I have a post in the forums to find a new owner for What's That Snell. If you know anyone who is looking for a team, send them our way!
No problem! Looking forward to the draft all!
Ok, we have replies from everyone, and 7pm on the 25th works!
A Team Has No Name: I know your preference is for 3pm, but we had others who could not make that time work.
We still ha e an opening to fill, but otherwise, with the draft date set, we should be in good shape for the upcoming season.
Thanks everyone!
I sent this to the commish, but I'll comment here too. My preference is 3p, but it's only a preference. All things equal that's what I'd choose, but I can make anything work.
Hi everyone. I have not yet heard from four owners. But so far, March 25, 7 pm EST works for everyone.
I would like to hear from everyone before setting the date. As there is no hurry, I will leave the comment period open for one week. Please get back to me if March 25 at 7pm EST will not work.
If we need to look at other dates, I would like to begin that process as early as possible.
New owner here. I claimed Kid's Robots, re-named team as Electric City, paid the $20 fee.
For the Draft, any time on March 25 is great for me.
Electric City on
January 1, 2023 12:00 AM
Any of those work for me.
Otto Seven on
December 31, 2022 10:24 AM
I would prefer #3
No preference, all work for me
all three OK for me
AKA Big Papi on
December 21, 2022 2:50 PM
My preference is #2, 3P
7 pm is fine. I can make any of them work
ufo2869 on
December 21, 2022 11:56 AM
Looks like I will be acting commish in three leagues this year. So I would like to try scheduling our draft. I know it is early, and we can wait, but if this works, all the better.
Please respond with a preference among the three options:
Saturday, March 25
(1) 11 am, EST
(2) 3 pm, EST
(3) 7 pm, EST
If none work, I will wait and send a poll after the new year.
Sure Dude and we all thank you for taking it over
AKA Big Papi on
December 17, 2022 11:44 AM
Thanks for stepping up to be commissioner.
ufo2869 on
December 16, 2022 7:10 PM
Niv will get things sorted for us...I have emailed him. Hope everyone is OK with me being commish.
We have no interim commish. I posted to the Ottoneu chat board asking how to designate a league commish if the current one has already left the league.
Anyone here know?
I can step in as commish. Sent a message to Kid Robot, did not realize they had left the league already. So posting here now. Do we have an acting commish?
I am returning.
I'll be back. I will volunteer to be commissioner as an absolute last resort. My life is hectic as is and am not confident I can devote enough time to be attentive enough. But if it's me or nothing, I guess part of me is (slightly) better.
i'll be back for next season too. hoping we get a volunteer to be commissioner or co-commissioners
I'll be back
l am planning to be back. We need a commissioner my internet is to poor for me to volunteer.
ufo2869 on
December 11, 2022 9:53 PM
As of right now we are down 3 teams and have no commissioner. My intent is to stay, but just wondering if there are any others not returning or if we think this is still viable for next year?
I'm leaving this league as well. Take care.
All Proofs on
November 23, 2022 1:17 PM
I'm returning. Trade block is updated with the guys I'm most interested in moving. Standard obligatory 'everyone is available for the right price' comment.
Another season in the books and my last unfortunately. Not just Ottoneu but MLB. Long story short, MLB TV decided to tell international viewers 1 day before the wild card series that our subscriptions no longer included postseason games live. They don't deserve any more of my attention and certainly money so I'm going to find something else. It was mostly fun while it lasted :) Thanks all for playing this league - I'll do my arbitration and if anyone is interested in being commish let me know.
Electric City on
November 6, 2022 10:39 AM
Hello all - congrats to HSF on a big win! Just a heads up that I won't be able to continue next year. I got myself too deep in Ottoneu so will be leaving this team. It has a number of decent keepers, so hopefully won't be too hard to find a replacement. Thanks!
AKA Big Papi on
October 26, 2022 5:12 PM
Congrats to the Champ!
