Just a quick reminder that we are drafting tomorrow!!
I set the draft date for Monday, March 22nd. That was by far the date that worked best for everyone. See everyone at the draft!
Thanks for all of the responses. 10 fo the 12 teams have filled out the quick survey. I will give the other two until tonight and then make a call on the draft date.
Hey everyone - we have a full league so let's get a draft date set. I am targeting the 10 days before the season begins. Please take a minute and complete the following poll: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J3S7KJ9
welcome. . .let's play some ball
Hey, welcome!
Hi everyone, new guy here, glad to join. My former owners look like they never responded to messages, we are going to change that!
This weekend I will get some information out on the draft. It does look like the season will be delayed by 15-30 days, so we have a little bit of time. With that being in the case, there is not a huge sense of urgency to set a date right away. Thanks!
Thanks to everyone who got their cuts in. Two of the owners reached out to me yesterday saying they did not wish to continue. I am looking for owners for those two teams. I already placed some messages in the Ottoneu Community. There is one other owner I am waiting to hear back from. However, if you have someone interested in any of the three teams in red in the standings, please let me know and I will get them added right away.
Stanton is available, will entertain any and all offers
Now that we have a full league I will get some ideas for draft times out next week. In the meantime, we still have 3 owners who need to renew by Sunday. Also, anyone interested in Aaron Judge, throw me an offer. All will be considered.
Thanks for joining and welcome!
Bonjour, I suppose? Just picked up this team. Glad to be part of the league!
The keeper deadline (and deadline to renew) is coming up Sunday - about 72 hours to make any final moves before the draft.
Also, a real quick note. For anyone looking to add an additional Ottoneu league, I started a new league (https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/processinvite?code=eyJMZWFndWVJRCI6IjEyMzEiLCJJbnZpdGVyIjoibXBrcmllZ2VyMSIsIkludml0ZXJJRCI6IjE0NTAzNiJ9). I have picked up a new team here and there, but I have been wanting to start from scratch for awhile. If your interested, join up - just a $20 league.
Quick reminder that if your going to make any roster trades, it will be easiest to get them done in the next few days prior to the drop deadline next Sunday. Happy trading!
It's time for everyone to check their Dashboard and verify their payment for 2021. January 31st is the deadline and seven owners in our league have a payment due. Let me kow if you can't find your Dashboard and your status.
Thank you and I apologize for my stupidity. Looking forward to 2021!
Hey everyone - Los Bravos reached out to me within minutes of this happening. Sounds like it was an honest mistake and not a case of reconsidering the trade after the fact. Since he reached out literally within 5 minutes of the error I am going to go ahead and cancel this trade.
I did not mean to send that trade. Meant to send a counter and cancelled and looks like some of the players I had selected went through as a counter. Can we cancel that offer as I obviously would not make that trade?
Last week for arbitration
Just a quick reminder to get your arbitration done in the next couple of weeks.
I echo what Hawk said - thanks for filling in and leaving the team in much better shape. We have two owners that have informed me that they will not be back. I have started to look for new owners but probably won't be able to fill the teams until next January/February. I don't have any concerns about filling the spots. However, if you know of anyone that would like those two teams, let me know ASAP. Have a great off-season! Remember arbitration and let's see some trades as well!
Thanks for carrying the team into the offseason Au Revior.
Everyone - I won't be coming back next season. Thanks for letting me jump in midseason and fill the spot for the year, it was fun trying to make up a week's worth of lost stats. I've applied arbitration so that the team is not at a competitive disadvantage moving forward. Hopefully I flipped the roster decently enough that someone should feel setup for success taking it! Best of luck and have fun next year!
Just a quick reminder that arbitration starts today. No rush - you have 30 days to complete whenever is convenient for you. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me.
I know it is early, but if you already know that you were not planning on coming back next year please send me a quick message. Thank you
Congratz on taking the 2020 Tiltle in true "Big Gibby Style."
Great season Big Gibby - you took hold about 30 days ago and ended up running away with things. Not too much down time before arbitration starts on 10/15
Congrats to Big Gibby. Until next year
Congrats to Big Gibby for crushing it this year!
Cool Hand Luke on
September 27, 2020 11:41 AM
I am happy to honor what everyone else wants to do. If you would like to cancel the trades accepted after the deadline, please click on the trade and select "VETO". The two trades in question are the ones done by Bryzzo and Jerad Weaver (the one with Chapman).
Hey everyone - see Niv's response here: https://community.ottoneu.com/t/2020-baseball-trade-deadline-turned-out-to-be-more-of-a-suggestion/7902
Hey Everyone - I have a few messages into Niv to see what was going on and will get back to you when I know more. It looks like both offers were made prior to the deadline but were accepted after. The trades will not get pushed through until we know what happened. Thanks
Trades shall be allowed during the season from the conclusion of the annual player auction until midnight, Eastern Time, on the night of August 31st (From the Rules at the top right corner of this page). The last 2 trades came after the deadline. Seriously, we all had plenty of notice to get them done on time. Normally I would think the commish would handle that, but the commish is involved in one of the trades. I will veto both if they stand, because of the rules, nothing personal.
Cool Hand Luke on
September 1, 2020 8:32 AM
Trade deadline today
Not that it matters, but I think it is absurd that McKay is still listed as DTD when he had shoulder surgery last week and is out until sometime in 2021.
Is there ever a good week to have 4 relievers from the Cardinals? ;)
Damn, not the best week to have 4 Cardinal Relievers eh?
Nope...just Cubbie Blue and #10
Does your team were Ruby Cleats? ha! Welcome!
You beat me to it! We found an owner for the Big Bats team (and quite frankly, a much more creative team name). Thanks for joining and taking over. Good luck the rest of the way.
Hey everyone! Thanks for having me. Playing a bit of catch up so open to any trade offers (I’m sure I’ll be throwing some your way as well)!
great! GL
Just a quick update on that by the way....I am actively trying to replace Big Bats. I believe I have one or two interested so hopefully it happens in the next day or two.
either way, my team is still shaking off the break rust and trying to find a the lineup card
woops read that wrong
Ha, great the team not even competing is ahead of me. . .
Thanks Gashouse - I messaged him. I'll give him the weekend to reply then I will start the process of looking for a new owner.
Looks like we might have lost Big Bats & Co, last check in was in March. Hope they are doing ok.
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