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Member since March 1, 2011

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Active Teams

Note: We have baseball records starting October 18, 2015
Sport League Team Acquired
Baseball FanGraphs Staff H2H FanGraphs Points Team Dark Overlord February 4, 2020
Baseball Bull Durham League 🐂 (52) FanGraphs Points Skubal Do-Baddoo July 31, 2021
Baseball 50K Ottoneu Leagues under the Sea 💯 FanGraphs Points Bednars & Boomsticks July 28, 2021
Baseball The Show (568) FanGraphs Points Black Magic Ballclub January 29, 2022
Baseball Three Tool Front Office FanGraphs Points Finneytown Flusterclucks February 14, 2023
Baseball Brinksmanship 🎩 (649) FanGraphs Points Hyde Park Haberdashers March 17, 2022
Baseball Branch Rickey Wannabes (757) FanGraphs Points Ducksnorts & Hooligans January 26, 2017
Baseball Food and Travel League (1199) Ottoneu Classic (4x4) Replacement Level Pork August 6, 2021
Baseball The Finer Things Club FanGraphs Points The Kluszewskinators February 14, 2023
Baseball Slow Start to March FanGraphs Points Cincinnati Tigers March 3, 2023

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