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Michigan Disassociated Persons 6338.5 68.1 5.24 5.63 2429 614 132 12 105 285 29 54 13 512.0 15 45 524 397 189 27 43
Winnetka Cubs 5991.2 76.5 4.84 5.54 2410 610 134 16 82 251 32 39 18 517.0 24 19 571 420 164 22 53
Bazton Stranglers 5915.3 137.2 5.69 4.85 2288 613 134 11 95 276 28 74 9 495.0 15 30 509 434 152 27 66
Slobberpuss 5812.4 96.1 5.05 5.38 2402 616 107 12 82 274 28 39 10 494.2 27 24 502 399 165 16 53
Region Rats 5769.7 138.9 4.52 4.95 2253 556 116 9 72 238 44 43 23 602.2 23 36 600 560 190 25 68
Flying Squirrels 5649.9 104.2 4.51 5.63 2395 583 133 7 77 251 19 52 16 491.2 53 10 486 426 128 14 50
Baddoo d' Bohm 5582.0 43.8 4.33 4.93 2342 550 101 8 78 273 33 36 14 573.0 33 16 578 502 176 23 73
Lowertown Landing 5495.4 133.3 4.79 5.00 2378 611 131 16 68 233 17 69 14 500.0 10 21 521 413 170 10 62
Maybe Next Time 5450.7 107.7 4.85 4.89 2252 591 106 7 85 187 32 58 15 516.0 30 15 476 426 169 19 64
Hope Springs External 5114.9 67.3 4.56 4.87 2348 554 97 16 96 236 21 47 21 469.1 29 27 437 438 153 18 54
Dial Ⓜ️ for Maeda 5043.7 102.2 4.17 4.85 2393 567 97 6 88 193 29 26 13 502.2 18 31 524 459 199 25 55
Chicago Corkers 4470.5 110.4 4.03 4.70 2065 478 98 10 69 195 19 85 16 449.1 25 4 471 427 176 19 49

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Baddoo d' Bohm 43.8 594.8 2,917.6
Dial Ⓜ️ for Maeda 102.2 412.2 2,084.9
Bazton Stranglers 137.2 654.8 2,970.3
Chicago Corkers 110.4 318.7 1,984.9
Winnetka Cubs 76.5 684.8 2,911.7
Slobberpuss 96.1 850.3 3,073.6
Region Rats 138.9 754.7 2,796.1
Hope Springs External 67.3 684.2 2,483.5
Flying Squirrels 104.2 522.9 2,871.3
Maybe Next Time 107.7 673.2 2,753.2
Lowertown Landing 133.3 752.4 2,780.1
Michigan Disassociated Persons 68.1 782.3 3,179.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Baddoo d' Bohm 63 54 54 54 54 50 254 54 573.0
Dial Ⓜ️ for Maeda 84 53 55 51 45 52 232 52 502.2
Bazton Stranglers 53 56 50 52 53 52 248 54 495.0
Chicago Corkers 55 49 48 53 53 51 225 51 449.1
Winnetka Cubs 56 56 54 56 54 50 269 52 517.0
Slobberpuss 69 49 50 51 49 47 255 53 494.2
Region Rats 81 53 50 41 53 55 234 50 602.2
Hope Springs External 49 52 52 54 51 51 266 46 469.1
Flying Squirrels 54 53 54 54 53 55 260 56 491.2
Maybe Next Time 53 52 38 55 48 50 257 51 516.0
Lowertown Landing 49 49 53 55 55 52 258 54 500.0
Michigan Disassociated Persons 54 56 56 56 55 55 272 56 512.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Baddoo d' Bohm Lineups 196 168 168 168 168 155 789 168 1780.1
Dial Ⓜ️ for Maeda Lineups 261 165 171 158 140 162 721 162 1561.2
Bazton Stranglers Lineups 165 174 155 162 165 162 771 168 1538.0
Chicago Corkers Lineups 171 152 149 165 165 158 699 158 1396.0
Winnetka Cubs Lineups 174 174 168 174 168 155 836 162 1606.1
Slobberpuss Lineups 214 152 155 158 152 146 792 165 1537.0
Region Rats Lineups 252 165 155 127 165 171 727 155 1872.2
Hope Springs External Lineups 152 162 162 168 158 158 827 143 1458.1
Flying Squirrels Lineups 168 165 168 168 165 171 808 174 1527.2
Maybe Next Time Lineups 165 162 118 171 149 155 799 158 1603.1
Lowertown Landing Lineups 152 152 165 171 171 162 802 168 1553.2
Michigan Disassociated Persons Lineups 168 174 174 174 171 171 845 174 1590.2

  • Baddoo d' Bohm
  • Dial Ⓜ️ for Maeda
  • Bazton Stranglers
  • Chicago Corkers
  • Winnetka Cubs
  • Slobberpuss
  • Region Rats
  • Hope Springs External
  • Flying Squirrels
  • Maybe Next Time
  • Lowertown Landing
  • Michigan Disassociated Persons


  • Baddoo d' Bohm
  • Dial Ⓜ️ for Maeda
  • Bazton Stranglers
  • Chicago Corkers
  • Winnetka Cubs
  • Slobberpuss
  • Region Rats
  • Hope Springs External
  • Flying Squirrels
  • Maybe Next Time
  • Lowertown Landing
  • Michigan Disassociated Persons