All Proofs on
October 6, 2022 4:20 PM
Congratulations HSF on an excellent victory to reclaim the title! 1st 2nd and 1st is a very impressive run of finishes for the franchise. It looks quite comfortable in the end but the gap only really opened up in the last couple of weeks. Well done to Napalm Bombs and UFO for 2nd and 3rd places.
I'm looking forward to finally seeing my team in the real-life playoffs! Only started watching in 2014 so I missed the good Phillies teams.
Electric City on
October 6, 2022 4:13 PM
Great year everyone and congrats Hayden on being at the top from the start. Hope everyone is back next season
Yes, big win Hayden Sidd Finch! Well done.
Had some last-day fireworks in a few other leagues - none of that here. Congrats to Hayden Sidd Finch on the title - always a hard thing to win in Ottoneu! Great season!
I really enjoyed the season everyone. Thanks for competing! If any of you are interested in Ottoneu Basketball, here's a link to a league forming now. https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/basketball/invite?invite=eyJMZWFndWVJRCI6NDcsIkludml0ZXJJRCI6IjIxMjg3NCJ9
Otto Seven on
October 5, 2022 3:16 PM
DeGrom is nearing completion of his rehab. He is a sunk cost for me, and I have no interest in trading him unless he is valued as 100% himself. Anyone interested can trade for him now, or wait and see how his first three or four starts go. I am willing to pay his salary if necessary.
Team Leuco is now Kemper Fi.
Sorry I was out yesterday and missed the discussion. I think this is close to the borderline of unfair, but not over it. Stanton and Altuve are both owned at or above their average salary and will both be 33 at the start of next season, plus AM's roster is still capable of fielding a full line-up even with all the prospects. FanGraphs has Hassell's ETA as 2023 and Volpe as 2024 - if they were 18/19 year-olds I'd be more inclined to veto.
A top 15 and top 30 prospect for 2 guys on the downside of their careers that won't help his team when they are competitive? Is there really something wrong with that return?
for my teams current situation i think volpe+hassell+more draft money will give me a better chance to work on my team and improve it for next year and beyond than keeping altuve+stanton. they're having great years but i'm taking a chance at trading them before they decline and lose value. higher end prospects don't get traded too often so i had to give up more present value and gamble on the future value. definitely didn't intend any negatives since this has been a great league for a long time
Yeah, I'm on the fence as to whether it's veto-worthy. I generally only veto in cases of clear collusion or extreme negligence, I'd be interested in the rationale here. The only way I see it is if someone loves Hassell a lot more than I can see (I'm pretty high on Volpe).
I am way agnostic on trades, but I think I need some explanation on this one. Sorry, but Stanton and Altuve are both (potential) keepers at those salaries, and the return is two guys in A Ball. Plus more cash than is needed to cover salary is moving as well.
What's the level below dumpster fire? Asking for a friend...
Team Leuco is a dumpster fire. Julio Urias has been excellent of late, and stands out as a guy I likely won't keep for 2023 but also has trade value in 2022. So, if interested, he is available.
If anyone is interested in adding another team, I just created a new points league called May I Have Another. Feel free to join in you're interested.
Otto Seven on
May 1, 2022 8:25 PM
Thanks for the responses, the spot is now filled :)
Hi folks, I don't suppose anyone is interested in taking control of a team in a Yahoo keeper league, at least just for this year? One owner has abandoned and there are only 10 of us so it's going to affect the league quite badly. The team has Alonso, Acuna, Bichette, Burnes, Wheeler & it's head-to-head OBP/HR/R/RBI/SB - W/ERA/WHIP/K/SV+H
Best of luck to all for the season ahead!
I swear I don't know anyone in the Mets front office
Nice Blockbuster trade there guys. Well done.
Otto Seven on
March 31, 2022 3:14 PM
Hi all, apologies I was planning to send a reminder out a little earlier - hope everyone is ready!
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