Auction for Cal Quantrill CLE SP R
Ended on September 6, 2020 9:04 AM
Auction started by Thundergun Express
Team | Bid |
WAR Horse | $13 |
GrooGrux Kings 🎷 | $6 |
Animal Spirits | $5 |
Lucky Strikes 🍀 | $3 |
Curt Get The Flood 🌊 | $2 |
Thundergun Express | $1 |
Team | Bid |
WAR Horse | $13 |
GrooGrux Kings 🎷 | $6 |
Animal Spirits | $5 |
Lucky Strikes 🍀 | $3 |
Curt Get The Flood 🌊 | $2 |
Thundergun Express | $1 |