T-shirt sale


Quacker Jacks 🦆🥜 19093.8 26.1 5.85 5.10 7305 1980 411 22 358 816 91 109 23 1521.0 60 94 1643 1300 523 72 186
Animal Spirits 18830.8 86.4 5.68 5.21 7182 1917 392 32 339 824 115 105 32 1506.0 79 61 1704 1274 527 92 177
GrooGrux Kings 🎷 17546.4 26.8 4.99 5.19 7092 1807 384 22 331 645 84 109 26 1513.0 115 57 1582 1324 495 54 181
The Marine Layer ⚾ 17118.0 84.3 5.26 4.60 7084 1860 344 28 303 813 78 119 29 1513.0 74 32 1578 1321 502 68 223
😼SabrCatz✨ 17105.7 77.4 5.33 4.93 6733 1703 337 18 340 777 85 53 12 1495.1 69 40 1573 1297 503 91 178
Chicago Baby Bears 🐻 16944.9 43.3 5.12 4.95 6828 1743 316 36 299 735 107 105 36 1507.1 63 61 1633 1268 487 57 211
WAR Horse 16726.8 83.8 4.94 5.11 6993 1813 368 40 274 692 92 89 35 1424.0 29 41 1651 1238 430 55 179
Lucky Strikes 🍀 16680.3 33 4.91 5.01 6595 1668 351 19 296 708 78 92 29 1511.0 38 70 1583 1234 509 61 189
Mile High Club 15947.9 113.5 4.77 4.96 6862 1695 341 25 233 762 104 125 32 1461.2 75 40 1578 1261 483 60 191
Thundergun Express 15753.7 28.2 4.93 5.29 6243 1575 313 20 296 624 78 62 14 1358.1 51 72 1505 1140 445 54 159
Brooklyn Royal Giants🌏 15452.6 59.3 5.43 3.99 7004 1888 404 36 277 657 116 166 52 1358.0 61 74 1177 1376 408 52 214
Curt Get The Flood 🌊 13301.3 30.3 4.55 4.55 5920 1481 282 26 219 608 74 88 31 1268.2 21 54 1301 1124 450 57 170

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Animal Spirits 86.4 658.9 2,705.8
Chicago Baby Bears 🐻 43.3 426.5 2,347.5
Quacker Jacks 🦆🥜 26.1 449.2 3,266.6
Mile High Club 113.5 485.9 2,655.9
Curt Get The Flood 🌊 30.3 391.6 1,824.9
😼SabrCatz✨ 77.4 687.4 2,469.0
Lucky Strikes 🍀 33.0 379.0 3,055.6
Brooklyn Royal Giants🌏 59.3 742.6 2,662.7
Thundergun Express 28.2 506.0 2,558.9
The Marine Layer ⚾ 84.3 253.7 2,446.4
GrooGrux Kings 🎷 26.8 563.3 2,713.7
WAR Horse 83.8 555.5 2,682.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Animal Spirits 162 162 160 158 162 162 810 157 1506.0
Chicago Baby Bears 🐻 162 163 153 149 157 155 758 157 1507.1
Quacker Jacks 🦆🥜 162 162 162 161 162 154 810 162 1521.0
Mile High Club 159 156 156 158 153 162 738 140 1461.2
Curt Get The Flood 🌊 158 162 91 157 106 152 668 159 1268.2
😼SabrCatz✨ 147 152 135 152 133 158 790 159 1495.1
Lucky Strikes 🍀 162 152 156 152 156 154 778 146 1511.0
Brooklyn Royal Giants🌏 162 160 156 158 158 159 739 158 1358.0
Thundergun Express 118 136 162 157 155 130 733 148 1358.1
The Marine Layer ⚾ 162 161 160 160 159 161 810 156 1513.0
GrooGrux Kings 🎷 162 162 162 160 162 162 810 162 1513.0
WAR Horse 162 152 162 160 162 158 800 159 1424.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Animal Spirits Lineups 163 163 161 159 163 163 815 158 1515.1
Chicago Baby Bears 🐻 Lineups 163 164 154 150 158 156 763 158 1516.2
Quacker Jacks 🦆🥜 Lineups 163 163 163 162 163 155 815 163 1530.1
Mile High Club Lineups 160 157 157 159 154 163 743 141 1470.2
Curt Get The Flood 🌊 Lineups 159 163 92 158 107 153 672 160 1276.1
😼SabrCatz✨ Lineups 148 153 136 153 134 159 795 160 1504.1
Lucky Strikes 🍀 Lineups 163 153 157 153 157 155 783 147 1520.1
Brooklyn Royal Giants🌏 Lineups 163 161 157 159 159 160 744 159 1366.1
Thundergun Express Lineups 119 137 163 158 156 131 738 149 1366.2
The Marine Layer ⚾ Lineups 163 162 161 161 160 162 815 157 1522.1
GrooGrux Kings 🎷 Lineups 163 163 163 161 163 163 815 163 1522.1
WAR Horse Lineups 163 153 163 161 163 159 805 160 1432.2

  • Animal Spirits
  • Chicago Baby Bears 🐻
  • Quacker Jacks 🦆🥜
  • Mile High Club
  • Curt Get The Flood 🌊
  • 😼SabrCatz✨
  • Lucky Strikes 🍀
  • Brooklyn Royal Giants🌏
  • Thundergun Express
  • The Marine Layer ⚾
  • GrooGrux Kings 🎷
  • WAR Horse


  • Animal Spirits
  • Chicago Baby Bears 🐻
  • Quacker Jacks 🦆🥜
  • Mile High Club
  • Curt Get The Flood 🌊
  • 😼SabrCatz✨
  • Lucky Strikes 🍀
  • Brooklyn Royal Giants🌏
  • Thundergun Express
  • The Marine Layer ⚾
  • GrooGrux Kings 🎷
  • WAR Horse
