Enter 2025 OPL


Rollie's Fingers 18626.8 51.8 5.39 5.49 7242 1936 412 32 298 778 65 82 33 1502.2 151 22 1638 1259 428 58 183
A Shot in the Arm 18437.9 175 5.68 5.14 6784 1828 367 33 352 786 86 118 51 1502.0 79 87 1513 1294 468 46 183
Judge's Beer Pong Mates 🍻 17791.6 -13.6 5.74 4.97 6786 1869 391 30 322 742 93 147 50 1434.1 94 35 1428 1324 445 46 165
The Bat Attitude 16764.8 51.9 5.13 4.73 6870 1822 377 35 262 711 97 140 57 1510.1 62 67 1517 1445 493 52 183
get out the rye bread and mustard 16455.4 22.1 4.99 4.62 6991 1810 367 22 281 739 55 110 37 1513.2 130 37 1546 1400 550 59 214
Aaron Judge's Tooth Gap 15041.9 59.9 5.74 4.74 6315 1739 375 19 270 787 60 90 25 1106.0 56 45 1125 1002 403 59 135
Italian breakfast club 15037.9 54.6 5.02 4.23 6603 1764 300 33 271 623 46 117 46 1432.0 16 102 1376 1421 458 47 209
Moonlight Graham 14863.9 44.4 4.98 4.19 6912 1862 350 38 252 607 75 114 46 1340.0 88 42 1299 1287 461 61 211
Tal Hill's Climbers 14813.7 48 5.72 4.86 6079 1637 336 43 278 680 60 92 42 1155.1 52 76 1188 994 442 60 145
All Black Balls 14746.9 35.1 5.43 4.80 6365 1687 341 28 311 628 89 72 24 1119.1 87 48 1134 1059 390 33 145
Maikel Franco Allstars 14543.3 33.8 4.85 4.31 6753 1720 362 36 287 623 63 93 29 1288.2 59 74 1282 1263 500 41 181
Tanner Houck Tuah, gurl 14231.7 52.1 5.79 4.40 6132 1698 338 24 274 755 88 110 35 1027.1 16 39 1164 950 403 40 150

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
All Black Balls 35.1 410.4 2,056.3
Italian breakfast club 54.6 451.7 2,507.3
Aaron Judge's Tooth Gap 59.9 331.6 2,026.7
The Bat Attitude 51.9 446.5 2,547.3
Judge's Beer Pong Mates 🍻 13.6 454.2 2,275.8
Tanner Houck Tuah, gurl 52.1 522.5 2,183.6
Rollie's Fingers 51.8 550.2 2,870.3
get out the rye bread and mustard 22.1 490.6 2,805.9
Moonlight Graham 44.4 301.3 2,138.2
Tal Hill's Climbers 48.0 381.9 2,413.7
A Shot in the Arm 175.0 641.2 3,253.7
Maikel Franco Allstars 33.8 370.9 2,170.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
All Black Balls 153 137 126 151 148 161 719 132 1119.1
Italian breakfast club 134 158 155 157 159 150 725 151 1432.0
Aaron Judge's Tooth Gap 112 162 122 157 155 147 693 160 1106.0
The Bat Attitude 162 155 150 146 162 158 783 160 1510.1
Judge's Beer Pong Mates 🍻 162 157 155 147 146 151 783 156 1434.1
Tanner Houck Tuah, gurl 143 155 128 153 95 124 739 141 1027.1
Rollie's Fingers 162 162 161 162 162 159 796 160 1502.2
get out the rye bread and mustard 145 157 149 159 159 162 802 162 1513.2
Moonlight Graham 150 159 158 160 149 157 775 150 1340.0
Tal Hill's Climbers 25 154 139 144 153 148 698 147 1155.1
A Shot in the Arm 162 162 154 151 148 157 795 156 1502.0
Maikel Franco Allstars 118 162 162 153 154 162 778 162 1288.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
All Black Balls Lineups 154 138 127 152 149 162 723 133 1126.0
Italian breakfast club Lineups 135 159 156 158 160 151 730 152 1440.2
Aaron Judge's Tooth Gap Lineups 113 163 123 158 156 148 697 161 1112.2
The Bat Attitude Lineups 163 156 151 147 163 159 788 161 1519.2
Judge's Beer Pong Mates 🍻 Lineups 163 158 156 148 147 152 788 157 1443.0
Tanner Houck Tuah, gurl Lineups 144 156 129 154 96 125 744 142 1033.2
Rollie's Fingers Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 160 801 161 1512.0
get out the rye bread and mustard Lineups 146 158 150 160 160 163 807 163 1523.0
Moonlight Graham Lineups 151 160 159 161 150 158 780 151 1348.0
Tal Hill's Climbers Lineups 25 155 140 145 154 149 702 148 1162.1
A Shot in the Arm Lineups 163 163 155 152 149 158 800 157 1511.0
Maikel Franco Allstars Lineups 119 163 163 154 155 163 783 163 1296.2

  • All Black Balls
  • Italian breakfast club
  • Aaron Judge's Tooth Gap
  • The Bat Attitude
  • Judge's Beer Pong Mates 🍻
  • Tanner Houck Tuah, gurl
  • Rollie's Fingers
  • get out the rye bread and mustard
  • Moonlight Graham
  • Tal Hill's Climbers
  • A Shot in the Arm
  • Maikel Franco Allstars


  • All Black Balls
  • Italian breakfast club
  • Aaron Judge's Tooth Gap
  • The Bat Attitude
  • Judge's Beer Pong Mates 🍻
  • Tanner Houck Tuah, gurl
  • Rollie's Fingers
  • get out the rye bread and mustard
  • Moonlight Graham
  • Tal Hill's Climbers
  • A Shot in the Arm
  • Maikel Franco Allstars
