Haha, no worries, Big Papi. We just rolled over to 2024 (for Ottoneu)!
Sorry, signed up
AKA Big Papi on
February 1, 2024 12:01 PM
Napalm Bombs and Big Papi. No, we will not begin until the auction is full.
Who are the last two teams that need to sign up to Couch Managers auction site? Will Couch Managers site allow the auction to begin if the other two teams haven't joined?
Electric City on
February 1, 2024 11:40 AM
Oh, good point on the start time. Ok. Monday start. Feb 5 at noon EST.
Feb 5 start is fine with me.
ufo2869 on
February 1, 2024 9:19 AM
I'm good with the start date but if we don't start the draft until 8pm and have an 8-hour reset for late bids then those players bid on late will be signing at 4am (and other players, even without reset, will be signing in the wee hours of the morning) ...since we have a good 23 hours to make a bid, maybe we could start noon or so EST, that way all players will be bid on and sign while we're all (I'm guessing) awake...if things get backed up it will make it tough to figure out upcoming bid $.
Ok. Let's plan on Monday, Feb 5. We can kick it off in the evening, maybe 8PM EST? Let me know here or in trade chat if this is a no-go for anyone.
I'm planning my draft this weekend so any time after that is good for me but I prefer earlier than later
I like the idea of starting the auction next week.
Electric City on
February 1, 2024 8:08 AM
I agree. The clock for our slow auction is initially set at 24 hours, with an 8-hour rest if the winner is outbid within the last hour of the draft. At twon nominations per manager, it will be truly slow. Once we get our feet wet and everyone is comfortable, we can shorten that 24-hour timer a bit, maybe increase the nominations.
But, yes, it could take a while.
Is everyone comfortable with a quick breather post deadline, then start next week? Or should we give free a
Strong-ish feelings for 1. As O7 said, it could take a while and having set rosters with some time left in the offseason allows for teams to trade before opening day.
2 or 1. Strong feeling against 3. After cut deadline there are 148 open roster spots in this league. That's going to take quite a while to do,
Otto Seven on
February 1, 2024 6:40 AM
Don't need full responses below, by the way -- just let me know of strong opinions.
All full and renewed for 2024! Thanks, everyone.
And we already have nine registered for the slow draft. Anyone have opinions on when to begin the auction? I don't really want to send out a poll for the slow auction timing. How about three broad options for when to start:
(1) right away
(2) wait a bit (mid-Feb)
(3) wait until March
Here is the link to our slow auction on Couch Mangers: https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/?auction_id=703
password is: 24btP
If you have not used Couch Managers before, you will need to create a free account.
One renewal to go, then we are officially full for 2024. I will create a slow auction for us and send out the link with password. Once we are full we can talk auction timing. The nice thing about a slow draft is that we do not need to do a survey to identify one time slot. Thanks, everyone!
Just a reminder to please renew for the 2024 season. We are close to going live for auctions!
Ok, if anyone has reservations about the slow auction, please contact me. Otherwise I will set up the page and send out the password and information here. Thanks, everyone.
I am good with a slow draft. Works much better for my schedule.
All Proofs on
January 21, 2024 7:36 AM
Slow auction sounds fun, I'm up for it
A slow draft is interesting ,ok with me.
ufo2869 on
January 17, 2024 12:20 PM
Fast or slow, pre- or post-spring training, are all good with the new guy. Only bad date for me is 3/10, other than that, whatever works better for others is good for NBo...
Commish, thanks for the quick response. I like the idea of a slow auction as I believe more people would be able to participate over the time period than it would be to getting all 12 people scheduled for the same day and time for a fast auction.
Electric City on
January 17, 2024 9:20 AM
To steal a line from Futurama - I have no strong feelings one way or the other
Yes, I would probably start the auction timer at 24 hours and shorten it as the auction progresses. Electric City: there are several options for overnight bids, including an overnight freeze. Another option is to add additional time to the auction in the event that someone is outbid within the last hour of the draft. That added time can be whatever we want, with eight or nine hours being typical.
I'm fine with either. With this much notice I can make pretty much anything work. FWIW, I've done Ottoneu slow drafts before and they are a very good alternative to the normal draft. As I recall we had the league setting for the winning bid at something like 24 hours, meaning the bid had to stand as the high bid for 24 hours for the team to win the auction on the player.
Commish, I work night shifts during the weekdays (Monday thru Friday nights) and would prefer a weekend if we do a classic/fast auction. If we go the slow auction route, what would be the time interval between a winning bid and the second place bid; in other words, how long must a bid stand before it is declared the winning bid?
Electric City on
January 17, 2024 8:37 AM
Being full, let's talk auction scheduling. If people are interested in a slow auction, I set one up for another league and feel comfortable with the process. It is an easy alternative for scheduling. But if we are fans of the classic auction, let's get it on the books. Spring Training begins Feb 22. Non-Opening Day is March 20 this year, with the games in Korea. My preference is for an early auction...before Spring Training, even. But let's get some other opinions and start a conversation.
Just wanted to say thanks for the welcome 1.06ers! I'll definitely reach out to you guys if I find myself in the metaphorical woods as we go along. I'm new to Ottoneu but I've played fantasy for about 20 years (played Game Day Ritual forever--anybody else miss GDR?) so hopefully a not-too-hard transition! Also, love that the league is 6 years old--great to join a stable league so you can build your team over time...john
Great to have you join us, John. It is an awesome league with lots of activity. If you have any questions, reach out to us.
Electric City on
January 16, 2024 5:52 PM
Yes, welcome. Our league is once again full.
Welcome John!
Under New Management...Hey everyone I'm John the new owner of the formerly Aluminum Monster now National Bohemians. Glad to be joining up with you all, looking forward to the season...
Another reminder that tomorrow is the last day for arb.
Friendly reminder: seven days left for arbitration. It would be great to have 100% participation. Cheers, everyone!
We are full up for arbitration! Thanks, everyone.
Hey, I just joined the league, a buddy of mine that I work with was showing me this league and decided I would join when this team became available.
Congrats to the champ! Thanks for letting me take over this team. Looking forward to another fun season next year!
All Proofs on
October 3, 2023 7:18 AM
Congratulations once again Hayden! Thanks everyone for a nice competitive league
Yes, congrats to Hayden Sidd Finch for winning the league championship.
I've enjoyed my first year in the league and looking forward to next season. Thanks for having me.
Electric City on
October 2, 2023 9:47 AM
Congrats to Hayden Sidd Finch on the back-to-back title defense. And three in four seasons!
And thanks, everyone, for a good season. Lots of engagement all the way through the end of season!
Arbitration should begin in a couple weeks, and I would love to have 100% participation. If you will not return next season and want to leave pre-arb, please let me know.
Enjoy playoff baseball!
What time is it? Whoop! Whoop! It's Elly De La Cruz time, ya'll!
This team ain't it. Time to sell. Willing to sell current value and loans for future value.
Betts is on the market. One GS away from SS eligibility!
All Proofs, thanks for taking on your new team, you have plenty of time to right the ship.
Welcome to the league All Proofs!
Hi everyone. Thanks for letting me take over this team. I'm sorry it is under these circumstances. Ready for a fun season!
All Proofs on
April 14, 2023 6:01 PM
CKFROMSFV had to step away from fantasy baseball, and has been replaced by KKOSSICK as owner of What's That Snell.
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