Enter 2025 OPL


Stumptown Sluggers 18893.5 0 5.42 5.60 7213 1851 400 47 312 883 54 148 40 1500.0 173 20 1655 1289 428 68 172
WAR Horse 17921.6 1.6 5.10 5.37 7150 1825 357 25 300 825 72 69 30 1510.1 126 30 1635 1351 461 56 164
Italian Stallions 17707.2 -21.6 5.24 5.44 7058 1894 416 41 273 694 64 144 42 1419.2 114 75 1577 1161 507 67 168
Love City Land Crabs💙🦀 17408.9 0 5.53 5.13 7029 1920 381 31 313 701 95 113 45 1363.0 70 77 1552 1194 429 53 188
Afternoon Delight 17184.3 7 5.03 5.35 7142 1871 402 40 239 745 107 79 49 1429.0 73 77 1515 1250 434 64 154
Wonder Wharf Wonderdogs 17004.6 0 5.14 4.68 7271 1941 381 37 281 690 75 116 38 1505.0 63 98 1493 1346 532 70 202
Burress Bees 16664.7 4.2 4.72 5.21 7083 1825 358 31 220 677 90 139 41 1496.1 63 83 1588 1310 490 53 168
Bobby Bonilla Day 16184.8 16 4.98 4.59 6806 1742 344 29 280 733 90 135 44 1489.0 52 70 1412 1319 549 60 186
Big Papi memories 16102.5 25.2 5.66 5.23 6416 1762 384 28 279 732 89 136 42 1175.1 66 66 1303 1015 416 62 136
Springfield Isotopes 15318.8 -3 5.03 4.81 6691 1686 373 33 265 755 99 79 38 1289.2 12 63 1281 1190 418 65 136
The Christian Gentlemen 15232.3 2.3 4.89 4.46 6939 1738 354 38 297 727 80 100 43 1325.2 87 43 1263 1322 454 63 166
⚾️ Leather Daddy ⚾️ 11977.3 16.6 4.69 4.34 5494 1415 280 22 214 553 61 67 27 1084.0 15 16 946 1030 341 57 120

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Burress Bees 4.2 402.8 1,964.3
⚾️ Leather Daddy ⚾️ 16.6 180.0 1,017.0
WAR Horse 1.6 258.9 2,452.6
Love City Land Crabs💙🦀 0.0 470.2 2,351.3
The Christian Gentlemen 2.3 287.6 1,548.6
Bobby Bonilla Day 16.0 391.5 1,809.1
Big Papi memories 25.2 596.7 2,767.4
Afternoon Delight 7.0 491.0 2,555.1
Italian Stallions 21.6 501.8 2,878.5
Stumptown Sluggers 0.0 525.6 3,083.7
Wonder Wharf Wonderdogs 0.0 271.4 1,923.7
Springfield Isotopes 3.0 620.8 2,280.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Burress Bees 136 160 162 159 162 159 780 160 1496.1
⚾️ Leather Daddy ⚾️ 162 120 153 151 147 150 526 142 1084.0
WAR Horse 149 162 162 162 162 162 810 154 1510.1
Love City Land Crabs💙🦀 162 155 152 146 159 162 787 161 1363.0
The Christian Gentlemen 145 161 162 161 161 160 794 161 1325.2
Bobby Bonilla Day 162 151 157 157 153 162 776 157 1489.0
Big Papi memories 110 159 148 158 157 156 723 147 1175.1
Afternoon Delight 152 160 159 154 159 159 802 152 1429.0
Italian Stallions 162 162 162 162 162 162 771 162 1419.2
Stumptown Sluggers 152 162 162 162 162 163 810 162 1500.0
Wonder Wharf Wonderdogs 162 162 162 160 162 160 810 162 1505.0
Springfield Isotopes 144 144 161 144 146 117 803 153 1289.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Burress Bees Lineups 136 160 162 159 162 159 780 160 1496.2
⚾️ Leather Daddy ⚾️ Lineups 162 120 153 151 147 150 526 142 1084.1
WAR Horse Lineups 149 162 162 162 162 162 810 154 1510.2
Love City Land Crabs💙🦀 Lineups 162 155 152 146 159 162 787 161 1363.1
The Christian Gentlemen Lineups 145 161 162 161 161 160 794 161 1326.0
Bobby Bonilla Day Lineups 162 151 157 157 153 162 776 157 1489.1
Big Papi memories Lineups 110 159 148 158 157 156 723 147 1175.2
Afternoon Delight Lineups 152 160 159 154 159 159 802 152 1429.1
Italian Stallions Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 771 162 1420.0
Stumptown Sluggers Lineups 152 162 162 162 162 163 810 162 1500.1
Wonder Wharf Wonderdogs Lineups 162 162 162 160 162 160 810 162 1505.1
Springfield Isotopes Lineups 144 144 161 144 146 117 803 153 1290.0

  • Burress Bees
  • ⚾️ Leather Daddy ⚾️
  • WAR Horse
  • Love City Land Crabs💙🦀
  • The Christian Gentlemen
  • Bobby Bonilla Day
  • Big Papi memories
  • Afternoon Delight
  • Italian Stallions
  • Stumptown Sluggers
  • Wonder Wharf Wonderdogs
  • Springfield Isotopes


  • Burress Bees
  • ⚾️ Leather Daddy ⚾️
  • WAR Horse
  • Love City Land Crabs💙🦀
  • The Christian Gentlemen
  • Bobby Bonilla Day
  • Big Papi memories
  • Afternoon Delight
  • Italian Stallions
  • Stumptown Sluggers
  • Wonder Wharf Wonderdogs
  • Springfield Isotopes
