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RedRecordPointsAvg. PtsAvg. Pts Against
The Horace Clarke Nine 18-415197690.82621.79
Dock Ellis No Hitter 14-815169.6689.53612.40
Angelos Sucks14-814601.4663.59622.52
Carter's Clutch Crew13-914415.4655.85580.71
Tidewater Tides 12-1015898.3723.20654.61
El Duque12-1015018.3682.72648.40
Great Green Machine11-1113875.6630.76629.96
In Play, Run(s)8-1412522.2569.83625.86
Litl Gravy6-1611430.9519.59647.57
Flying DeLoreans5-1712325.8560.26674.01
Cash Strapped Antonettis5-1711989.5544.98648.78


Tidewater Tides 18876.3 74.5 5.02 5.54 7155 1864 387 23 300 721 71 138 34 1621.2 114 47 1775 1328 508 88 170
The Horace Clarke Nine 17359.8 24.3 5.23 4.80 6994 1788 378 34 297 779 115 123 34 1550.1 36 73 1606 1377 495 56 202
Dock Ellis No Hitter 17358.5 57.2 5.13 4.92 6907 1707 381 21 332 827 110 77 27 1519.0 61 63 1616 1305 580 76 178
Angelos Sucks 17262.1 44.8 5.42 4.99 7127 1890 357 33 302 804 82 126 36 1391.1 86 58 1505 1199 435 71 194
Cardinals 15304.6 216.2 5.31 5.15 5963 1584 320 18 242 643 84 105 34 1322.1 61 43 1485 1148 406 44 170
Carter's Clutch Crew 15081.4 60.1 5.08 4.90 6174 1643 340 24 245 582 77 127 21 1318.1 117 33 1344 1186 402 38 186
El Duque 15018.3 136.4 5.07 5.26 5704 1487 273 25 253 574 83 119 42 1332.1 34 67 1441 1080 407 72 157
Great Green Machine 13875.6 53.3 5.32 4.64 5954 1541 310 23 294 635 66 89 18 1117.2 30 53 1136 1026 382 41 145
In Play, Run(s) 12522.2 68.3 5.06 4.37 5336 1383 266 20 245 584 59 70 13 1120.2 56 44 1196 1014 420 56 177
Flying DeLoreans 12325.8 83.9 4.82 5.28 4952 1236 238 21 203 443 72 81 22 1136.0 31 31 1267 908 359 36 136
Cash Strapped Antonettis 11989.5 146.5 4.69 4.35 5502 1378 280 21 222 617 67 48 23 1075.1 60 40 1122 1038 420 56 151
Litl Gravy 11430.9 66.3 5.30 4.87 5329 1373 261 19 255 602 92 34 13 759.2 59 26 774 659 240 36 108

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Cardinals 216.2 597.1 2,744.1
Flying DeLoreans 83.9 263.5 1,270.7
The Horace Clarke Nine 24.3 451.1 2,362.5
Angelos Sucks 44.8 669.9 2,848.8
El Duque 136.4 683.8 2,898.6
In Play, Run(s) 68.3 605.9 2,382.1
Litl Gravy 66.3 335.1 1,599.3
Tidewater Tides 74.5 669.6 3,187.9
Great Green Machine 53.3 647.8 2,882.8
Carter's Clutch Crew 60.1 666.0 2,901.3
Dock Ellis No Hitter 57.2 728.6 2,431.6
Cash Strapped Antonettis 146.5 407.4 1,828.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cardinals 97 146 136 141 142 125 686 128 1322.1
Flying DeLoreans 78 125 112 100 81 122 577 117 1136.0
The Horace Clarke Nine 142 163 156 160 157 167 797 155 1550.1
Angelos Sucks 163 162 163 147 162 148 795 163 1391.1
El Duque 50 140 143 142 140 146 686 133 1332.1
In Play, Run(s) 109 140 115 136 130 136 614 125 1120.2
Litl Gravy 97 120 133 129 141 123 581 134 759.2
Tidewater Tides 159 166 163 166 162 166 826 165 1621.2
Great Green Machine 125 147 144 149 135 143 663 129 1117.2
Carter's Clutch Crew 114 127 142 149 146 138 736 144 1319.1
Dock Ellis No Hitter 146 163 159 162 160 164 812 161 1519.0
Cash Strapped Antonettis 113 138 115 132 122 120 682 137 1075.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cardinals Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Flying DeLoreans Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
The Horace Clarke Nine Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Angelos Sucks Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
El Duque Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
In Play, Run(s) Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Litl Gravy Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Tidewater Tides Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Great Green Machine Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Carter's Clutch Crew Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Dock Ellis No Hitter Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Cash Strapped Antonettis Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

  • Cardinals
  • Flying DeLoreans
  • The Horace Clarke Nine
  • Angelos Sucks
  • El Duque
  • In Play, Run(s)
  • Litl Gravy
  • Tidewater Tides
  • Great Green Machine
  • Carter's Clutch Crew
  • Dock Ellis No Hitter
  • Cash Strapped Antonettis


  • Cardinals
  • Flying DeLoreans
  • The Horace Clarke Nine
  • Angelos Sucks
  • El Duque
  • In Play, Run(s)
  • Litl Gravy
  • Tidewater Tides
  • Great Green Machine
  • Carter's Clutch Crew
  • Dock Ellis No Hitter
  • Cash Strapped Antonettis
