Enter 2025 OPL


Bohmer Soup 18906.6 46.2 5.59 5.38 7254 1944 364 33 357 736 93 100 24 1500.1 110 58 1514 1295 446 50 162
Twisted Joints 18848.6 2.6 5.60 5.21 7228 1896 373 35 354 826 99 109 34 1527.0 136 22 1664 1314 466 65 197
Zucchini Monster 🦴 18589.7 9.5 5.41 5.32 7124 1844 367 19 327 917 91 81 35 1515.0 49 76 1619 1223 509 71 164
King MeKong 🦍 18505.7 30.7 5.23 5.63 7285 1899 351 25 325 680 91 121 33 1507.0 71 61 1752 1185 405 52 188
Cornucopia Grainbelters 3 17717.8 83.1 5.33 4.91 7301 1952 407 23 301 664 103 206 45 1502.0 26 84 1564 1281 497 73 186
Obi Juan Solos 16565.7 43 5.29 4.80 6622 1690 377 24 295 705 112 89 18 1490.1 91 47 1490 1329 486 67 194
Law Dog 16070.1 71.4 4.84 4.95 7031 1739 356 38 291 695 90 78 31 1407.0 55 62 1632 1191 517 80 191
Genitals 15851.7 28.4 5.49 4.90 6150 1587 293 22 298 734 70 91 31 1396.1 36 53 1524 1160 510 74 176
Holly's Comet ☄️ 15696.6 11.3 5.04 4.52 6394 1685 341 23 243 763 88 65 18 1466.2 60 76 1496 1409 484 75 202
The Kernel 15627.8 65.4 5.63 4.49 5831 1558 314 26 277 645 82 100 22 1507.1 60 29 1557 1399 505 50 213
Shipyard Wreckers 15019.7 14.8 5.06 4.02 6801 1663 347 24 312 821 112 73 33 1389.1 64 55 1395 1233 517 56 252
Spider Tack Spinners 13262.8 33.3 4.73 3.91 6387 1639 350 30 216 488 69 148 50 1392.0 24 53 1316 1403 453 61 214

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Zucchini Monster 🦴 9.5 335.8 2,939.0
Cornucopia Grainbelters 3 83.1 536.1 2,752.1
Obi Juan Solos 43.0 557.0 2,611.5
Bohmer Soup 46.2 652.5 2,546.9
King MeKong 🦍 30.7 362.5 2,685.8
Law Dog 71.4 541.1 2,697.5
The Kernel 65.4 261.4 1,772.8
Twisted Joints 2.6 286.8 2,458.7
Shipyard Wreckers 14.8 462.2 2,405.5
Genitals 28.4 465.2 1,801.2
Holly's Comet ☄️ 11.3 577.5 2,298.1
Spider Tack Spinners 33.3 406.5 2,175.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Zucchini Monster 🦴 162 163 162 162 162 162 810 162 1515.0
Cornucopia Grainbelters 3 162 162 162 158 160 162 810 162 1502.0
Obi Juan Solos 162 162 162 144 147 151 703 150 1490.1
Bohmer Soup 162 162 162 161 159 162 809 162 1500.1
King MeKong 🦍 162 158 162 161 156 160 793 162 1507.0
Law Dog 156 162 154 156 156 162 774 162 1407.0
The Kernel 160 133 111 135 102 107 704 122 1507.1
Twisted Joints 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1527.0
Shipyard Wreckers 136 154 162 162 162 160 765 162 1389.1
Genitals 162 106 115 142 119 138 715 143 1396.1
Holly's Comet ☄️ 162 157 139 157 146 155 722 162 1466.2
Spider Tack Spinners 162 115 147 141 137 156 673 124 1392.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Zucchini Monster 🦴 Lineups 163 164 163 163 163 163 815 163 1524.1
Cornucopia Grainbelters 3 Lineups 163 163 163 159 161 163 815 163 1511.0
Obi Juan Solos Lineups 163 163 163 145 148 152 707 151 1499.1
Bohmer Soup Lineups 163 163 163 162 160 163 814 163 1509.1
King MeKong 🦍 Lineups 163 159 163 162 157 161 798 163 1516.1
Law Dog Lineups 157 163 155 157 157 163 779 163 1415.2
The Kernel Lineups 161 134 112 136 103 108 708 123 1516.2
Twisted Joints Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1536.1
Shipyard Wreckers Lineups 137 155 163 163 163 161 770 163 1397.2
Genitals Lineups 163 107 116 143 120 139 719 144 1405.0
Holly's Comet ☄️ Lineups 163 158 140 158 147 156 726 163 1475.2
Spider Tack Spinners Lineups 163 116 148 142 138 157 677 125 1400.1

  • Zucchini Monster 🦴
  • Cornucopia Grainbelters 3
  • Obi Juan Solos
  • Bohmer Soup
  • King MeKong 🦍
  • Law Dog
  • The Kernel
  • Twisted Joints
  • Shipyard Wreckers
  • Genitals
  • Holly's Comet ☄️
  • Spider Tack Spinners


  • Zucchini Monster 🦴
  • Cornucopia Grainbelters 3
  • Obi Juan Solos
  • Bohmer Soup
  • King MeKong 🦍
  • Law Dog
  • The Kernel
  • Twisted Joints
  • Shipyard Wreckers
  • Genitals
  • Holly's Comet ☄️
  • Spider Tack Spinners
