Reminder to use the pass button - if the teams still involved pass, we can end those players early and keep this moving. If not...that's fine, it'll just take a little longer. We have 29 players to go, including the 6 on the board now. About to be down to 7 teams nominating, so probably another couple days without the pass button.
I concur with thad...
This would go better if y'all would stop overbidding my $1 players
another import done. 47 to go. Jee Hang, Thad, and Dustin, you all have nominations waiting when you get to it in the morning. Geoff, Niv, Parker and I should all have one more by morning.
made another roster import. 75 players to go!
Niv Shanas Geoff Parker and Jee Hang all have nominations to use. I know you're in different time zones and all, but try to get those in when you can! Thanks!
made another roster update. only 13 players added, but it includes the last add for Hatae. West Coast Wellness is done! Woo!
lets stick with the slow draft for now, pace is good and i'm still making mistakes so its just like any other draft sorta.
negative EV on
March 23, 2022 10:06 AM
I’m all for us migrating over here for the rest of the draft. One week week of this should be sufficient.
I kinda prefer this pace, too, so I am calling that three votes for the same pace and 9 abstentions and closing the vote. I don't know if it auto-passes, but as the dollars and teams get lower, I can also check. There are often cascade effects where team A can't bid unless someone outbids them, and I can trace those down and check with people and then manually end auctions. We'll find ways to keep it moving. As long as people keep nominating when they can, we'll get done plenty quickly.
+1... I assume when teams rosters are full or they don't have enough $ to spend on a player that it "auto" passes them?
I think we're fine at the current pace. The pace probably will pick up a bit and even if it doesn't, we are still well on schedule to finish before Opening Day, which is the deadline that really matters.
We've been going 5 days now and things seem smooth. We have auctioned 73 players and have up to 117 more to go, if everyone fills a full 40-man. The 2nd half tends to move quicker - we can use "pass" more aggressively plus there are fewer bids. Regardless, we probably have 5-7 days left. If we want to move faster, we can give each team 2 nominations instead of 1. Pro: We finish earlier. Con: More going on at once. I don't care either way - anyone have an opinion?
another roster update complete
Thanks Chad. Remember to check in and nominate players since a bunch went off the board overnight.
negative EV on
March 21, 2022 9:43 AM
rosters are updated again
i feel bamboozled.
negative EV on
March 20, 2022 10:18 AM
it's very fair of you to assume that I'm behind, but it's parker that's the third there, not me
we are currently short 3 nominations, please check in and nominate (geoff, hatae, thad)
negative EV on
March 20, 2022 9:53 AM
one other auction reminder - we agreed to put Trevor Bauer on the restricted list so he is not eligible to be drafted even though he is a FA. don't draft him.
Rosters are updated
rosters imported and should be accurate now.
as a reminder, ohtani is on my team. there are two in CM, one a hitter the other a pitcher. don't nominate him.
negative EV on
March 17, 2022 11:17 PM
Got a request to run imports occasionally during the auction so that Ottoneu rosters stay up-to-date. I won't do it that often, but maybe once every 24-48 hours? I'll announce when I do so you know when things are accurate over here.
two questions just came up, sharing with the group: 1) if you hit "outbid by $1" that outbids the public bid not the max. If I nominated Trout at $1 but put in a $30 max, and you hit "Outbid by $1" it would move my bid up to $2. 2) you get your next nomination once your current nomination ends. When Trout is done, I get another nomination, regardless of what is happening with everyone else.
auction is started! nominate away!
just over 30 minutes - still available for questions or for needed roster updates
Haven't heard any issues so we're still on track to start in 13 hours. Still time to ask questions or get stuff fixed
Everyone should have just received an email from me. Please read it for updates on rosters (check them on CM), Suzuki he is eligible, but with caveats), and start time (THURSDAY AT 11 AM ET). Hit me up with roster issues or questions or whatever.
looks like we are basically good to go. chad will send final instructions later. it was rocky but we got there and i appreciate everyone being flexible to get this one-off slow auction on the road. it'll be fun! not as fun as me nominating yovani gallardo for $40 or whatever, but, fun.
negative EV on
March 16, 2022 1:06 PM
Sorry have been traveling back home from abroad all day, will be able to join up tomorrow
That link is what you need, but also, as long as your name is recognizably you, it'll be fine. Dustin and Thad, waiting on the two of you. For everyone, if you have any questions about how this will work, let me know. Assuming Dustin and Thad join tomorrow, I'll import rosters, give everyone a day to make sure they look right and then we will kick this thing off maybe Friday morning?
bottom right, there is a link that says "Edit Team Name"
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 10:38 PM
I’m set… but I don’t know how to change my team name.
At a work function. Will do late tonight.
We have 8 people in the CM auction. Waiting on Dustin, Jee Hang, Sugarman and Thad. You need to sign up for a CM account first, then go to the league link I sent, click join, and enter the password I sent. If you have questions, let me know
i don't think anyone reneged on anything, but feel free to show me where i'm wrong. either way i think we're locked in to a slow auction for this season and hopefully this season only. we can talk about how to avoid this next year (everyone make a holiday in early february called draft weekend?) but it just is what it is and i'm not sure how whining about it now is helpful in any way.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 12:55 PM
Niv, I did not "make" anyone wait for anything. I made myself available for literally every time that was proposed, even ones that would have been very inconvenient. I am not the one who reneged on the already agreed-upon date of March 26th.
I don't think anyone thinks this is ideal. We messed up waiting for the lockout instead of just moving forward. This year has been a mess in almost all of my leagues - except the ones that did auctions in Feb. and didn't worry about the lockout. Given that our alternative is having managers not available, this is where we are. Every player is up for 12 hours min, so if you check before work and after work, that should be plenty. That's how I managed my slow auctions in the past.
well that's cool man, you made us wait because of the lockout and you saw the doodles on draft availability, so unless you have a better solution, you're going to have to figure this out.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 12:31 PM
This really sucks. I can't do this on my phone while sitting at work. The site appears to be incredibly slow and difficult to navigate. Also, the idea of overlapping auctions completely changes the way we have built teams for the past 17 (?) years.
It works on mobile, too, so you can check in from your phone.
it works ok on mobile if you want to try that.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 11:59 AM
I apparently can't access the auction site on my work computer. That is going to be a problem.
A couple clarifications, as I have had a couple questions already: 1) When you make a bid and someone has a higher max bid, their bid moves up to MATCH yours not beat it. I put in a max of $45 on a guy, you bid $35, I am winning at $35, not $36. 2) You do not have to fill all 40 spots if you don't want to. Just like a live auction, if you are ready to be done, you can be done. 3) Assuming everyone joins today, we can start as soon as tomorrow.
to join the auction, on the right side there is a box that says "Teams $$". In that box is a list of teams in the auction with empty slots saying "Join" instead of a team name. click any of those Join links.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 11:31 AM
the slow draft will be fine and maybe a little easier to manage. def agree that in the future we shouldn't wait around, given where everyone in this league is in their lives.
negative EV on
March 15, 2022 11:26 AM
one other note before my email - when you join, use your Ottoneu team name as your team name in the auction. it makes my life easier.
Ok, seeing no better option, we are moving to a slow auction. One year only. The link to join is here: https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/?auction_id=156 and the password to join is thefirst (all one word, all lower case). I'll get an email out to the league shortly with a lot more info on how this works.
Yeah, I think that is where we are. If anyone has another idea or anyone can reschedule something to make one of the weeknights work, fine...but if we don't have a better plan by tomorrow, I'll get us set up at couch managers.
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