Enter 2025 OPL


GhoStrider 18969.7 11 5.57 5.56 7122 1911 428 36 287 870 104 100 32 1479.2 125 27 1678 1252 414 51 176
All the FIPPY Horses 18414.0 -10.2 5.47 5.60 7147 1928 408 34 283 809 79 125 55 1423.2 122 87 1559 1178 445 64 166
Rebranding In Progress 17540.8 0 5.05 5.19 7057 1812 387 22 296 767 58 112 39 1511.2 65 67 1607 1224 561 65 170
Anton Chigurh's All-Stars 16924.3 0 5.54 4.35 7053 1876 384 33 301 811 79 158 45 1493.2 53 74 1337 1388 541 62 193
Otto Eleven 16156.5 -2.4 5.29 4.68 7043 1864 396 33 294 762 64 111 39 1299.1 50 89 1272 1211 451 55 164
Mound Chargers 15074.2 1.6 4.75 4.91 6826 1796 330 34 235 561 95 140 57 1306.0 71 68 1293 1235 498 55 130
Los Pantalones Fancy 14801.5 5.5 4.60 4.60 6462 1676 329 35 228 564 72 75 31 1438.0 83 59 1321 1358 453 71 180
Hoop 'n Holler Lazy Lawmen 14789.5 7.7 5.28 5.17 6157 1604 363 27 273 732 84 97 31 1092.2 89 64 1214 1014 363 61 135
Slaughterhouse-Five 13770.9 3.6 4.71 4.53 5752 1467 298 29 232 658 86 79 32 1282.0 31 50 1266 1157 472 63 159
IriarteCrochet Eder ThorpeNastrini? 13587.1 14.7 5.29 5.50 5356 1457 281 35 197 574 54 86 21 1077.1 53 26 1142 915 259 46 114
Chico’s Bail Bonds 13379.0 31.2 4.81 4.95 5739 1490 309 25 228 514 91 41 18 1161.1 56 29 1288 1043 341 46 158
Llewelyn and the Very Bad Day 12909.2 -2.4 4.62 4.69 5678 1393 274 29 247 602 94 141 40 1122.0 61 56 1094 997 422 35 146

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Hoop 'n Holler Lazy Lawmen 7.7 372.1 1,754.6
All the FIPPY Horses 10.2 717.9 3,181.9
Anton Chigurh's All-Stars 0.0 310.5 2,156.6
Rebranding In Progress 0.0 419.4 2,079.7
Slaughterhouse-Five 3.6 350.7 1,675.9
IriarteCrochet Eder ThorpeNastrini? 14.7 442.9 1,948.5
Los Pantalones Fancy 5.5 304.1 1,349.1
Llewelyn and the Very Bad Day 2.4 468.3 1,918.0
Otto Eleven 2.4 386.1 2,098.4
Mound Chargers 1.6 323.4 2,498.6
GhoStrider 11.0 573.4 2,782.4
Chico’s Bail Bonds 31.2 441.7 2,123.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Hoop 'n Holler Lazy Lawmen 113 111 151 152 147 135 787 136 1092.2
All the FIPPY Horses 161 161 158 159 148 162 798 162 1423.2
Anton Chigurh's All-Stars 162 162 162 162 162 162 748 162 1493.2
Rebranding In Progress 162 151 162 161 162 162 797 162 1511.2
Slaughterhouse-Five 162 158 110 150 65 144 759 145 1282.0
IriarteCrochet Eder ThorpeNastrini? 118 128 161 146 136 617 143 1077.1
Los Pantalones Fancy 154 160 150 149 136 153 719 157 1438.0
Llewelyn and the Very Bad Day 146 148 141 162 97 153 662 146 1122.0
Otto Eleven 162 158 162 162 162 162 781 156 1299.1
Mound Chargers 158 152 154 153 151 143 762 153 1306.0
GhoStrider 162 162 162 162 153 162 805 162 1479.2
Chico’s Bail Bonds 162 153 98 147 148 145 692 41 1161.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Hoop 'n Holler Lazy Lawmen Lineups 113 111 151 152 147 135 787 136 1093.0
All the FIPPY Horses Lineups 161 161 158 159 148 162 798 162 1424.0
Anton Chigurh's All-Stars Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 748 162 1494.0
Rebranding In Progress Lineups 162 151 162 161 162 162 797 162 1512.0
Slaughterhouse-Five Lineups 162 158 110 150 65 144 759 145 1282.1
IriarteCrochet Eder ThorpeNastrini? Lineups 118 128 161 146 0 136 617 143 1077.2
Los Pantalones Fancy Lineups 154 160 150 149 136 153 719 157 1438.1
Llewelyn and the Very Bad Day Lineups 146 148 141 162 97 153 662 146 1122.1
Otto Eleven Lineups 162 158 162 162 162 162 781 156 1299.2
Mound Chargers Lineups 158 152 154 153 151 143 762 153 1306.1
GhoStrider Lineups 162 162 162 162 153 162 805 162 1480.0
Chico’s Bail Bonds Lineups 162 153 98 147 148 145 692 41 1161.2

  • Hoop 'n Holler Lazy Lawmen
  • All the FIPPY Horses
  • Anton Chigurh's All-Stars
  • Rebranding In Progress
  • Slaughterhouse-Five
  • IriarteCrochet Eder ThorpeNastrini?
  • Los Pantalones Fancy
  • Llewelyn and the Very Bad Day
  • Otto Eleven
  • Mound Chargers
  • GhoStrider
  • Chico’s Bail Bonds


  • Hoop 'n Holler Lazy Lawmen
  • All the FIPPY Horses
  • Anton Chigurh's All-Stars
  • Rebranding In Progress
  • Slaughterhouse-Five
  • IriarteCrochet Eder ThorpeNastrini?
  • Los Pantalones Fancy
  • Llewelyn and the Very Bad Day
  • Otto Eleven
  • Mound Chargers
  • GhoStrider
  • Chico’s Bail Bonds
