Enter 2025 OPL


There's My Chippy 18771.9 17.3 5.12 5.96 7294 1968 392 36 251 686 70 142 51 1502.0 136 68 1480 1289 424 38 109
Not Big Papi 18258.4 79.1 5.13 5.70 6997 1888 360 34 254 691 105 158 65 1501.0 126 47 1581 1236 417 51 156
Maybe This Year 18252.2 59.9 5.08 5.61 7457 2075 356 55 241 568 80 188 74 1494.1 100 60 1440 1312 341 46 140
👹 Wendigos 👹 17657.8 48.1 5.16 5.16 7050 1837 374 25 302 766 74 103 51 1507.0 109 58 1454 1423 520 49 134
John Henry's Poverty Franchise 16558.9 93.3 5.05 5.13 6879 1857 372 32 231 647 67 125 44 1433.1 156 12 1321 1344 384 58 155
Rockford Peaches 16099.4 41.4 4.78 5.14 6369 1656 330 23 243 630 68 52 20 1494.2 63 79 1389 1366 340 65 164
Cary-Grove Cheese Balls 🧀 14981.4 86.9 4.95 5.31 5934 1544 307 32 233 677 60 89 35 1266.2 109 21 1231 1115 360 50 131
Springfield Isotopes 14803.8 63.5 4.79 4.64 6685 1785 334 30 248 528 59 81 39 1340.2 111 49 1182 1347 487 53 138
Alien Alliance 14503.0 85.8 5.06 4.05 6442 1813 352 50 219 589 75 144 57 1314.1 6 57 1093 1339 369 44 173
🎱 Buttermaker's Bears 🎱 13739.3 131.5 4.35 4.90 5978 1549 302 45 187 468 36 80 31 1341.2 14 68 1273 1238 331 49 153
D'Anconia Copper 13617.4 103.9 4.87 4.65 6322 1731 361 32 201 582 77 123 45 1084.1 94 61 896 1046 356 46 127
Homer to the Max 13251.7 53.9 4.99 4.89 6041 1602 304 34 213 593 62 138 41 1049.2 14 32 1058 915 291 33 130

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Cary-Grove Cheese Balls 🧀 86.9 588.4 2,723.0
Not Big Papi 79.1 693.8 3,039.8
John Henry's Poverty Franchise 93.3 560.6 2,422.6
D'Anconia Copper 103.9 351.0 1,717.1
Homer to the Max 53.9 350.6 1,535.4
Maybe This Year 59.9 499.9 2,414.1
Springfield Isotopes 63.5 413.6 2,190.3
Alien Alliance 85.8 460.4 1,790.0
There's My Chippy 17.3 415.0 3,024.7
🎱 Buttermaker's Bears 🎱 131.5 512.6 2,042.8
Rockford Peaches 41.4 561.8 2,432.8
👹 Wendigos 👹 48.1 368.0 2,593.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cary-Grove Cheese Balls 🧀 154 135 156 154 151 146 640 133 1266.2
Not Big Papi 162 160 158 160 156 162 783 150 1501.0
John Henry's Poverty Franchise 163 162 151 154 142 158 739 156 1433.1
D'Anconia Copper 156 160 149 138 152 159 717 131 1084.1
Homer to the Max 163 114 151 124 148 157 612 159 1049.2
Maybe This Year 163 162 162 162 164 163 805 161 1494.1
Springfield Isotopes 145 156 149 146 125 163 747 160 1340.2
Alien Alliance 163 159 155 145 153 163 742 133 1314.1
There's My Chippy 162 157 154 159 161 162 803 159 1502.0
🎱 Buttermaker's Bears 🎱 163 114 112 136 158 127 703 134 1341.2
Rockford Peaches 163 158 157 155 148 155 669 155 1494.2
👹 Wendigos 👹 162 162 150 156 158 159 803 163 1507.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cary-Grove Cheese Balls 🧀 Lineups 155 136 157 155 152 147 645 134 1275.1
Not Big Papi Lineups 163 161 159 161 157 163 789 151 1511.1
John Henry's Poverty Franchise Lineups 164 163 152 155 143 159 744 157 1443.1
D'Anconia Copper Lineups 157 161 150 139 153 160 722 132 1091.2
Homer to the Max Lineups 164 115 152 125 149 158 616 160 1057.0
Maybe This Year Lineups 164 163 163 163 165 164 811 162 1504.2
Springfield Isotopes Lineups 146 157 150 147 126 164 752 161 1350.0
Alien Alliance Lineups 164 160 156 146 154 164 747 134 1323.1
There's My Chippy Lineups 163 158 155 160 162 163 809 160 1512.1
🎱 Buttermaker's Bears 🎱 Lineups 164 115 113 137 159 128 708 135 1351.0
Rockford Peaches Lineups 164 159 158 156 149 156 674 156 1505.0
👹 Wendigos 👹 Lineups 163 163 151 157 159 160 809 164 1517.1

  • Cary-Grove Cheese Balls 🧀
  • Not Big Papi
  • John Henry's Poverty Franchise
  • D'Anconia Copper
  • Homer to the Max
  • Maybe This Year
  • Springfield Isotopes
  • Alien Alliance
  • There's My Chippy
  • 🎱 Buttermaker's Bears 🎱
  • Rockford Peaches
  • 👹 Wendigos 👹


  • Cary-Grove Cheese Balls 🧀
  • Not Big Papi
  • John Henry's Poverty Franchise
  • D'Anconia Copper
  • Homer to the Max
  • Maybe This Year
  • Springfield Isotopes
  • Alien Alliance
  • There's My Chippy
  • 🎱 Buttermaker's Bears 🎱
  • Rockford Peaches
  • 👹 Wendigos 👹
