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1992 City Champs 18515.9 -2.1 5.35 5.34 7366 1921 359 27 355 649 95 188 43 1521.2 87 50 1618 1304 444 73 168
Tyler Oneill’s Biceps 18354.5 0 5.36 5.22 7383 1984 401 28 324 678 75 80 32 1520.2 59 52 1685 1260 485 77 181
Grayson and the Viltrumites 17502.1 40 5.21 5.24 6800 1761 311 21 287 785 123 102 29 1504.0 78 66 1697 1244 523 55 189
Clive's Wife 17472.8 41.3 5.07 5.31 6919 1752 390 26 299 710 92 86 24 1505.1 51 45 1694 1316 463 61 161
Project Mayhem 17348.6 25.2 5.44 4.87 6653 1672 291 26 355 899 87 51 17 1500.0 41 45 1570 1320 494 65 180
Waterford Rivermen 16807.8 56 5.05 5.10 6853 1777 337 33 281 738 98 94 27 1429.1 81 44 1603 1190 516 68 181
Eagle River Hodags 16106.5 45.3 5.47 4.13 6894 1867 405 23 288 769 94 139 36 1399.1 80 48 1210 1420 441 66 193
Asano's Kitchen Gadgetry 15909.0 59.7 5.31 4.66 6557 1707 374 25 287 675 79 116 34 1415.2 71 61 1522 1216 524 61 212
Des Moines Monastics 15773.1 104.6 4.94 4.52 6841 1718 352 30 281 662 103 131 36 1485.0 68 42 1553 1288 486 67 234
Kirby's Nightmare Land 15747.6 39.8 4.69 4.82 6417 1674 353 28 229 630 79 74 35 1511.1 43 74 1567 1373 442 71 198
Lansing Lugnuts 15259.5 48.8 5.22 4.81 6605 1703 342 25 290 678 96 74 26 1262.1 43 67 1442 1067 494 74 175
Shame 13827.4 40.3 5.13 5.10 5850 1505 295 27 232 609 86 88 29 1155.1 63 52 1198 1017 323 53 147

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Lansing Lugnuts 48.8 378.5 1,788.0
Clive's Wife 41.3 587.7 2,882.0
Tyler Oneill’s Biceps 0.0 199.7 2,087.7
1992 City Champs 2.1 72.4 2,471.1
Kirby's Nightmare Land 39.8 279.4 2,047.9
Eagle River Hodags 45.3 350.8 2,342.7
Shame 40.3 453.9 1,852.0
Project Mayhem 25.2 292.3 2,510.1
Grayson and the Viltrumites 40.0 390.3 2,252.6
Waterford Rivermen 56.0 366.5 2,505.1
Des Moines Monastics 104.6 612.9 2,894.6
Asano's Kitchen Gadgetry 59.7 430.8 2,364.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lansing Lugnuts 148 126 141 152 154 162 724 153 1262.1
Clive's Wife 162 162 155 142 153 162 780 155 1505.1
Tyler Oneill’s Biceps 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1520.2
1992 City Champs 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1521.2
Kirby's Nightmare Land 162 154 154 152 149 150 738 146 1511.1
Eagle River Hodags 162 159 160 160 158 149 777 162 1399.1
Shame 162 152 149 161 131 98 545 151 1155.1
Project Mayhem 129 162 149 158 159 162 767 162 1500.0
Grayson and the Viltrumites 161 154 157 162 158 156 775 123 1504.0
Waterford Rivermen 160 160 151 162 159 153 782 156 1429.1
Des Moines Monastics 153 161 149 152 143 147 772 155 1485.0
Asano's Kitchen Gadgetry 162 140 157 155 151 158 693 139 1415.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lansing Lugnuts Lineups 149 127 142 153 155 163 728 154 1270.0
Clive's Wife Lineups 163 163 156 143 154 163 785 156 1514.2
Tyler Oneill’s Biceps Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1530.0
1992 City Champs Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1531.0
Kirby's Nightmare Land Lineups 163 155 155 153 150 151 743 147 1520.2
Eagle River Hodags Lineups 163 160 161 161 159 150 782 163 1408.0
Shame Lineups 163 153 150 162 132 99 548 152 1162.1
Project Mayhem Lineups 130 163 150 159 160 163 772 163 1509.0
Grayson and the Viltrumites Lineups 162 155 158 163 159 157 780 124 1513.1
Waterford Rivermen Lineups 161 161 152 163 160 154 787 157 1438.0
Des Moines Monastics Lineups 154 162 150 153 144 148 777 156 1494.0
Asano's Kitchen Gadgetry Lineups 163 141 158 156 152 159 697 140 1424.1

  • Lansing Lugnuts
  • Clive's Wife
  • Tyler Oneill’s Biceps
  • 1992 City Champs
  • Kirby's Nightmare Land
  • Eagle River Hodags
  • Shame
  • Project Mayhem
  • Grayson and the Viltrumites
  • Waterford Rivermen
  • Des Moines Monastics
  • Asano's Kitchen Gadgetry


  • Lansing Lugnuts
  • Clive's Wife
  • Tyler Oneill’s Biceps
  • 1992 City Champs
  • Kirby's Nightmare Land
  • Eagle River Hodags
  • Shame
  • Project Mayhem
  • Grayson and the Viltrumites
  • Waterford Rivermen
  • Des Moines Monastics
  • Asano's Kitchen Gadgetry
