoff and Dustin can make it, we could do that day and figure out a proxy for Allan, but that seems not ideal.
I can't do the 27th and Doodle is super stupid and won't let me put in a date and then say I'm unavailable. Apparently since I am setting up the poll I can't say no.
maybe I'm looking at the doodle wrong, but I don't see any times listed on the 27th?
if it helps and people wanna do a night draft, im def willing to do the asshole of night/morning swiss time. totally free on the 27th. only times i cant do are 18-20th, and 26th 6-10:30pm swiss time
Ok, please fill this out. If we find a time that works, great. If not, we will go with the slow draft. try to fill this out ASAP! https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/NbWRAMEa
prefer live too, but if we don't have any choices then so be it.. did anyone object to the 27th?
I can send out a lot of details later but no you can't just wait. Any change in who is the leading bidder with <8 hours left resets the clock to 8 hours. You can also enter a "max bid" so if you start an auction on a guy at $1 but put in your max at $60, then I bid $45, the system will up your bid to $45 and you'll still be leading. I'll email out a lot of info if we go this way.
I would much rather do a normal auction, if it's at all possible. The slow auction should be a last resort.
I'm fine with that here, but I've never used it. How do slow auctions work like this? I mean, I get the nominating part, but are people just waiting until the last second to place bids?
I'm good w a slow draft given the situation. in the future we should pick a date in early February
negative EV on
March 11, 2022 11:44 PM
So given the limited time before the season, there was a motion (and a second) to do a slow auction. We'd use Couch Managers and teams would be able to nominate two players at a time, with each player being up for 12 hours. Would likely take us about a week to do this. I've done it for a number of other leagues over the years and it works well when you can't schedule. Alternatively I can send out a Doodle survey tonight. Thoughts on slow auction?
I can’t do 5 PM Central. I’m open on the 27th.
I am ok with the 3 pm/6 pm/11 pm swiss time on the 26th.
April 2nd/3rd doesn't work well for me, so I strongly support something on the 26th/27th
I had my Swiss time wrong, but also that time doesn't actually work for Shanas. so proposing 3 PM PT/6PM ET/11 PM Swiss Time. If that doesn't work, think we might just push back a week and try the next day or the following weekend. let me know!
9 a.m. PT on the 3/26 works for me.
We got a season! Yay!
3/26 draft? Suggesting 9 am PT/noon ET/6 pm Swiss time? Is that too early for the west coasters? Too dinner time for the Swiss?
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